Why vegitarian/vegan?!
why!? i am 13 and have nothing against vegs,i just need to know why it is soo bad to eat meat!? i think god put animals for us to SPAIRINGLY eat them!? your opinions please!?Www@FoodAQ@Com
Great question! My answer is kind of long, but you asked! :)
It is not soo bad to eat meat necessarily!. Some people choose not to for moral reasons (suffering of animals upsets them), but there are other reasons, of course!. Eating too much meat causes a problem!. Meat is something called an "acid ash producing food," which means without the proper amount of "alkaline ash producing food" like fruits and veggies, it creates an acidic pH in your body!. The human body is made to run with a slightly alkaline pH!. In an acidic pH, the chance of cancers, viruses, and other baddies growing inside of you increases!.Hormones and antibiotics are not healthy for us to be consuming, certainly not regularly and in such amounts!. Cheaper meat is fattier meat!. This means that all the hormones and nastiness pumped into slaughterhouse animals gets stored in the fat, like all toxins in creatures!. All of these factors equate to eating a meat-friendly diet to be unhealthy in our day and age!. It would certainly be much healthier for you to grow and kill your own meats!.
While it is good that you have your beliefs (God putting animals for us to eat them), you must also recall the book of Daniel:
Daniel 1:12-16: "Prove thy servants, I beseech thee, ten days; and let them give us pulse to eat, and water to drink!. Then let our countenances be looked upon before thee, and the countenance of the children that eat of the portion of the king's meat: and as thou seest, deal with thy servants!.So he consented to them in this matter, and proved them ten days!. And at the end of ten days their countenances appeared fairer and fatter in flesh than all the children which did eat the portion of the king's meat!. Thus Melzar took away the portion of their meat, and the wine that they should drink; and gave them pulse!."
If you aren't a KJV fan, it's basically stating that Daniel did not want to eat the meat and wine from the king's table!. To prove that he was right, he asked the king to give him a few servants and ten days to prove this to be true!. He stated that they should only drink water and eat pulse, which is food from the ground!. WikiAnswers!.com lists it as: "Pulse here refers to cooked edible seeds, usually leguminous, such as lentils, chick-peas and similar which did and still do grow so well in those parts of the world!. Daniel in Chapter 1 v 12, 16 was appealing for a simple diet rather than the rich fare of the king!." This was a vegan diet!. After the 10 days, the king was so impressed by their healthy appearance that he put all his servants on a vegan diet!.
So while there's nothing wrong with believing that God put animals here for us to eat sparingly, keep in mind that it specifically states a vegan diet being the healthiest! Paul reminds us that "everything is permissible, but not everything is beneficial" so while you aren't going to be cast into hellfire for eating meat, it doesn't mean it will benefit your body!. also remember that Adam was the caretaker of the animals!.!.!.not appointed slaughterer of them!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
It is not soo bad to eat meat necessarily!. Some people choose not to for moral reasons (suffering of animals upsets them), but there are other reasons, of course!. Eating too much meat causes a problem!. Meat is something called an "acid ash producing food," which means without the proper amount of "alkaline ash producing food" like fruits and veggies, it creates an acidic pH in your body!. The human body is made to run with a slightly alkaline pH!. In an acidic pH, the chance of cancers, viruses, and other baddies growing inside of you increases!.Hormones and antibiotics are not healthy for us to be consuming, certainly not regularly and in such amounts!. Cheaper meat is fattier meat!. This means that all the hormones and nastiness pumped into slaughterhouse animals gets stored in the fat, like all toxins in creatures!. All of these factors equate to eating a meat-friendly diet to be unhealthy in our day and age!. It would certainly be much healthier for you to grow and kill your own meats!.
