At what point is it ethical to eat something that is living?!

Question: At what point is it ethical to eat something that is living!?
So we have our full blown meat eaters, the casual meat eaters, the pescetarians, the vegetarians and then the vegans!.!.!.

When ones kills an animal or mistreats it, it is wrong, and some don't support it by refusing to eat anything living animals!. Vegans are the best example of achiving this ability to survive without eating any animal products, hats off to them!.

But, at what point is it ok for pescetarians to eat fish and sea creatures who still have the ability to feel pain, for example, run a current through a river of fish and they'll start jumping like mad!.

And altho some refuse to believe, studies have shown plants exhibit stress when you kill them!. If you burned the top half of a plant with a torch, it wouldn't survive and it would shrivel up and die!.!.!. So are vegeitarians any better then meat eaters when they cut an eggplant off the vine and roast it in a frying pan!?

And so it brings to mind, at what point is it ethical or justafiable to eat anything that is living!? Www@FoodAQ@Com

It became ethical to eat animals after the Fall, if you believe in the bible!.
There are recent studies that show plants do feel pain, and that they do scream, it's just not audible to humans!.

I think the best thing is to enjoy all food in moderation, it is not fair to show preference towards one type of food simply because you can hear 1 of them scream when you kill it!.

If i have one friend who is a mute and cannot talk, and one normal friend, and i am forced to kill one of them, is it more ethical to kill the one whom i won't be able to hear show pain!? of course not!.

People that are veg because of religious reasons, or because they think it's healthier are on the right track, that's why i do it!. But people who do it for ethical reasons are just misguided!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

But what else do we eat but that which is living!? Do you mean sentient!? Factory farming is undoubtedly a cruel way to treat animals, but death comes to us all and I have no ethical issues with eating meat that was raised in a humane way!. Pain is temporary, a life of torture is my issue!. Go to the source and see how you feel then!. Get to know your local farmers and explore sustainable agriculture!. It is not all for greed!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

We don't have to eat meat or any thing that has to do with animals to survive its just a strive of selfish possession, if we were suppose to eat meat why don't we have sharp teeth, or claws!.

its little different to say they feel pain when they have no brains does your mute friend not have a brain, its more like your intentions any ways when you eat that burger you know your doing some thing wrong,Www@FoodAQ@Com

I've heard that too about plants!.!.!. but the reason I stopped eating animals is because I feel like it's cannibalism!. Anything that has eyes like me, blood like me, a heart, lungs, and a face, I do not want to eat!. Plants aren't like me in those ways so I suppose that's how I justify it!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

i don't know if it's about ethical, but it's usually about being able to survive, survival instinct!. but if it's not under conditions of survival, and us humans have much comfortable and different conditions to live now!.!.!. then comes the question of ethics!.!.!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

We have to eat to survive!. Whether it's ethical or not is a personal issue, but we all have to do it in some way, shape or form!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

I don't eat any living creatures at all!. They are all dead and cut up and cooked when they reach my plate!. And I do most of the killin cuttin and cookin myself it tastes better that way!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Religion plays a part in what is justifiable!.!.!.so I don't think I have a clear answer on that!.!.!.the only thing this is making me think is that in some cases, a family has no other source of food other than meat, and I don't feel right calling them "wrong"!.

Plants want us to eat them, they practically control us by demanding we care for them!.!.!.they won't produce fruit without our help (unless it is a wild source)!.

If we have a choice, and we choose meat, especially here in the US, we should only choose meat from animals raise with lots of care!.!.!.free range chickens, grass-fed local beef and pork!.!.!.I believe in eating locally produced food as much as possible and I try to be tolerant of others beliefs about whether to eat meat or not!.

My Christian beliefs are to not judge people for deciding to eat meat or not!.!.!.I think God is ok with our choice as long as it is a conscientious one!.

my decision to eat local, ethically treated meats has meant that I have to eat a lot less of it, because it is waaaay more expensive than the mass produced feed lot crud-meat!. As a result, I make meat meals only once or twice a week, and sometimes not at all!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Frankly, I don't think it's wrong to kill an animal for food!. I don't eat meat for other reasons!.

By the way, if you cut an eggplant off the vine and fry it, the vine will continue to live!. The eggplant procreates by being removed from its vine (and, generally, eaten)!.

Now, let's talk about pain a little bit!. A reaction to noxious stimuli does not always mean an ability to feel pain!. A signal needs to reach a cerebral cortex in order for a person or animal to perceive pain!. However, you do NOT need a cerebral cortex for your nerves to react!. For example, you blink without thinking that your eyes are dry!.

My point is that the plant doesn't feel pain!. They exhibit stress, they die if you abuse them, but they don't feel pain!. A person in a deep coma, with no brain activity at all, will still bleed if you cut them!. Pain can tell us that we're hurt, but not all damage is accompanied by pain!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

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