About Fruititarianism?!
What do fruititarians eat other than fruits and fruit juices!? Can they eat veggies!? I am curious cause I wanna try it for a month or 2!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Fruitarians can eat anything that can be picked or taken from a plant without killing the plant!. This would include fruits from apples to cucumbers to tomatoes to beans and legumes to nuts and seeds and some grains!. Www@FoodAQ@Com
Excuse me, but do you honestly think that you can function in a temperate climate on a fruitarian diet of nothing but fruit and fruit juices in the winter!? The last time I checked the calendar we are in the last days before winter weather!. You will be nutritionally depleted without any B12 and without adequate protein to keep yourself warm and healthy!. I honestly do not recommend it!. Not in the winter!. Not at any time of the year!. Bad idea!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Excuse me, but do you honestly think that you can function in a temperate climate on a fruitarian diet of nothing but fruit and fruit juices in the winter!? The last time I checked the calendar we are in the last days before winter weather!. You will be nutritionally depleted without any B12 and without adequate protein to keep yourself warm and healthy!. I honestly do not recommend it!. Not in the winter!. Not at any time of the year!. Bad idea!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
They only eat fruits and vegetables that do not kill the entire plant when harvested!. This means they eat things like apples, tomatoes, etc but not things like carrots!. Fruititarian is the most extreme type of diet and is not good for your health!. Unlike vegans, you cannot supplement your diet with very important vitamins and minerals!. Lack of B12 causes brain shrinking!. I always thought it was a joke until I found out people actually do it!.!.!. it's is a very poor decision for your health!. Www@FoodAQ@Com
Is that even a real preference!?
I'm fairly sure you can't live off fruit alone, just like vegetarians don't only eat vegetables, because they need their proteins and wheats!.
Fruits and veegies are kinda interchangeable, aren't they!?
I'm fairly sure you can't live off fruit alone, just like vegetarians don't only eat vegetables, because they need their proteins and wheats!.
Fruits and veegies are kinda interchangeable, aren't they!?
when they say fruit, it isnt meant as in the food group fruit, its is meant as in the part of a plant called fruits, pretty much anything that can be picked off a plant with out hurting the plant,
You can eat seeds and sprouted seeds as well!.
That means you can eat hummus, because you can make it from sprouted chickpeas!!!!
That means you can eat hummus, because you can make it from sprouted chickpeas!!!!
Man does not live on fruit alone!. Or vegetables!. Or meat!. Www@FoodAQ@Com