Vegetarian question I need help!?!
How can I tell my mom and dad and friends that I want to be a vegetarian like my brother, with out them thinking i won't stick with it again!? (I have tried to be Veggie numorous times) also, my problem with my previous vegetarian experences is I can never stay with it!. My best friend and brother have been vegetarian for 1 year!. One more question, is vegan and vegetarian the same!? PLEASE NO WEBSITES!. I would like some advise on the topic and the questions!. And please tell me how/what made you become vegetarian and how it started (pretty much your story)Www@FoodAQ@Com
well just tell them again!. or stop eating meat and then once you feel like you are sticking to it, then tell them!.
Why do you want to be vegetarian!?
That should be reason enough to stick to it!.
Vegetarians abstain from meat & FISH/seafood as well as slaughter house ingredients (rennet & gelatin)!.
Vegans abstain from all animal products: meat, gelatin, milk, eggs, whey, cheese!.!. any thing made with those ingredients, fur, wool, silk, products tested on animals, and non food products w/ animal ingredients like deoderants & shampoo/
I went vegetarian when I was 12 yrs old!. I told my mom and she was kinda annoyed b/c we didnt have a lot of money so she would have to buy me seperate food!. As I tell this story I think that we must have ate mcdonalds a lot!. which is utterly gross! But at first we went to mcdonalds and i got a salad!. at that time they were only small things of salad and it was a chicken salad w/ egg (premade) so i was just picking out the chicken (i know, not very vegetarian but i was new and 12!) but then i would sneak eating them too!.!. but the thing was idk who i was sneaking it from b/c i was the only one who cared and clearly III knew i was eating it!. so whatev!. then maybe a couple days later (hopefully at least a week apart!) we got mcdonalds again and my mom forgot that i was a vegetarian and got me a quarter pounder!. and so i gave in and ate it!. and as i was eating it i was just getting so sick and thinking about the cow and was just compleeeteellyyy grossed out!. so that was the last time i ate meat!.
i knew about gelatin but just now learned about rennet!. i think once i went vegetarian i just thought that was it!. no meat!. easy!. i didnt think about other products taht could be from animals like rennet!.
But now!! I am vegan!. I went vegan this past august and i feel great!. i am less hungry all the time and got sick only once all those 3 1/2 months which is great!.
really what will make you stick to it is just think of why you are doing it!. and also then once you reached a week or 2, then 3, then a month look at all that progress you made!
Good luck!
&really its not that hard to get protein and iron you just have to eat a variety of veggies!. veggie burgers have a lot jam packed into them so you get a lot of everything in one patty!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Why do you want to be vegetarian!?
That should be reason enough to stick to it!.
Vegetarians abstain from meat & FISH/seafood as well as slaughter house ingredients (rennet & gelatin)!.
Vegans abstain from all animal products: meat, gelatin, milk, eggs, whey, cheese!.!. any thing made with those ingredients, fur, wool, silk, products tested on animals, and non food products w/ animal ingredients like deoderants & shampoo/
I went vegetarian when I was 12 yrs old!. I told my mom and she was kinda annoyed b/c we didnt have a lot of money so she would have to buy me seperate food!. As I tell this story I think that we must have ate mcdonalds a lot!. which is utterly gross! But at first we went to mcdonalds and i got a salad!. at that time they were only small things of salad and it was a chicken salad w/ egg (premade) so i was just picking out the chicken (i know, not very vegetarian but i was new and 12!) but then i would sneak eating them too!.!. but the thing was idk who i was sneaking it from b/c i was the only one who cared and clearly III knew i was eating it!. so whatev!. then maybe a couple days later (hopefully at least a week apart!) we got mcdonalds again and my mom forgot that i was a vegetarian and got me a quarter pounder!. and so i gave in and ate it!. and as i was eating it i was just getting so sick and thinking about the cow and was just compleeeteellyyy grossed out!. so that was the last time i ate meat!.
i knew about gelatin but just now learned about rennet!. i think once i went vegetarian i just thought that was it!. no meat!. easy!. i didnt think about other products taht could be from animals like rennet!.
But now!! I am vegan!. I went vegan this past august and i feel great!. i am less hungry all the time and got sick only once all those 3 1/2 months which is great!.
really what will make you stick to it is just think of why you are doing it!. and also then once you reached a week or 2, then 3, then a month look at all that progress you made!
