Do Vegetarians really have smaller brains? (real study)?!
I read this!. I think I want to quit being a vegetarian!.
you need meat to staay healthy!.!.
vegetarians dojnt have smaller brains they just dont have that much knoladge as a normal person who eats meat
guud luck
vegetarians dojnt have smaller brains they just dont have that much knoladge as a normal person who eats meat
guud luck
Real study!? This is a media report of a study, and media reports of studies are notoriously unreliable!. You are not looking at the results of the study, you're looking at the interpretation of a study by a journalist, almost certainly with no scientific knowledge or training!. In fact, it seems that the study has been cited largely as an excuse to show pictures of naked women!.
The findings of studies (any studies) can't be regarded as proof and those undertaking the studies never claim them as proof!. Other, equally valid, studies may have different findings; the same team that conducted the original study may have different findings from a later study (often happens)!.
And this study is particularly small - 107 people studied!. That doesn't matter, of course, because studies are not intended to act as proof, merely as contributions towards a discussion!.
Don't be so gullible; if you are a vegetarian and you want to stop being one, have some guts, do it because it's what you want and don't use this as an excuse!.
The findings of studies (any studies) can't be regarded as proof and those undertaking the studies never claim them as proof!. Other, equally valid, studies may have different findings; the same team that conducted the original study may have different findings from a later study (often happens)!.
And this study is particularly small - 107 people studied!. That doesn't matter, of course, because studies are not intended to act as proof, merely as contributions towards a discussion!.
Don't be so gullible; if you are a vegetarian and you want to stop being one, have some guts, do it because it's what you want and don't use this as an excuse!.
Oh dear, I better get eating meat again quick so I can become smart!.
"Nothing will benefit human health and increase chances of survival for life on earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet!."
Albert Einstein, physicist, Nobel Prize 1921
Einstein himself became vegetarian later in his life!. His brain must of shrunk, became dumb and died by most peoples intelligent guesses are here!.
If you like, you can continue to believe as the Nazi's did, that brain size attributes to intelligence while the rest of us will move on do some real research and won't believe everything they read and base opinions on one source!.
"Nothing will benefit human health and increase chances of survival for life on earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet!."
Albert Einstein, physicist, Nobel Prize 1921
Einstein himself became vegetarian later in his life!. His brain must of shrunk, became dumb and died by most peoples intelligent guesses are here!.
If you like, you can continue to believe as the Nazi's did, that brain size attributes to intelligence while the rest of us will move on do some real research and won't believe everything they read and base opinions on one source!.
That study was talking about a lack of Vitamin B12 and its effect on the body!. I have said repeatedly that the issue for vegetarians and vegans isn't protein but Vitamin B12 -- which is plentiful and available in both Tempeh and Nutritional Yeast!. So no need to drastically change your convictions!. Those choices were the correct ones but it is important to make sure that you are getting the nutrients you need!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
No food makes you smarter, you have to do that yourself!.!.!.
I have no idea if I have a smaller brain since becoming vegetarian 9 years ago, but I do know that I'm happier!. And I feel pretty smart, so who cares how big my brain is!? As long as it works, I'm good!
Just because you don't eat meat doesn't mean you don't get those vitamins, either!. Eating meat has more negatives than vegetarianism does, in my books!.
Studies have also shown that vegetarians have a significantly lower risk or cancer and heart disease, as well as many other diseases!. As long as you plan your diet properly and don't just eat junk all the time, you will be fine!
Go to the Health Concerns section on this page
You will see that you have nothing to worry about!. In many ways, vegetarian diets are much healthier than omnivorous ones!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
I have no idea if I have a smaller brain since becoming vegetarian 9 years ago, but I do know that I'm happier!. And I feel pretty smart, so who cares how big my brain is!? As long as it works, I'm good!
Just because you don't eat meat doesn't mean you don't get those vitamins, either!. Eating meat has more negatives than vegetarianism does, in my books!.
Studies have also shown that vegetarians have a significantly lower risk or cancer and heart disease, as well as many other diseases!. As long as you plan your diet properly and don't just eat junk all the time, you will be fine!
Go to the Health Concerns section on this page
You will see that you have nothing to worry about!. In many ways, vegetarian diets are much healthier than omnivorous ones!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Maybe so but that does not make us less Intelligent
Einstein was shown to have a smaller sized brain than average but i wouldn't consider him dumb!.
( and he was a veg)
whales and elephants have much bigger brains than does that automatically mean we are stupider than them!.!.!. The cows you guys eat probably have bigger brains than you!.
As most things in life i think it comes down to quality not quantity
i just read the article!.!.!. its from some lads mag yeah real reliable source you got there i would totally make a major decision over an article that starts off saying "Our happy hour fact to amaze your drinking buddies with!."
And they are calling vegetarians close minded!.!.!. I think a few to many of that writers braincells may have been killed off by excessive alcohol use!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Einstein was shown to have a smaller sized brain than average but i wouldn't consider him dumb!.
( and he was a veg)
whales and elephants have much bigger brains than does that automatically mean we are stupider than them!.!.!. The cows you guys eat probably have bigger brains than you!.
As most things in life i think it comes down to quality not quantity
i just read the article!.!.!. its from some lads mag yeah real reliable source you got there i would totally make a major decision over an article that starts off saying "Our happy hour fact to amaze your drinking buddies with!."
And they are calling vegetarians close minded!.!.!. I think a few to many of that writers braincells may have been killed off by excessive alcohol use!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Actually i agree and disagree at the same time!.Did you know that meat eaters have a higher chance of getting cancer and heart disease then vegetarians!?However going vegetarian has its problems too!. Personally i used to be a vegetarian but after going some research i realized that it wasnt such a good idea!. Though i started to eat meat i eat it only three times in a week and not in big amounts!. I think that people should eat meat but not in big proportions like everyone does these days!.:)Www@FoodAQ@Com
There have been a lot of stories on this study recently, most of them misinterpret the original results, but this is the most biased I have seen so far!!
