What vegetarians can't eat?!
Of course I know vegetarians can't eat meat but I mean the more obscure things!. I'm not vegetarian but my best friend is and she won't eat jello because it's made with the inner lining of a cows stomach or something!. what other things like that are there that she would not be able to eat!?!?!?Www@FoodAQ@Com
It really depends on how extreme of a vegetarian your friend is, but some of the unusual non-vegetarian foods are
-some fruit snacksWww@FoodAQ@Com
-some fruit snacksWww@FoodAQ@Com
You can still be considered a vegetarian if you don't consume meat, but still consume dairy, eggs and other animal byproducts!. Some are stricter and don't eat anything that contains other animal products like the dairy, meat, gelatin, etc!. Someone who does not consume anything made with animal products at all is a vegan!. Www@FoodAQ@Com
Hidden Non-Vegetarian Ingredients
-Enzymes(can be fron animal stomachs)
-Rennet in cheese(liquid enzyme taken from a calf's stomach,they have cheese made vegetarian rennet)
-Gelatin(boiled animal bones)
-Vitamin D3(derived from skins)
-Mono-Di-Glycerides(derived from fat,found commonly in breads)
-Lard(animal fat)
-Chicken Broth, powder, or flavoring
-Enzymes(can be fron animal stomachs)
-Rennet in cheese(liquid enzyme taken from a calf's stomach,they have cheese made vegetarian rennet)
-Gelatin(boiled animal bones)
-Vitamin D3(derived from skins)
-Mono-Di-Glycerides(derived from fat,found commonly in breads)
-Lard(animal fat)
-Chicken Broth, powder, or flavoring
chocolate contains egg,zellatine,any animal meat,mashmellow, youghurt made of jello,any biscuits made of jello, jelly,burger made of animal fat,etc!.!.!.
cake made of eggs,
basically, egg,jello, like burger,pizza with meat,chocolate with jello, mashmello,jelly,any fish oil, Www@FoodAQ@Com
cake made of eggs,
basically, egg,jello, like burger,pizza with meat,chocolate with jello, mashmello,jelly,any fish oil, Www@FoodAQ@Com
First of all, it's called gelatin and it come from the stuff in horses hooves!.
Second, it depends on how strict of a vegetarian you are!. I try to stay away from High Fructose Corn Syrup, I don't eat eggs or pretend meat patties, those are disgusting! It depends on the person!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Second, it depends on how strict of a vegetarian you are!. I try to stay away from High Fructose Corn Syrup, I don't eat eggs or pretend meat patties, those are disgusting! It depends on the person!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
meat! gelatin is techincally meat, so it's all in the same category!.Www@FoodAQ@Com