Do children who are raised vegan and vegetarian, stay veg*n?!
I know if I had children I'd raise them veg*n, so I wonder for those that do, when they are old enough, do they have questions, do they start eating meat!? What's the deal, I've heard a few people tell me they were raised vegetarian but no longer are!.
Details will help, thinking about it!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Details will help, thinking about it!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
There are significant numbers of young people who are vegetarian and have been all of their lives!. I suspect their remaining vegetarian depends on the individual and how they were raised -- they why of their being vegetarian!. I also think it depends on how the family discussed the reasons for their choice of lifestyle, and if the many reasons for their choices were supported by their friends and family!. Obviously it is easier if they grew up in a vegetarian community!. Culturally there are many faiths that hold to a vegetarian diet where that is the norm there are fewer who stray from the path!. When there is sufficient peer support for the vegetarian lifestyle there are fewer reasons to eat other things!. So vegetarian clubs in school are helpful as are experiences in a vegetarian summer camp!. Yes, I am a vegetarian and have been for the better part of 40 years, my children and grand children are also vegetarian!. One of my daughters-in-law is also a vegetarian chef as is one of her sons!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Not vegetarian, but like most questions about the social side of vegetarianism, some universal rules apply!.
Basically, children who are kindly and reasonably raised in any lifestyle that is not mainstream *are* going to raise questions about why their family is different!. They ask, and the explanations come, and when they are young they usually accept them!. When they hit adolescence, they usually, but not always, get surly and decide that if their parents are doing it, it can't the cool thing, especially if it's inconvenient!. They experiment, or threaten to, with the more mainstream lifestyle as a form of rebellion, and either come to the conclusion that they prefer the mainstream, or realize their parents had a darn good reason for their unusual lifestyle and return to it!. And as a parent, you love them through it and try to understand them, and the more you do, the more likely they are to listen to you!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Basically, children who are kindly and reasonably raised in any lifestyle that is not mainstream *are* going to raise questions about why their family is different!. They ask, and the explanations come, and when they are young they usually accept them!. When they hit adolescence, they usually, but not always, get surly and decide that if their parents are doing it, it can't the cool thing, especially if it's inconvenient!. They experiment, or threaten to, with the more mainstream lifestyle as a form of rebellion, and either come to the conclusion that they prefer the mainstream, or realize their parents had a darn good reason for their unusual lifestyle and return to it!. And as a parent, you love them through it and try to understand them, and the more you do, the more likely they are to listen to you!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
I was raised vegetarian, for religious reasons!. I was vegetarian for 14 years, vegan (primarily for experimentation) for 2!. And now, I eat meat, with the exception of beef (strongest point of religious reason)!.
I had to start eating meat for medical/dietary reasons!. My father's a doctor and it was under his verdict that I had to start!.
That being said, my brother, for no apparent reason, eats meat as well!. We still don't eat beef though!.
I think there's no guarantee that raising your kids vegetarian will keep them that way!. Circumstances change and you have to adapt to them as well!. An Indian friend of mine was vegetarian for some years, and now she eats everything, beef included!. In the same way, another Indian guy I know was non-veg for 30 years and now eats no meat, eggs included!.
Things like vegetarianism and veganism, much like religion, really only work if you yourself believe in them!. I eat chicken and I eat fish, but I refuse to eat beef because I believe in that aspect of my religion!. In the same way, if your kids share your beliefs about vegetarianism and veganism, then they too will uphold those values!.
But you can't necessarily force them to uphold them!. Ultimately, it will be their decision once they move out of your house!.
I think it's for the best too!. It's pointless to believe in something for the sake of believing or for tradition!. If it truly means something to you though, you will have all the more willpower to continue living the way you choose to!. Www@FoodAQ@Com
I had to start eating meat for medical/dietary reasons!. My father's a doctor and it was under his verdict that I had to start!.
That being said, my brother, for no apparent reason, eats meat as well!. We still don't eat beef though!.
