Do you think we vegetarians shouldn't be eatting eggs ?!

Question: Do you think we vegetarians shouldn't be eatting eggs !?
As its sorta hypocritical !.!.!.eggs have chicks in them
it contains chick and when the hen gives them warmth, then the liquid inside it develops into a chicken slowly and gradually!.!.!.!.that's what a friend told me!.!.
yes i am a vegetarian and have been for 2 yrs now!.!.!.but do you think we should cut out eggs to!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!?

p!.s im not talking about vegetarians who do it for health reasons!.!.
this question is for people who do it for ethical reasons!.!.!.

Commercially available eggs are not and are never fertilized so they don't contain baby chickens!. You could have made an argument against the conditions of the egg laying hens however!. Besides, what other think is not important!. What an individual thinks as best for himself is, within reason of course!.

don't beat yourself up about it!. thinking/contemplating and asking and absorbing information is all part of the learning process!. As you get older, you will learn even more such as how to distinguish between crap info and the truth!.


An egg is literally an unfertilised chick!. It's no different to if you opened up a woman and removed her egg before sperm had fertilised it!. It's not a living thing but it is a cell structure!.

I personally don't eat eggs because I find the concept disgusting, that's the same reason why I won't eat dead things in general! But I believe it's up to the individual to define themselves!. If eating eggs doesn't gross you out and you're happy to drink the milk so long as it's going to be produced anyway, then keep doing it!.

If you're against the entire industry on ethical grounds then no you shouldn't eat eggs or consume any dairy products at all!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Most of this question has already been answered above, in addition to the extra bit - "why would a chick not be living there!.!.!.!.!.!.!." Because the egg hasn't been fertilized - thats why it won't!. If a chick were living in the egg, then when you broke it open there would be a bloody mess (literally!)
Having had chickens most of my life, I have always eaten their eggs!. My Dad did breed them sometimes so that we had chicks, the day before they hatch you can listen to them cheeping and pecking their way out of the egg!Www@FoodAQ@Com

I have been vegi since i was 7 and i have never eaten eggs apart from when they are in a pastry product and i definatelly don't eat fish (reason i chose to be vegi ugh!)
I don't do it for health or ethical reasons i do it because it makes me feel sick to even contemplate eating meat produce!.
I also agree that eggs can be eaten by vegitarians as they are incubated a different way to the ones which are going to become hens!. (I don't though for me not for anyone else!.)
I drink milk and eat cheese though just for the record!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

I'm a vegetarian, and I eat eggs!. The eggs we buy in the shop are different from those that are actually kept and incubated to hatch chicks!.
The eggs we buy are taken straight away, and are not given the chance to develop in any way!. There is no growth, so nothing is actually killed!. Eggs for sale and eggs to hatch chicks are treated very differently!. Even if you bought an egg in a shop, it would be impossible to try and hatch a chick from it!. Www@FoodAQ@Com

it only develops into a chick if it has been fertilised!. If you feel it is wrong to eat any animal product then you have your answer!. Many vegetarians are happy to eat/consume the byproducts of intensive animal farming eg cheese, yoghurt (the calf is killed for meat but the cow continues to produce milk) and eggs and leather goods!. If you stop eating these products you must make sure your diet is still well thought out so that you get all the nutrients you need!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

I really hope this helps, this is just my opinion!. If you are a vegetarian for ethical reasons you should consider what a chicken goes through during the time they are laying the eggs!. Egg chickens like meat chickens are still stuffed in very small spaces, their beaks are cut off so they do not injure the other chickens and they are fed food made from ground up chicken!.!.!. pretty gross!. When they lay an egg the cage is tilted in a way that the egg rolls down and are gathered that way!. They do not leave their cages!. If you buy eggs that say organic free roaming!. That maybe is a little better in that they are not fed themselves and they can stand up right!. But they are not flying around on a field like you would think, they are in a bard cramped so tight they can't walk around!.!.!. a little better!. But still not nice!. When it comes to if the chicken is alive or not!.!.!. that is just a matter of opinion!.!.!. kind of like abortion!. Some people think it was always alive and some people don't consider it alive until the real thing is physically there!. Hope this helps!. Www@FoodAQ@Com

You need a biology book!.

