Vegetarians\Vegans 2 part question?!
I been wondering if maybe someone who is actually one of the V people could help me understand this!.
Not all but some V's claim fish and chicken are not meat, since chicken is poultry and fish is i assume just out of luck!. Why do "some" consider poultry and fish not meat!? is it a way to get needed protein into the diet by having a loop hole in their eating habits!?
Those people that claim to eat nothing living, and include fish and poultry in the "no eat" category, including anything made from animals such as milk, cheese, and so on!. Who solely live on grown food products!. Does eating veggies and crops not also mean your still eating living bio, plants eat,drink,multiply, and breath just like any other being, so what separates them!? its apparently not the based on if the item in question is alive, since plants are alive!. So what is the key difference in animals no eat, plants yes eat!?
Saying that animals are put in pens and slaughtered for there meat is fine, but many plants are grown and mass harvested!.
Thanks in advance, and don't take this an attack on V people, just wondering as to the reasons behind the mass veggacide :D Www@FoodAQ@Com
Not all but some V's claim fish and chicken are not meat, since chicken is poultry and fish is i assume just out of luck!. Why do "some" consider poultry and fish not meat!? is it a way to get needed protein into the diet by having a loop hole in their eating habits!?
Those people that claim to eat nothing living, and include fish and poultry in the "no eat" category, including anything made from animals such as milk, cheese, and so on!. Who solely live on grown food products!. Does eating veggies and crops not also mean your still eating living bio, plants eat,drink,multiply, and breath just like any other being, so what separates them!? its apparently not the based on if the item in question is alive, since plants are alive!. So what is the key difference in animals no eat, plants yes eat!?
Saying that animals are put in pens and slaughtered for there meat is fine, but many plants are grown and mass harvested!.
Thanks in advance, and don't take this an attack on V people, just wondering as to the reasons behind the mass veggacide :D Www@FoodAQ@Com
No idea why some people think chicken and fish are not meat - because they are obviously meat!. They are "white meat" - these people tend to avoid red meat, for health reasons primarily!. Some Hindus who adopt meat eating will often fall into this category too - avoidig beef!. My dictionary does NOT class them as vegetarians!. However I have heard the term 'demi vegetarian' used as they are part of the way there!.
In reply to your second question - we all need to eat to live healthily!.
A plant based diet devoid of meat and animal products is healthy whilst avoiding a lot of unnesseary killing!. Mammals such as cows and sheep are also known to be sentient, care for their young (not great if lambs are continually taken off them for slaughter) have complex nervous systems, (feel pain )and have seem to have awarenss that they are going to die etc
In short eating meat is not neccesary to maintain the body and while plants also live - eating them is a neccesity!. You could compaign for less cruelty to plant life if you want to :DWww@FoodAQ@Com
In reply to your second question - we all need to eat to live healthily!.
A plant based diet devoid of meat and animal products is healthy whilst avoiding a lot of unnesseary killing!. Mammals such as cows and sheep are also known to be sentient, care for their young (not great if lambs are continually taken off them for slaughter) have complex nervous systems, (feel pain )and have seem to have awarenss that they are going to die etc
In short eating meat is not neccesary to maintain the body and while plants also live - eating them is a neccesity!. You could compaign for less cruelty to plant life if you want to :DWww@FoodAQ@Com
Some consider poultry and fish not meat, because they are human, humans rationalize with themselves to make it seem like they are doing the "correct" thing!.
As for your second question, most people would argue that since plants do not have a nervous system they do not show pain, although some recent studies are beginning to show otherwise, that plants actually scream when picked and pulled out of the ground!. The pitch is too high to be detected by humans, however!. More research is needed on that subject!. Www@FoodAQ@Com
As for your second question, most people would argue that since plants do not have a nervous system they do not show pain, although some recent studies are beginning to show otherwise, that plants actually scream when picked and pulled out of the ground!. The pitch is too high to be detected by humans, however!. More research is needed on that subject!. Www@FoodAQ@Com
They are delusional!.