I think there's no guarantee that raising your kids vegetarian will keep them that way!. Circumstances change and you have to adapt to them as well!. An Indian friend of mine was vegetarian for some years, and now she eats everything, beef included!. In the same way, another Indian guy I know was non-veg for 30 years and now eats no meat, eggs included!.
Things like vegetarianism and veganism, much like religion, really only work if you yourself believe in them!. I eat chicken and I eat fish, but I refuse to eat beef because I believe in that aspect of my religion!. In the same way, if your kids share your beliefs about vegetarianism and veganism, then they too will uphold those values!.
But you can't necessarily force them to uphold them!. Ultimately, it will be their decision once they move out of your house!.
I think it's for the best too!. It's pointless to believe in something for the sake of believing or for tradition!. If it truly means something to you though, you will have all the more willpower to continue living the way you choose to!. Www@FoodAQ@Com
I'm veg*n, and I plan on raising my kids the same way!. I also want to become a nutritionist so I can help educate people on veg*n diets!. It's perfectly healthy for a child to be raised vegetarian, or even vegan!. I've seen many vegan and vegetarian children, all of whom are thriving!.
My yoga instructor is a vegetarian, and she is raising her 3 daughters vegetarian as well!. They are 11, 8 and 6!. all three of them are still vegetarian, and I've only talked with the 11 year old who told me she was going to stay vegetarian, but she wears uggs (leather/sheepskin) :(
Ive babysat for 2 boys, 4 and 8, whom are vegans!. The 4 year old didn't say much on the matter, but the 8 year old was very proud of his veganism!. He will probably stay that way!.
Of course, some of them may try meat later on, just to see what they're missing!. I know my future children might not listen to what I've tught them and go on to be butchers and slaughterhouse workers!. But hey, I rejected the omnivore lifestyle my parents brought me up on, it would be hypocritcal to not allow my kids to become omnis!. Www@FoodAQ@Com
My yoga instructor is a vegetarian, and she is raising her 3 daughters vegetarian as well!. They are 11, 8 and 6!. all three of them are still vegetarian, and I've only talked with the 11 year old who told me she was going to stay vegetarian, but she wears uggs (leather/sheepskin) :(
Ive babysat for 2 boys, 4 and 8, whom are vegans!. The 4 year old didn't say much on the matter, but the 8 year old was very proud of his veganism!. He will probably stay that way!.
Of course, some of them may try meat later on, just to see what they're missing!. I know my future children might not listen to what I've tught them and go on to be butchers and slaughterhouse workers!. But hey, I rejected the omnivore lifestyle my parents brought me up on, it would be hypocritcal to not allow my kids to become omnis!. Www@FoodAQ@Com
Some do and some don't!. I do know adults who were raised veg*n and have never eaten meat in their lives!. But I also know adults who were raised veg*n but now eat meat, for a variety of reasons including peer pressure!.
I'm vegan and will raise my kids vegan!. But I hope to raise intelligent, independent, critical-thinking kids and if, at an appropriate age, they decide to start making their own decisions about what to put into their bodies I'll have to respect that!. It's part of figuring out who you are in this world!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
I'm vegan and will raise my kids vegan!. But I hope to raise intelligent, independent, critical-thinking kids and if, at an appropriate age, they decide to start making their own decisions about what to put into their bodies I'll have to respect that!. It's part of figuring out who you are in this world!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Yes that is true that some children raised vegan do start eating meat, but there is a greater ratio of children who are raised as carnivores but go vegetarian or vegan due to their set of beliefs, I think its fine no matter which way so long as they have a balanced diet they should be fine, its really a decision for the child to make once they are old enough to choose for themselves, a lot of my family are meat eaters but will often choose vege burgers instead of meat and they are parents themselves, I personally eat meat but order vegetarian pizzas, and buy vegan puff pastry, why, because I prefer the taste, hope this helps you, goodluck! :)Www@FoodAQ@Com
Well you can only keep them vegan so long in your own house!. If they don't like the diet or just simply want to try something else they're probably going to, especially if you make it a 'taboo' to eat meat and animal byproducts!.
