Plants have feelings too? where did this line of thinking originate?!
i cant even fathom this nonsense!. what are supposed to live on!.!.!.sand!?or would that be disrespectful to the crustaceans and their ancestry!.
where do we draw the line!?
i dont eat meat, but will forever eat plants, and NOT feel guilty about it!.
where do we draw the line!?
i dont eat meat, but will forever eat plants, and NOT feel guilty about it!.
Let's get one thing out of the way!. A pain receptor is a prerequisite for feeling pain and plants lack one!. Period!. That sentence alone is enough to disprove that faulty statement!. Now, as for why this line is used!? Most probably because meat-eaters feel guilty for eating something that is sentient, something that squeals as its throat is being slit, and they want to transpose this horror to vegetarians by making them feel just as guilty for eating something that they consider to be unethical (though, believe me, 99% of them are mentally sound and don't actually believe that nonsense)!. There is a heck of a difference between stepping on grass and stepping on a pig's head!. If they gave a care about plants, the wisest thing to do would be to stop sponsoring the meat industry - the diet of the animals they eat consists of vegetables and grains - imagine how many acres of land need to be cleared for that!Www@FoodAQ@Com
This line of thinking originated from the musings of Cleve Backster in the 1960s!. He attached a polygraph machine to a plant leaf to measure how long it would take for water to reach the leaf, then decided to try test whether the plant showed emotional responses to threat, instead!. After failing to observe any reaction to a number of tests (like dunking other leaves attached to the same plant into hot coffee), he obtained a response when he decided to light the plant leaf connected to the polygraph machine on fire!. His research was significantly flawed, extremely subjective, and based on only a few observations of fewer than a dozen plants!. His work has not been duplicated and has in fact been refuted under better-controlled conditions!.
If plants do have emotions, science hasn't found evidence of it yet!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
If plants do have emotions, science hasn't found evidence of it yet!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
You ever see "That 70's Show" when they're sitting around the table after smoking some hooch!? I'm sure that's where it started!. The sad town of Stonerville-Trollywood!.
"Most probably because meat-eaters feel guilty for eating something that clearly squeals, screams and feels pain as its throat is being slit"--the animals are normally unconscious or killed by a bolt to the brain before they're bled!. Occasionally one may still be alive, but that would be considered an accident!. Tens of millions of animals are killed in a certainly painful manner every year by combines and vehicles of human transport without being rendered unconscious beforehand!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
"Most probably because meat-eaters feel guilty for eating something that clearly squeals, screams and feels pain as its throat is being slit"--the animals are normally unconscious or killed by a bolt to the brain before they're bled!. Occasionally one may still be alive, but that would be considered an accident!. Tens of millions of animals are killed in a certainly painful manner every year by combines and vehicles of human transport without being rendered unconscious beforehand!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Experiments that showed an improved growth rate when plants are treated and talked to nicely and music played for them!. Verses, plants that were treated badly etc!. Basically, giving the plants positive energy as opposed to negative energy!.
Now, saying that humans and other creatures similar to humans feel while other do not is totally incorrect!. I hear people say that fish have no feelings simply because they do not scream in pain or whatever!. To say that when chopping a tree, that it doesn't feel pain is something we cannot know!. We cannot simply say that since a tree does not have the same nervous system as us, that it does not feel pain would be a very narrow way of looking at things!. Perhaps they feel, but in a totally different way that we do!. Perhaps they see, but not with eyes, but detect aura instead!. Nobody (no human) knows!. If they did feel pain, unfortunately we still need to eat, and actually, nuts, fruits, seeds, and other parts of plants are actually designed to be eaten -- they want us to eat them, to provide a method of spreading their seed!. Www@FoodAQ@Com
Now, saying that humans and other creatures similar to humans feel while other do not is totally incorrect!. I hear people say that fish have no feelings simply because they do not scream in pain or whatever!. To say that when chopping a tree, that it doesn't feel pain is something we cannot know!. We cannot simply say that since a tree does not have the same nervous system as us, that it does not feel pain would be a very narrow way of looking at things!. Perhaps they feel, but in a totally different way that we do!. Perhaps they see, but not with eyes, but detect aura instead!. Nobody (no human) knows!. If they did feel pain, unfortunately we still need to eat, and actually, nuts, fruits, seeds, and other parts of plants are actually designed to be eaten -- they want us to eat them, to provide a method of spreading their seed!. Www@FoodAQ@Com
I think the asker is referring more to fruitarianism, not meat eaters who say it just to justify meat!. If I'm right!.!.!. I believe that the thinking is not that they necessarily have feelings but that you're killing a living thing to have it nourish your body!. Hence, they only eat things that don't require killing the plant (fruit is ok, but no root veggies)!. I dunno though, you could argue that you're killing future generations of plants by eating the seeds, so I guess that's where they draw the line!? Yeah, I dunno!.!.!. it's weird, poses some serious health risks as well!. Www@FoodAQ@Com
I'm a vegan!. And I'm don't actually think that plants have feelings!. BUT there still is that possibility, you know!? Just because we can't see or measure or hear a plant's pain, doesn't mean they can't feel it!.
I don't know!. I guess I just sound really insane right now, but you know, they might be able to, just in a different way than humans!. They're living organisms after all!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
I don't know!. I guess I just sound really insane right now, but you know, they might be able to, just in a different way than humans!. They're living organisms after all!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
I don't mind the questions about plants having feelings, because even one celled organisms are aware of their environment!. The one's who get me are the one's who say "plants feel pain" They must of been high on acid when they mowed their lawns!. Can't you just hear that grass scream :-)
Of course plants don't have feelings!. The people who say that usually don't actually believe it, they're just trying to justify eating meat by saying that eating plants is just as bad!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
environmentalist point of view, probably, like you vegans rant about livestock!. humans are always invading nature for their selfish needs, including trees and plants!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Yes,but you are able to Cultivate &grow plants so may religious heads allowed!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Yes Plants have feelings!.!.!.but it doesn't bother it too much if you pick off a fruit from it!. Www@FoodAQ@Com