The original study linked low B12 levels with brain shrinkage!.
Low B12 levels, not vegetarianism, not veganism!.
The media got hold of the study, someone told them that veg*ns are more likely to suffer B12 deficiency (not true) and the story got a life of it's own!. Gradually it turned into the horrendously twisted version that you have linked to!.
Here is the link to the original article (only the abstract is available unless you have acces to online journals)
"Vitamin B12 status and rate of brain volume loss in community-dwelling elderly!."
Note that they never once mention vegetarian or vegan diets!!
And a few other (easier to understand) articles:
And some info on veggie sources of B12 in case you are worried :)
If you still eat eggs and dairy, those are both sources of B12!. However as even omnivores are often B12 deficient it is a good idea to keep an eye on your diet, make sure you are getting enough B12, or simply take a vitamin tablet every-now and then!.
The original study linked low B12 levels with brain shrinkage!.
Low B12 levels, not vegetarianism, not veganism!.
The media got hold of the study, someone told them that veg*ns are more likely to suffer B12 deficiency (not true) and the story got a life of it's own!. Gradually it turned into the horrendously twisted version that you have linked to!.
Here is the link to the original article (only the abstract is available unless you have acces to online journals)
"Vitamin B12 status and rate of brain volume loss in community-dwelling elderly!."
Note that they never once mention vegetarian or vegan diets!!
And a few other (easier to understand) articles:
And some info on veggie sources of B12 in case you are worried :)
If you still eat eggs and dairy, those are both sources of B12!. However as even omnivores are often B12 deficient it is a good idea to keep an eye on your diet, make sure you are getting enough B12, or simply take a vitamin tablet every-now and then!.
You can find a study that confirms just about anything you want!.
How can you prove the people conducting the test were not biased!? Did they review all the other outside factors that might skew the results!?
One study proves nothing!. Other researchers have to repeat the same study using other groups of people!. If you keep getting the same results over and over, then maybe you have something!. Www@FoodAQ@Com
How can you prove the people conducting the test were not biased!? Did they review all the other outside factors that might skew the results!?
One study proves nothing!. Other researchers have to repeat the same study using other groups of people!. If you keep getting the same results over and over, then maybe you have something!. Www@FoodAQ@Com
The website doesn't look like a reliable source!. Anyhow, women have smaller brains than men because they have smaller skulls, but they're no dumber!. Intelligence isn't based on brain mass, it's based on brain complexity, i!.e!. the number of wrinkles!.
As long as you get your protein from non-meat sources, and your B12, and your calcium and iron, you should be fine!. Green leafies, whole grains and legumes are your friends!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
As long as you get your protein from non-meat sources, and your B12, and your calcium and iron, you should be fine!. Green leafies, whole grains and legumes are your friends!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
A Southampton study seems to suggest the opposite:
Don't give up on vegetarianism, especially if you are older than 12 or so!. Your brain does most of its physical growing in childhood, so resuming eating meat now is unlikely to make any significant changes to your brain mass or intelligence!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Don't give up on vegetarianism, especially if you are older than 12 or so!. Your brain does most of its physical growing in childhood, so resuming eating meat now is unlikely to make any significant changes to your brain mass or intelligence!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
is this true!?well,not like i care!.i'm gonna continue on anyway!.it's better for you to be less smart than let a few more hundreds or thousands of animals getting killed because of you!.
edit:i'm a meat eaters for 20 years!.but as i age my memory keep getting worse!.so i don't think it have anything with being vege or vegans!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
edit:i'm a meat eaters for 20 years!.but as i age my memory keep getting worse!.so i don't think it have anything with being vege or vegans!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
ONLY if that VEGAN has allow their bodies to go long term WITHOUT B-12 !.
Flip side of that study MOST people lack enough B-12 now not just Veggies & Vegans!. BECAUSE the animals are not being given their right foods either they lack it so someone getting them won't get it either!.
SCARY world humans are creating!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Flip side of that study MOST people lack enough B-12 now not just Veggies & Vegans!. BECAUSE the animals are not being given their right foods either they lack it so someone getting them won't get it either!.
SCARY world humans are creating!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Well, it depends!. The article says the shrinkage is caused by a lack of vitamins!. If a person is getting those from other sources, than no!. If not, it could be true!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
vegans are really smart, what are you talking about!?
give me thumbs up if you agree with what i have just said!.
give me thumbs down if you HATE vegans and vegetarians!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
give me thumbs up if you agree with what i have just said!.
give me thumbs down if you HATE vegans and vegetarians!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
why do people always answer vegetarian questions with "thats why i eat meat" or "dont be vegetarian"
!.!. well if thats true, how am i above meat eaters in college !?Www@FoodAQ@Com
!.!. well if thats true, how am i above meat eaters in college !?Www@FoodAQ@Com
just make sure you get enough vitamins :) and proteins, and all that good stuff!.
ps: 1 serving of soy milk has 50% of the B12 that you need :)Www@FoodAQ@Com
ps: 1 serving of soy milk has 50% of the B12 that you need :)Www@FoodAQ@Com
No, but you do for thinking that!Www@FoodAQ@Com
Seems to be true!. There have been studies about it!. You can't deny the evidence brought in by the studies!. Then again, you could try other means of supplying the lacking vitamins into your diet other than meat!. That could change the effects in the study!. If you do decide to start eatting meat, then good luck to you in your new lifestyle change!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
that makes sense i guess, but its not that good to be a vegitarian nyway cuz you dont get any protein Www@FoodAQ@Com
See!.!.!.!.yet another reason to eat meat!.Www@FoodAQ@Com