When a mummy chicken and a daddy chicken (who love eah other very, very much) kiss and play hide the sausage, the make chickens because the male's sperm fertilises the female's egg!.
Fertilised eggs are kept to make new chickees!.

Unfertilised eggs are sold to us to make scrambled eggs and cakes and meringue!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Sweetie please pay attention in Biology class!. A hen has to have sex to produce a fertilized egg!. The eggs we buy are from virgin chickens!. I get mine from a local farm where I know the hens are well cared for!.

BTW: A hen's egg is not her period, Hen's don't have periods since their egg, if fertilized, developes outside their bodies!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Never mind about biology not being a strong subject - I'd worry about the spelling too!
THAT APART, well, there isn't much is there - except to tell you to eat proper food like the vast majority of healthy people do!.
Don't forget, chickens lay eggs all the time regardless of whether a cockerel has been near them so they don't all have chicks - or anything else except egg - in them!Www@FoodAQ@Com

no!.!.!. look seriusly do more research about eggs!.!.!.

the eggs you buy do not have and have will never have a chick in them, its because they are not ferilized yet and so what you eat is basicly the food for the chick that WOULD have been living there, since its not living there there shouldnt be a problem with eating it!.

Fouad Al-Noor Over and Out!


!.!.!.no you are completely wrong!. lol
chickens are not asexual!.

a human woman ovulates!. if it is not fertilized it passes!.
if it is it turns into a baby!.

a chicken ovulates, the egg is not fertilized it passes!.
if it is fertilized it turns into a baby and is passed!.

chicken factories do not have them mate since tehy produce eggs on their own!.

so other than the treatment of the chickens, eating eggs is fine!. i'm vegan but i would eat eggs if i had my own nicely kept hens!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

It's up to each individual!. Some eggs are fertilized!. If you ever walk through a large commercial hen house, you will see a few roosters in the cages with hens that got overlooked in the chick selection!. It happens in all hen houses!. It's a small percent but some of those eggs are fertilized!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

I am a vegitarian because i dont want to eat a killed animal!. An egg could have been a chick if the mother had fertalised it!. But she didn't so it isnt an animal so i think it is fine to eat it!. Just make sure you stick to freerange eggs!. The chickens are treated much better!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

i have four hens and no rooster, if you have no rooster you will NOT have ferterlized eggs!.!.!.only a rooster can make an egg ferterlized to become a baby, so when you eat an egg from the store it is NOT ever or would never hatch into a baby chick!.!. :)Www@FoodAQ@Com

Chicks only live in fertilized eggs!.
Egg companies do not sell fertilized eggs!.
Therefore we are essentially eating a chickens period [to put it bluntly]

I try to avoid eggs as much as i can, but it isn't 100%Www@FoodAQ@Com

Veganism wins all the ethical questions!. All that remains are the health issues and to what degree people are willing to disrupt their lives for their principles!.

So!.!.!. no animal products of any kind, and not only foodstuffs!. No leather shoes either!!Www@FoodAQ@Com

Do YOU think veggies should eat eggs!?!?!? You obviously are uneasy about it, but also you seem to not fully understand that our typical shop bought (free range i hope people) would never develop into a chicken anyway!.

It all depends how much of a veggie you wish to be! It can always develop as you go, if nobody eats the eggs that are a crop from chickens already layed, they would be dumped!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Chickens, like people, can't have babies unless they have sex!. The chickens that lay eggs to eat never see a boy chicken so they are virgins!. Www@FoodAQ@Com

eggs are fine for vegetarians as the eggs we eat are not fertile eggs - they have no chance of ever being chicks if they are not fertilized!!!Www@FoodAQ@Com

You shouldn't eat eggs if you are a vegan, but vegetarians can eat eggs!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

it depends!.!.!. if you think about it you'd be preventing a baby chick from being born!.!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Eating eggs is the same thing as eating periods!. People who do not eat eggs are called lacto-vegetarians, the ones who omit milk products as well are called vegansWww@FoodAQ@Com

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