Are there different levels for being a vegetarian, if you eat eggs and cheese can you still be a vegan?!

Question: Are there different levels for being a vegetarian, if you eat eggs and cheese can you still be a vegan!?
the reason i am asking is i'm really starting to enjoy some vegan meals that are out!. i don't think i will ever stop eating meat altogether but i'm willing to replace some of it with meatless options!.

so i just wanted to know what is a true Vegan!?Www@FoodAQ@Com

You cannot be a vegan if you eat eggs and cheese!. Vegans don't eat any dairy products, eggs, meat or honey!.

To answer your question, yes, there are many different types of vegetarians!. Lacto-ovo vegetarian is when you eat dairy and eggs, but no meat!. Lacto-vegetarian is when you eat dairy but no meat or eggs!. Ovo-vegetarian is when you eat eggs but no dairy or meat!.

There are also Pescetarians, which are people who eat no meat except for fish!. They are not vegetarians, just a type of omnivore!.

And then there are semi vegetarians, who are a vegetarian for most of the time but still eat meat occasionally!.

Well hope I helped and good luck!Www@FoodAQ@Com

A true vegan is someone who does not eat the flesh of any animal (including fish and chicken) and does not eat eggs or any dairy products!.
So in answer to your orginal question, if you eat eggs and cheese, no you can not still be a vegan!.

also, in a way there are different levels of vegetarianism!.
Lacto-Vegetairans, do not eat meat but do eat dairy, no eggs
Lacto-ovo-vegetarians, do not eat meant but do eat dairy and eggs
Vegans, as i said early, do not eat any meat dairy or eggs!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

pscatarian (sp!) - who only eats fish, but no red meat or chicken!.

-- then theres those who eat just fish and chicken!.!.

lacto-vegetarian - abstains from all meat, fish, eggs and slaughter house ingredients like gelatin, tallow, and rennet but drinks milk (as well as products containing eggs, like processed cakes and candy)
ovo-vegetarian - abstains from all meat, fish, milk and slaughter house stuff, but eats eggs (and all products containing milk, whey, & cheese)
lacto-ovo vegetarian - abstains from all meat and fish and slaughterhouse ingredients, but eats eggs and drinks milk products

vegan, abstain from all animal products!. meats, dairy, eggs, cheese, fish, leather, suede, glycerin, products w/ animal ingredients, like shampoos and lotions!.!., and any company that tests on animals

so if you still eat meat but like things w/o any meat or dairy!.!.!. sorry to say but you are not any type of vegetarian your just someone who likes a variety to eat!.!. but an omnivore none the less!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

just because you've decided to cut down on your meat does not make you a vegan or a vegetarian!. You can enjoy vegan meals, but a vegan does not consume/use any animal products!. These include leather, milk, eggs, cheese, and anything that contains animal products (even cake and donuts contain milk)!.
A vegetarian doesn't eat meat, but eats cheese, milk, and eggs!.
A pescetarian eats fish, but no other meat!.

If you want a title, go with "reduced meat eater"Www@FoodAQ@Com

Ok there is many different levels of vegetarian!. http://vegetarian!.about!.com/od/vegetaria!.!.!. this site will tell you about each!. But if you eat any dairy or eggs, or things contains these, you are not a vegan!. A vegan does not eat any thing that contains dairy, eggs and (of course) meat!. Some choose not to eat honey, and some choose not to eat yeast!. It is all up to you and your personal wants/needs!.
If you still choose to some meat you are a Flexitarian/Semi-vegetarian
I have been vegan for a month and a half and i feel so great ( mentally: i am not contributing to animal suffering, and physically: i have more energy, feel healthier, clearer face, I lost weight **10 pounds in three weeks, to my amazement, w/no change in my life, except of course going vegan** etc!. )!. Just eliminating even some meat you should be able to feel and see the difference
Good luck in whatever you choose! I hope it works out!Www@FoodAQ@Com

There is a difference!.

There are Vegans, Vegetarians, Pescatarians, and a nother (that i cant remember at the time)!. Some dont eat anything made from animals and animals, others just dont eat meat, some dont eat any meat except seafood/fish (pescatarian)!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

A true vegan doesn't eat any meat!. A flexitarian vegetarian enjoys meat in moderation!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Yes, you would be flexitarian ovolactovegan as long as you enjoy the wholesome goodness of freshly grated carrots!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

I'm a vegetarian!. I've completely eliminated all grizzly bear meat from my diet!. Www@FoodAQ@Com

a true vegan doesn't eat anything that comes from an animal!.!.!.such as meat, eggs, milk, etc!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

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