Good luck!
&really its not that hard to get protein and iron you just have to eat a variety of veggies!. veggie burgers have a lot jam packed into them so you get a lot of everything in one patty!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
I've been Vegetarian for about two years now!.At first it was more to do with not liking meat particularly and feeling guilty about it!. I found it hard, but the longer i went without meat the more the idea disgusted me!. A vegan won't eat anything from, animals, such as milk etc, and a vegetarian won't eat anything which requires the animal to die!. You must also consider whether or not you will wear leather or silk, and learn to check ingredients for by products like gelatine and cochineal!. Most people eat around three times as much protein as they need, so it's unlikely you'll have any trouble as long as you eat cheese, yogurt nuts, beans, seeds or lentils!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
I just be came a vegetarian and my best friends were veggies way before me they dissided they wanted to show me the video that made them switch to veggie!. i saw it and it was the worst thing i had ever seen the way the treated the animals the process in which how most of the animals go through while they are still alive!. Expesily kosher meat is the worst so I weend my self meat one kind at a time starting with my favorite meat so I could get the hardest part over with good luck!!!!:)Www@FoodAQ@Com
about a year ago i became a vegitairen now i didnt just cut off all meat cold turkey{heheheh get it!!} i kinda weend off it like cut down red meat then i completely didnt eat red meat then i started lik cutting off chicken then fish!. now this is really the truth since i beccame a veggie when ever i look a meat it looks cloleress and gray and really ugly and not appitizing !! and a little trick help ure mom before dinner like with spahgetti and meatballs well the meat looks really bloody and the smell is wirse think of likethe met raw before you eat it cookedWww@FoodAQ@Com
I was a veggie for 16 years, i was born into it, vegetarians dont eat meat, some dont consider fish a meat but vegans dont eat meat or dairy or use any animal products like eggs!. it is very hars my parents havent had meat in 30 years, you have to make sure you get enough protein you can get everything you need from a health food store, the are even soy burgers that dont taste so bad so you might not want the meat so bad, well hope i helpedWww@FoodAQ@Com
ok!.!. im in like the same situation as you!.!.!.!.
I just started to be a vegetarian a week ago and its really hard but evert time i want a cheeseburger i just think about how the cows die and it actually works! The very first time i saw how the chickens were raised for meat i cried!.
ohh and a VEGAN is a person who doesn't eat or use anything from animals (milk, cheese, cake, etc!.)Www@FoodAQ@Com
I just started to be a vegetarian a week ago and its really hard but evert time i want a cheeseburger i just think about how the cows die and it actually works! The very first time i saw how the chickens were raised for meat i cried!.
ohh and a VEGAN is a person who doesn't eat or use anything from animals (milk, cheese, cake, etc!.)Www@FoodAQ@Com
i was born vegetarian because of my religion which is hinduism and i also dont liek to eat anything that was living and if u really want to be commited to being vegetarian then try not to go in meat isles in stores or make sure ur borther or friend help u i hope this helpsWww@FoodAQ@Com
just tell them and if they dont believe you will keep it up show them wrong im 12 and i became a vegetarian i told my parents and friends and some of them didnt believe i would do it, but i showed them wrong
the way i became a vegetarian is looked up videos of what irs like in slaughter houses and it was really sad i imagined that i lived on a farm and had a cow or pig or cicken or turkey and imagined i grew up playing and takeing care of them and then imagineing that they have to be tookin to a slaughter house
vegetarian and vegan are not the same vegans dont eat or wear anything that comes from an animal no meat, or dairy, butter cheese nothing that comes from an animal and vegetarians dont eat meat but they will eat dairy
the way i became a vegetarian is looked up videos of what irs like in slaughter houses and it was really sad i imagined that i lived on a farm and had a cow or pig or cicken or turkey and imagined i grew up playing and takeing care of them and then imagineing that they have to be tookin to a slaughter house
vegetarian and vegan are not the same vegans dont eat or wear anything that comes from an animal no meat, or dairy, butter cheese nothing that comes from an animal and vegetarians dont eat meat but they will eat dairy
That is a lot to tackle in one question!. I'll start from the top!.
If they think that you won't stick with it that is their prerogative!. Why is it important to you what they think!? If in your heart you know you are sincere, then other people will see that and if they don't there is nothing you can do to change their minds!. Honestly, the only way to change their minds (if you really wish to) is to show them!. When I first went vegetarian people thought I would give in eventually, but after a few months people realize that this is important to you!. Be patient!.
