So exactly what to vegetarians expect humans to do when the animal population gets out of control?!
by eating deer and stuff, along with chickens, pig, cow, etc, we keep the population under control!. If everyone went vegan, exactly what should happen to the overpopulation of deer, and cow, and chicken, and rabbits!?
Why should we do then!?Www@FoodAQ@Com
Why should we do then!?Www@FoodAQ@Com
the human population grows by 212!.000 every day!.the human death rate is approximately 1/3 of the birth rate and the human population is expected to double worldwide within the next 70 years!.with a human population growth rate like that the world wont have enough land to produce food for them all let alone the amount of water that is needed to support the human population for the irrigation of fields to grow the crops!.right now animals are used to feed the population and without them being raised for food to feed the masses human populations would die off "en mass"
You do realize that the animals you eat are artificially overbred, don't you!? There's no way animals would naturally breed bilions of others a year!. So if more and more people go veg, fewer and fewer animals will be bred for human consumption!. As for wild animals some folks like to hunt, deer breed less during food shortages and more when food is plentiful!. Most wild animals don't live long enough to reproduce--law of nature and whatnot!.
So when did you go from bashing non-Christians to bashing vegetarians or did you decide to add us to your repertoire!?Www@FoodAQ@Com
So when did you go from bashing non-Christians to bashing vegetarians or did you decide to add us to your repertoire!?Www@FoodAQ@Com
Nature has a way of dealing with this!.!.!. It's called ecological species balancing!. Take a look at the wilds of Alaska, Australia or the jungles of Borneo!.!.!.
And do you really think herds of cows, sheep, and pigs will roam the streets, marauding and looting!?
EDIT: Of course, but this doesn't mean humans, as a natural process of this Earth, haven't thrown the whole thing out of balance themselves through overpopulation!. I suggest reading about Thomas Malthus!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
And do you really think herds of cows, sheep, and pigs will roam the streets, marauding and looting!?
EDIT: Of course, but this doesn't mean humans, as a natural process of this Earth, haven't thrown the whole thing out of balance themselves through overpopulation!. I suggest reading about Thomas Malthus!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
You don't make sense!. The cows and chickens are created by humans to be eaten, so if nobody ate them, they wouldn't be created to begin with!. As for deer and rabbits, I don't find those to be popular foods!. There are less menu items for those animals than there are vegetarian items even!.
Humans ARE part of nature!. Every single thing we do is part of nature, just like all of the other animals!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Humans ARE part of nature!. Every single thing we do is part of nature, just like all of the other animals!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Cows, chickens, pigs etc are domesticated animals!. Many couldn't survive without being looked after!. That would take care of any over population!. Rabbits are the same!. They are prone to disease in the wild!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Domesticated animals are already over populated, because we as humans are breeding them!. Let them back into nature, and they would die off on their own!. Animal populations don't need humans to control their numbers!. Who are we to decide!?Www@FoodAQ@Com
There are not enough vegetarians in the world to impact the animal world to any significant degree, in my opinion!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
If so many factory farms wouldn't breed animals for human consumption, nature wouldn't become overpopulated!.
You need to take a grammar class!. Www@FoodAQ@Com
You need to take a grammar class!. Www@FoodAQ@Com
Without interference from man nature balances out these things!.
There are only so many pigs and cows etc!. because farmers deliberately breed themWww@FoodAQ@Com
There are only so many pigs and cows etc!. because farmers deliberately breed themWww@FoodAQ@Com
it is a total waste of time asking that question in the veggie section!.!.!.!.!.to them animals have more meaning than humansWww@FoodAQ@Com