Forgot to address that part!.!.!.but I'm not vegan or vegatarian but I believe it's like that with most things!.!.!.I was brought up for 20+ years by my parents pounding christianity down my throat and I no longer consider myself one anymore!.!.!.There is no guarantee one way or another!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Forgot to address that part!.!.!.but I'm not vegan or vegatarian but I believe it's like that with most things!.!.!.I was brought up for 20+ years by my parents pounding christianity down my throat and I no longer consider myself one anymore!.!.!.There is no guarantee one way or another!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
well!.!.there numerous types of vegetarians
and i suppose when a child reaches adult they choose where they would like to eat meat or not
some children only do vegetarian to lose weight others for religious purposes and some because they believe strongly that eating meat it unethical
they probably stop because many vegetarians have a lack in nutrient because them or there parents dont noe how to find the same nutrient in vegetables
sorry for my bad spelling and grammarWww@FoodAQ@Com
and i suppose when a child reaches adult they choose where they would like to eat meat or not
some children only do vegetarian to lose weight others for religious purposes and some because they believe strongly that eating meat it unethical
they probably stop because many vegetarians have a lack in nutrient because them or there parents dont noe how to find the same nutrient in vegetables
sorry for my bad spelling and grammarWww@FoodAQ@Com
Some do, some don't!. If you never ate meat or dairy it's hard to start at a later age but it does happen!. They'd invariably feel a bit sick when eating meat for the first few weeks/months!.
Just an aside, you can raise a baby from birth on a vegan diet, despite what most people think!. We do not need meat or dairy at any stage of our lives
I've been a vegan (sometime svegetarian) for the last 14 yearsWww@FoodAQ@Com
Just an aside, you can raise a baby from birth on a vegan diet, despite what most people think!. We do not need meat or dairy at any stage of our lives
I've been a vegan (sometime svegetarian) for the last 14 yearsWww@FoodAQ@Com
If you are strict with them and teach them the importance of sticking to the vegan diet they probably won't turn to meat!. I do know though that a girl at my school who is forced to be vegan for religious reasons secretly eats meat pies and hot dogs everyday behind her parents' backs!. My kids will be vegan, I am vegetarian and going vegan as soon as I leave home and I think it is a wonderful diet!. Good luck :)Www@FoodAQ@Com
It would depend on the reasons their parents are vegan and how well they have taught their children to respect other animals!. This is like asking how many children who are raised Southern Baptist drink alcohol; for them alcohol is the forbiden fruit!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
I am 1 of 4 and we were all bought up equally as vegetarians!.2 of us have remained vegetarians and 2 have gone on to eat meat!.It depends on your individual taste, choice and beliefs i suppose!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Yeah what everyone else is getting at, let the child make the decision!. Nothings worse than a parent taking control and making personal choices about their lives!. Www@FoodAQ@Com
You can't help kids who then grow up with their wondering minds, and wonder about what they were forbidden to have!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
I am Still a vegetarian and have been all my life
but my bro was a vegetarian and now all he eats if meat!.!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
but my bro was a vegetarian and now all he eats if meat!.!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
I'm vegan and I was raised in a meat-eating household!. My parents really adjusted all they could when I went vegetarian at 13 but I was pretty much out of their house by the time I jumped ship and became vegan!.
I want my children to be raised under my roof according to my beliefs!. This is the point of being a parent, I have my religious and political and moral beliefs and I won't suspend them so my child can have a "free" home environment to make their "own choice"!. If I don't build her belief system, someone else (usually a real scumbag) will slide right in!.
I wouldn't DREAM of telling someone else to raise their child in a religion-free home so they aren't "brainwashed" or preempted from choice by their parents Christianity, for instance!
There is a level of acceptance all parents need to bring towards their kids!. Like religious beliefs or political beliefs, most parents raise their kids with some sort of framework regarding morality, ethics, who to support, what to believe, where to cast your votes, what is right and what is wrong!.
