Is eating fish as a vegetarian ethical? ?!

Question: Is eating fish as a vegetarian ethical!? !?
Ummm!. It's impossible, actually!.

What I think you're asking is whether it is more ethical to eat fish than land animals!. In my personal opinion, no, it isn't!. Lobsters lack a cerebral cortex, so in theory they can't perceive pain!. But in general, I think fish is one of the worst kinds of meat!. There's really no nice way to kill a fish!. It will ALWAYS cause trauma and pain!. I mean, unless maybe you throw dynamite underwater!.

I'm pretty sure that you'll get plenty of answers about the negative impacts that fishing has on the environment, etc, so I won't chime in there, either!. Www@FoodAQ@Com

Ethics aside, eating fish and being a vegetarian are mutually exlcusive!. Vegetarians don't eat dead animals so if you're eating dead animals you can't be vegetarian!. One or the other!. Which one to choose is where ethics come in!. And that's a matter of personal opinion!. I don't believe eating fish is ethical!. They are living, breathing creatures and they suffer when they are pulled out of the ocean to suffocate!. I don't believe commercial fishing with it's up to 90% by-catch is ethical!. Ten creatures shouldn't have to die so that one can end up on someone's plate!. It's not ethical to treat the planet like it belongs to us; if the oceanic ecosystems collapse by 2050 like some ecologists believe they will, it will be the fault of humans and our greed!. But you have to decide for yourself!. If you choose to eat fish, though, do everyone a favor and don't call yourself a vegetarian because you simply would not be one!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

The word "vegetarian" is used to describe people who don't eat meat or slaughter by products!. Fish and seafood are meat so you cannot define a person who eats fish/seafood a "vegetarian"!.

I do not understand your use of the word "ethical"!. If you eat meat, in this case fish, then you are not a vegetarian!.So what!?Www@FoodAQ@Com

As others have said it isn't possible let alone ethical!.If you eat fish but no other meat your a pescatarian but your not a vegetarian!. Vegetarians don't eat any kind of animals and fish are animals!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

You can't eat fish and be a vegetarian! It defies the whole theory of not eating the flesh of an animal!!

As a vegetarian, I get mad when people call themselves vegetarians and then say but they do eat fish - or chicken!! Excuse me!?!?!?Www@FoodAQ@Com

usually this is a very controversial category!. and rightly so: vegetarians don't eat meat, as in living beings!. and fish aren't they living beings!?!? they are animals too!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

If the only meat you eat is fish then you are actually a pescatarian not a vegetarian who don't eat any meat!.

It's not possible!. You can't be a vegetarian if you eat meat!. Fish is meat!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

No you can not eat fish, shell fish, mussels etc or any form of meat as a vegetarianWww@FoodAQ@Com

Ethics vary from person to person but eating fish isn't vegetarian!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

I've often puzzled over this! How can it be okay to eat fish and call yourself a veggie!? That's just double standards!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

not at all vegetarians don't eat fish!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

No eating fish is not vegetarian!. You are a pescitarian if you eat fish!. Here is the different types of vegetarians:

Flexatarian: Part time or Semi-vegetarian

Pescitarian: Someone that eats fish but no other meats!.

Lacto-ovo vegetarian: Vegetarian that eats no meat at all but eats milk and eggs!.

Lacto Vegetarian: Vegetarian that eats no meat or eggs but eats milk!.

Ovo vegetarian: Vegetarian that eats no meat or milk but eats eggs!.

Vegan: Someone who eats no Animal products at all!.

Fruitatrian: A type of vegan who only eats products that can be taken off a plant without killing it!. (Like fruits) They also avoid cooked foods!.


You can be a piscaterion (!?) which means you eat fish, but not meat!. Which is totally wrong in my eyes!. If you don't want animals to die, don't eat them!. How can you have ethics for a cow but not a fish!? It doesn't make sense!.
I respect anyones beliefs, but to act so rightous about killing one animal and not another is stupid!. You might as well say that you are a vegetarian, but you don't mind the Japanese whaling!. Save the cow, but f*(k the dolphins! It is not right!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

well if you're a Demi-Vegetarian its okay to eat fish but if you're a vegeatarian that doesn't eat meat at all you shouldn't eat fish!.

visit this site it explains in more detail: http://www!.yellins!.com/veg/different_typ!.!.!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

If The Only Meat You Eat Is Fish That means Officially, you're a lacto-ovo-vega-vegavore!. But you can call yourself a pescaterian!. :D xxWww@FoodAQ@Com

Eating any animal is not UNethical in the first place!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

That's what i'm wondering!.
I think it's more ethical to eat a fish than to eat a pig!. Www@FoodAQ@Com

yes i use to be vegetarian and i would eat fishWww@FoodAQ@Com

Eat whatever you wantWww@FoodAQ@Com

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