If you're having problems sticking with it, think about what makes you stray, is it peer pressure to eat at a certain place!? A lot of questions!? If you think about what bothers you beforehand, and then try to safeguard against that!. It helps to have a support system, and also continue to do research and keep up with the animal rights movement to make sure you don't become desensitized!.
A vegetarian is someone who eats no meat or meat products, but still eats either eggs or dairy or both!.
A vegan strives to eliminate using animals products in their food, clothes, etc!. This includes not eating meat, eggs, dairy or their by products like gelatin, rennet, whey, casein, and not using furs, leather, goose down, etc!. A vegan diet generally consists of vegetables, fruits, legumes, nuts and seeds!.
Personally, I was 15 and watched "Meet Your Meat" one night at like 11pm and decided I wouldn't eat meat anymore!. 2 years ago I tried to go vegan for a few months but I didn't do it right at all and ended up going back to vegetarian!. 4 months ago I was listening to a Podcast by Colleen Patrick-Godreau from Compassionate Cooks and when I got home I decided it was long overdue and went vegan that afternoon!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
If they think that you won't stick with it that is their prerogative!. Why is it important to you what they think!? If in your heart you know you are sincere, then other people will see that and if they don't there is nothing you can do to change their minds!. Honestly, the only way to change their minds (if you really wish to) is to show them!. When I first went vegetarian people thought I would give in eventually, but after a few months people realize that this is important to you!. Be patient!.
If you're having problems sticking with it, think about what makes you stray, is it peer pressure to eat at a certain place!? A lot of questions!? If you think about what bothers you beforehand, and then try to safeguard against that!. It helps to have a support system, and also continue to do research and keep up with the animal rights movement to make sure you don't become desensitized!.
A vegetarian is someone who eats no meat or meat products, but still eats either eggs or dairy or both!.
A vegan strives to eliminate using animals products in their food, clothes, etc!. This includes not eating meat, eggs, dairy or their by products like gelatin, rennet, whey, casein, and not using furs, leather, goose down, etc!. A vegan diet generally consists of vegetables, fruits, legumes, nuts and seeds!.
Personally, I was 15 and watched "Meet Your Meat" one night at like 11pm and decided I wouldn't eat meat anymore!. 2 years ago I tried to go vegan for a few months but I didn't do it right at all and ended up going back to vegetarian!. 4 months ago I was listening to a Podcast by Colleen Patrick-Godreau from Compassionate Cooks and when I got home I decided it was long overdue and went vegan that afternoon!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
well when i told my parents, they were like "no way ur being vegetarian", and "there is no way in hell im letting u do this to utself"!. but seriously, they cant do **** haha!. you should just go up to them and tell them that you are determined to stick to it and tell them ur reason why!.
i first became vegetarian 5 years ago!. i was still in school and my WHOLE family practically only eat meat!. it was terrible for me!. the first 2-4 months were terrible for me!. it was so hard for me to stay vegetarian without resorting to meat!. after a year or to i became aware of PETA!. and i know alot of people talk heaps of **** about them, but they are seriously a good company and are a great way to help you stay vegge!. i started doing campaigns and protesting and it was heaps helpful and i was shown heaps of videos and demonstrations about the animals being slaughtered and ****!. the stuff that ihave seen has really made me stay vegge graetely!.
i have never felt healthier and happy ever!. and now my body is so used the being vegan(ive been vegan for 4 years now) that the sight of meat repulses me!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
i first became vegetarian 5 years ago!. i was still in school and my WHOLE family practically only eat meat!. it was terrible for me!. the first 2-4 months were terrible for me!. it was so hard for me to stay vegetarian without resorting to meat!. after a year or to i became aware of PETA!. and i know alot of people talk heaps of **** about them, but they are seriously a good company and are a great way to help you stay vegge!. i started doing campaigns and protesting and it was heaps helpful and i was shown heaps of videos and demonstrations about the animals being slaughtered and ****!. the stuff that ihave seen has really made me stay vegge graetely!.
i have never felt healthier and happy ever!. and now my body is so used the being vegan(ive been vegan for 4 years now) that the sight of meat repulses me!.Www@FoodAQ@Com