Does my child reserve the right to change her mind!? Yes, of course!. She needs to be who she is!. I can learn as much from my daughter as she does from me in the end!. But while she's still young and developing, it's my job to call the shots!. Most children change religious, moral or political views when they're older and develop a stronger sense of self!.
I want my daughter (a toddler now) to be a vegetarian but my parents aren't vegetarian and I know that when they watch her they give her meat!. It won't kill her, it won't somehow send her soul careening towards Hell in a hand basket!. It's not the end of the world!. When I'm cooking she eats my vegan meals and loves whole grains, fruits and veggies!.
Nobody can accuse me of malnourishing my child, check any food pyramid and you'll see that the government itself bases the food pyramid on a diet primarily plant-based!. The entire bottom rungs of it, the bulk of a recommended diet, are whole grains, fruits and vegetables!. They list dairy and dairy equivalents as a food group, which could be calcium fortified beverages or calcium rich plants as well!. The "meat" section also lists nuts, beans, legumes, tofu and meat alternatives and specifically stresses to choose lean protein options and to make as much of it from plants as possible!. I am not kidding you, this is even in med school text books (which I would know about, being a student and all)!.
I want my children to be raised under my roof according to my beliefs!. This is the point of being a parent, I have my religious and political and moral beliefs and I won't suspend them so my child can have a "free" home environment to make their "own choice"!. If I don't build her belief system, someone else (usually a real scumbag) will slide right in!.
I wouldn't DREAM of telling someone else to raise their child in a religion-free home so they aren't "brainwashed" or preempted from choice by their parents Christianity, for instance!
There is a level of acceptance all parents need to bring towards their kids!. Like religious beliefs or political beliefs, most parents raise their kids with some sort of framework regarding morality, ethics, who to support, what to believe, where to cast your votes, what is right and what is wrong!.
Does my child reserve the right to change her mind!? Yes, of course!. She needs to be who she is!. I can learn as much from my daughter as she does from me in the end!. But while she's still young and developing, it's my job to call the shots!. Most children change religious, moral or political views when they're older and develop a stronger sense of self!.
I want my daughter (a toddler now) to be a vegetarian but my parents aren't vegetarian and I know that when they watch her they give her meat!. It won't kill her, it won't somehow send her soul careening towards Hell in a hand basket!. It's not the end of the world!. When I'm cooking she eats my vegan meals and loves whole grains, fruits and veggies!.
Nobody can accuse me of malnourishing my child, check any food pyramid and you'll see that the government itself bases the food pyramid on a diet primarily plant-based!. The entire bottom rungs of it, the bulk of a recommended diet, are whole grains, fruits and vegetables!. They list dairy and dairy equivalents as a food group, which could be calcium fortified beverages or calcium rich plants as well!. The "meat" section also lists nuts, beans, legumes, tofu and meat alternatives and specifically stresses to choose lean protein options and to make as much of it from plants as possible!. I am not kidding you, this is even in med school text books (which I would know about, being a student and all)!.
Maybe they can make that choice when they are older!. But as a child and baby, they need meat / product from animals to be healthy!.
If this ideal is more important than the well being of your future children, then go ahead!.
If not, then don't and let them decide as they grow older
I'm Vegan!.
Does that change anything!? any of those 9 thumbs downs!?
If this ideal is more important than the well being of your future children, then go ahead!.
If not, then don't and let them decide as they grow older
I'm Vegan!.
Does that change anything!? any of those 9 thumbs downs!?
no!.!.!.i hope not what someone eats should be personal preference!.!.!.and not regulated by a higher power!.!.!.!.!.!.!.just cuz your squeamish about eating meat don't deprive others!.!.!.you insane control monger!.!.!.!.!.!.food should be fun and relaxing and if yoou don't like meat!.!.!.you throw away everything that evolved you from a dumb tree swinging primate!.!.!.!.to someone who has the choice not to eat it!.!.!.!.Www@FoodAQ@Com