Are you stocking up on canned goods for this winter?!

Question: Are you stocking up on canned goods for this winter!?
Is it wise to stock up of food to get us through this winter at least!?

Will there be anything left on the store shelves if the economy keeps on going downhill at this pace!?Www@FoodAQ@Com

excellent idea/suggestion; for it is a wise woman that lifts up her home; as things are looking it is one option to save money the more you save right now the less you and we will have to spend when things go south!. not an economist but it would not hurt and if nothing worse well at least you have some extra food on the shelf!.
I have been stocking some food-little at a time and will continue; it is best to be ready than to regret not taking action---act now rather than reaction to any future situations!. :DWww@FoodAQ@Com

We will be fine, once the new pres is elected that will almost automatically give our economy a shoot in the arm(whether it will be good in the long run, who knows) simply because it's something different!. Once we begin to pull out of Iraq things should improve!.

Don't start building that bomb shelter quite yet!. Www@FoodAQ@Com

I doubt it! Stores order in such large quantities!. The economy would have to be in extreme dire shape for stores to run out of stuff! also the wholesalers buy in even larger quantities than the stores so they'll be able to fill stores needs before the stores run out! If there was a real danger you'd see lots of stores amalgamating together to lessen costs and to prepare for the extra hardships!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

I don't really know what to make of all of this, quite yet!. But it does not look good for any of us!.
My answer is No!. I cannot see beyond my own nose, at this point!. I am in a state of shock!. All that is happening right before our eyes! And as time moves along, this will undoubtedly worsen with greater speed than we are witnessing now!
So I better snap out of it and take care of my family!
God helps those who help themselves,

Nope, I am not storing up groceries on the shelf!. God has ALWAYS provided for us and HE will continue to do that!. I trust my Father!.
and why would there be no things on the shelf unless Jesus came back and then it would be some thought for concern!.

My freezer is so full that I can not possibly get anything else ion it!. Mostly from my garden that produced so so much!.

my sister for some reason keeps my fridge full all the time!. even though i'm not home much ( travel a lot at work)!. lol!. btw, it's always good to have some canned goods, especially in the winter!. in case of emergency, i'll remember to email you to send me some!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Hmm, I didn't plan for a whole season, but I did stock up on a few weeks worth of food!. Hard to know exactly what to prepare for!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Not only have I stocked up on canned carrots, I've stocked up on dried, frozen and fresh carrots too!. I want to be able to enjoy their wholesome goodness under any condition!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

It's always wise to put a little something aside !Www@FoodAQ@Com

I stock up all year-round!. Www@FoodAQ@Com

No, I don't think there will be a need for that!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

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