While it is good that you have your beliefs (God putting animals for us to eat them), you must also recall the book of Daniel:
Daniel 1:12-16: "Prove thy servants, I beseech thee, ten days; and let them give us pulse to eat, and water to drink!. Then let our countenances be looked upon before thee, and the countenance of the children that eat of the portion of the king's meat: and as thou seest, deal with thy servants!.So he consented to them in this matter, and proved them ten days!. And at the end of ten days their countenances appeared fairer and fatter in flesh than all the children which did eat the portion of the king's meat!. Thus Melzar took away the portion of their meat, and the wine that they should drink; and gave them pulse!."
If you aren't a KJV fan, it's basically stating that Daniel did not want to eat the meat and wine from the king's table!. To prove that he was right, he asked the king to give him a few servants and ten days to prove this to be true!. He stated that they should only drink water and eat pulse, which is food from the ground!. WikiAnswers!.com lists it as: "Pulse here refers to cooked edible seeds, usually leguminous, such as lentils, chick-peas and similar which did and still do grow so well in those parts of the world!. Daniel in Chapter 1 v 12, 16 was appealing for a simple diet rather than the rich fare of the king!." This was a vegan diet!. After the 10 days, the king was so impressed by their healthy appearance that he put all his servants on a vegan diet!.
So while there's nothing wrong with believing that God put animals here for us to eat sparingly, keep in mind that it specifically states a vegan diet being the healthiest! Paul reminds us that "everything is permissible, but not everything is beneficial" so while you aren't going to be cast into hellfire for eating meat, it doesn't mean it will benefit your body!. also remember that Adam was the caretaker of the animals!.!.!.not appointed slaughterer of them!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
I was born a vegetarian, so i really didn't have a choice BUT if i did it would choice to be one!. I think the reason why people think eating meat is so bad because you are killing a living thing to satisfy your hunger!. And i don't like is the fact that humans are breeding animals like crazy!. Its like the animals are born to be killed!. Which is really sad!. Www@FoodAQ@Com
because no animal enjoys having its neck sliced open!.
Some other animals eat meat!. but no other animal (apart from HUMANS) puts their prey into tiny cages, stuffs them with antibiotics, fattens them up, slaughters them mercilessly, defeathers them, chops their bodies up, cooks it, and adds spices!.!.and eats it!. etc
And all this for what!? So humans can enjoy a few minutes of pleasure because people enjoy the taste of their flesh!?
God wouldn't want you to inflict unnecessary pain on animals espeially when our bodies dont need meatWww@FoodAQ@Com
Some other animals eat meat!. but no other animal (apart from HUMANS) puts their prey into tiny cages, stuffs them with antibiotics, fattens them up, slaughters them mercilessly, defeathers them, chops their bodies up, cooks it, and adds spices!.!.and eats it!. etc
And all this for what!? So humans can enjoy a few minutes of pleasure because people enjoy the taste of their flesh!?
God wouldn't want you to inflict unnecessary pain on animals espeially when our bodies dont need meatWww@FoodAQ@Com
I am around you're age and I'm a vegetarian!. Being a veg is so much more healthy than being a MEAT-EATER! If you need to lose weight (not that you should be worrying about that at you're age) it is the most healthy way you can do it! also have you ever went to a zoo and fed that cute little baby cow!? Did you ever think that the little baby cow that you're gushing over could be you're next plate of veal!? Animals are gods creatures, they were here before us, and we should treat them with respect!.
Eat them spairingly would be better!.!.!. but think when was the last time you had a meal without meat!? Now times that by everyone just in america!. Do you see where im going with this! For more information please vist http://www!.goveg!.com/Www@FoodAQ@Com
Eat them spairingly would be better!.!.!. but think when was the last time you had a meal without meat!? Now times that by everyone just in america!. Do you see where im going with this! For more information please vist http://www!.goveg!.com/Www@FoodAQ@Com
i just think it's bad karma to eat something dead, to chose a life that was taken prematurely to feed me, when there are so many places to get nourishment without contributing to the death of another being!. Www@FoodAQ@Com
Because we respect animals!. And dont agree we should take their life away from them because they deserve to live and expierence life just like us!.