U can't say you are a vegetarian and still eat meat!. It doesn't matter if it is red meat or white!. Meat is meat!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
U can't say you are a vegetarian and still eat meat!. It doesn't matter if it is red meat or white!. Meat is meat!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
vegetarians consider chicken and fish not meat because it plays less havoc with their system!. red meats would make them sick they say!. but i agree with u and think they rationalize what they want to eat on that day!. slaughtering animals plays a big part in it saying that the animals feel the pain of being slaughtered and have rights (fish and chicken obviously don't have the people behind them to stand up for their rights) plants on the other hand don't have any rights except to not be sprayed with pesticides!. and everyone has to eat something so they are out of luck!. vegans will not eat anything that comes from animals to include dairy and eggs!.
i guess it all boils down to preference and taste!. but all this talk about food is making me hungry so since the only thing i won't eat are the innards of animals (livers and that yuck) i am going to invade the kitchen!. good luck and enjoy your food!. Www@FoodAQ@Com
i guess it all boils down to preference and taste!. but all this talk about food is making me hungry so since the only thing i won't eat are the innards of animals (livers and that yuck) i am going to invade the kitchen!. good luck and enjoy your food!. Www@FoodAQ@Com
Gday, first question- people have many reasons for chosing to avoid animal products!. Some for health others for harm and many others!. ppl who dont eat meat but eat fish or chicken would be avoiding meat for a reason which does not stop them from eating chicken or fish!. Each person is individual - example could be someone who avoids meat for health reasons may not consider fish unhealthy!.
For second question there are two things that i think are needed for a living thing to suffer and that is pain, and also the acknowledgement that pain is a bad state to be in!. It may sound like the same thing but its not!. I dont have a problem killing plants because i believe that when they sence something they just have a reaction to it rather than suffering because of it, I believe if u hack into a tree, the tree will feel that its been hacked into and send sap or watever to deal withit but it wont be put into a state of sufferingWww@FoodAQ@Com
For second question there are two things that i think are needed for a living thing to suffer and that is pain, and also the acknowledgement that pain is a bad state to be in!. It may sound like the same thing but its not!. I dont have a problem killing plants because i believe that when they sence something they just have a reaction to it rather than suffering because of it, I believe if u hack into a tree, the tree will feel that its been hacked into and send sap or watever to deal withit but it wont be put into a state of sufferingWww@FoodAQ@Com
usually but not always people who eat fish and poultry are either just being vegetarian for social reasons or they are being vegetarian for health reasons, i say vegeterian but anyone who eats either those foods is not veg!.
well im vegan so i would be one of those people you would be talking about, and the difference between animals and plants is plants have no central nervous system, animals do, they show emotion and pain and they can think, plants don't cause they don't feel or think!.
and most plants are mass harvested for the animals people eat for meat, not that mass harvesting plants is a bad thing, just saying
and lol at "veggacide"Www@FoodAQ@Com
well im vegan so i would be one of those people you would be talking about, and the difference between animals and plants is plants have no central nervous system, animals do, they show emotion and pain and they can think, plants don't cause they don't feel or think!.
and most plants are mass harvested for the animals people eat for meat, not that mass harvesting plants is a bad thing, just saying
and lol at "veggacide"Www@FoodAQ@Com
Some people have yet to be educated!. Just because the meat is not red, and is called the white meat, it was still a living animal and it is flesh that is eaten!. Sometimes not eating red meat is the first step of the journey towards vegetarianism (which is how I started out)!. Once you begin to cut out the "red" meat, and you see that you can survive without red meat, then you may begin to work on cutting out chicken and fish next!. Thus you will find that there is alot of food still to eat with eggs and dairy (milk and cheese and yogurt)!. Defining yourself and rationalizing is based on the knowledge that is in your data bank :-)
Eating plants (love the word veggacide by the way) is the way to survive since we need to have nutrients for our bodies to work properly!. Now there are some eaters of fruit (fruitarians) that will say that they do not kill or harm the plant in any way!. In fact they wait for the fruit/veggies to fall from the plant (like a present) before they eat it!.
Even as a vegan for many years now, and I have gone raw vegan during the summer, I am not disciplined enough to become a fruitarian full time!. I am content in my own definition/rationalization that I am not killing animals just to satisfy my tastebuds (as I already know that people, myself included, can thrive on a plant diet) as a vegan!. My next hurdle is to become fully aware/educated of how my food is grown, harvested, warehoused, and brought to my plate!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Eating plants (love the word veggacide by the way) is the way to survive since we need to have nutrients for our bodies to work properly!. Now there are some eaters of fruit (fruitarians) that will say that they do not kill or harm the plant in any way!. In fact they wait for the fruit/veggies to fall from the plant (like a present) before they eat it!.
Even as a vegan for many years now, and I have gone raw vegan during the summer, I am not disciplined enough to become a fruitarian full time!. I am content in my own definition/rationalization that I am not killing animals just to satisfy my tastebuds (as I already know that people, myself included, can thrive on a plant diet) as a vegan!. My next hurdle is to become fully aware/educated of how my food is grown, harvested, warehoused, and brought to my plate!.Www@FoodAQ@Com