Do nuts have complete proteins?!
I ask this because I know someone that because their religion they ate fruits and nuts onlyWww@FoodAQ@Com
No they're incomplete:
Second sentence under "Food for Thought!."Www@FoodAQ@Com
Second sentence under "Food for Thought!."Www@FoodAQ@Com
The majority of plant-based food has incomplete proteins, with the exception of soybeans and soybean products!. To get all the amino acids your body needs to form complete proteins, you would need to have seeds, legumes, or grains in addition to the nuts, if not together then at least within a 12 hour period!. If they are eating some of the seeds that the fruits contain this would satisfy the protein combination requirement!.
"Fruits and nuts" is kind of a broad category!. Biologically speaking, not only are what we consider fruits and vegetables fruits, but beans, legumes, grains, nuts, etc, are all fruits!. By definition it's the "ripened ovary of a plant, along with any remaining flower parts!." So if your acquaintance ONLY eats fruits and nuts, as long as they eat with variety, it sounds like they may be getting a very healthy vegan diet!. Www@FoodAQ@Com
"Fruits and nuts" is kind of a broad category!. Biologically speaking, not only are what we consider fruits and vegetables fruits, but beans, legumes, grains, nuts, etc, are all fruits!. By definition it's the "ripened ovary of a plant, along with any remaining flower parts!." So if your acquaintance ONLY eats fruits and nuts, as long as they eat with variety, it sounds like they may be getting a very healthy vegan diet!. Www@FoodAQ@Com
No, (complete proteins have 10 aminos) nuts are a good source of protien and aminos but it's still incomplete, only animal products have complete protein!. If you eat a variety of foods with nuts like brown rice or whole wheat bread, with the combination, it will make it complete!. The only vegetable that contains all 10 aminos are soybeans!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
the scoop on the protein in nuts, Nuts contain amino acids, the building blocks of protein, many of which are vital for the proper functioning, growth and development of the body!. Walnuts, for instance, are rich in the nine amino acids that can’t be produced by the body but that must be consumed in the diet (known as the essential amino acids)!. The non-essential amino acid arginine, also abundant in many nuts, helps the body synthesize nitric oxide, which widens and relaxes blood vessels, thus cutting the risk of blood clots that can lead to heart attacks!.
Complete!? Do you mean for the human body!? I would say yes to that!. We don't need as much protein as some meat think we need!. You need the right amino acids to digest nuts!.!. tomato is a fruit and can provide that! A nut and fruit diet is incomplete though!.!. you need calcium and b12 so add beans, kelp and mushrooms!Www@FoodAQ@Com
NAR they dont
you can eat other foods with protein to get a complete protein snack/meal
processed soy foods have complete protein ;)Www@FoodAQ@Com
you can eat other foods with protein to get a complete protein snack/meal
processed soy foods have complete protein ;)Www@FoodAQ@Com
no they have incomplete proteinWww@FoodAQ@Com