Vegetarians : why dont you consume meat products?!
always wondered why ppl start with being a veggieWww@FoodAQ@Com
1-Animals of course!. I can't eat animals, I spend my time helping them ! No reason to protect my cats and dogs if i kill cows!.!.!.
2-Ecology : The meat industry produces more warning gases than the transport industry ! GIEC (the U!.N!. expert for the climat) ask to eat meat only 1 time a week for the environment!.
3-Health : Red meat => Colon cancer, heart problems
4-The starving crisis : We use much more cereals to produce meat than vegetarian food!. (A cow eat 7 proteins and give only 1 protein in your plate)!. Producing meat is a great waste of food !
5-The forest : Producing meat require more cereal !.!.!. and more space!. So this means, more deforestation, more pollution in the rivers (because of the petsicid)Www@FoodAQ@Com
1-Animals of course!. I can't eat animals, I spend my time helping them ! No reason to protect my cats and dogs if i kill cows!.!.!.
2-Ecology : The meat industry produces more warning gases than the transport industry ! GIEC (the U!.N!. expert for the climat) ask to eat meat only 1 time a week for the environment!.
3-Health : Red meat => Colon cancer, heart problems
4-The starving crisis : We use much more cereals to produce meat than vegetarian food!. (A cow eat 7 proteins and give only 1 protein in your plate)!. Producing meat is a great waste of food !
5-The forest : Producing meat require more cereal !.!.!. and more space!. So this means, more deforestation, more pollution in the rivers (because of the petsicid)Www@FoodAQ@Com
This answers been answered a zillion times but whatever!.
I switched to vegetarian because I asked myself; why do I eat meat!?
Reasons that came to my head:
Protein for muscle growth - What!? If I ate 100kg of meat a day I still wouldn't grow any muscle, I've been lanky my whole life and eating meat won't change it!.
I need my Iron - What the hells wrong with tablets!? They really don't take much effort!.!.!.
It's the normal thing to do - How is killing something a normal thing to do!? Do I really want to be apart of a 'normal' society where killing animals has become apart of culture!?
It tastes good - WHAT! I care about my pleasure more than the life of animals!!? I'm a diiiick!.!.!.
For me, it came down to taking a good look at myself and looking at what I was doing!. After all the reasoning I could think of, I decided that I couldn't think of any reason for eating meat that isn't arrogant or ignorant!.
also being a greenie, the switch to going vego was easy as I knew I was helping the environment as well as being one step closer to true global equality!. I also felt that I was doing mother nature proud by not killing her creatures anymore!
Hope I gave you insight!.
person below me; on crack or easily the biggest loser in the world!.!.!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
I switched to vegetarian because I asked myself; why do I eat meat!?
Reasons that came to my head:
Protein for muscle growth - What!? If I ate 100kg of meat a day I still wouldn't grow any muscle, I've been lanky my whole life and eating meat won't change it!.
I need my Iron - What the hells wrong with tablets!? They really don't take much effort!.!.!.
It's the normal thing to do - How is killing something a normal thing to do!? Do I really want to be apart of a 'normal' society where killing animals has become apart of culture!?
It tastes good - WHAT! I care about my pleasure more than the life of animals!!? I'm a diiiick!.!.!.
For me, it came down to taking a good look at myself and looking at what I was doing!. After all the reasoning I could think of, I decided that I couldn't think of any reason for eating meat that isn't arrogant or ignorant!.
also being a greenie, the switch to going vego was easy as I knew I was helping the environment as well as being one step closer to true global equality!. I also felt that I was doing mother nature proud by not killing her creatures anymore!
Hope I gave you insight!.
person below me; on crack or easily the biggest loser in the world!.!.!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
We own chickens and piglets!.
The thought of killing them and then eating them just makes me feel sick!.
Would you eat a human!? We're animals too!.!.!.
I have to admit though; i do like the taste of meat!. I miss eating bacon and chicken!.!. but!.!. i just can't bring myself to actually eat it anymore!. Knowing that it is a dead animal!. There are alternatives that are actually healthier!.!. so why not!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
The thought of killing them and then eating them just makes me feel sick!.
Would you eat a human!? We're animals too!.!.!.
I have to admit though; i do like the taste of meat!. I miss eating bacon and chicken!.!. but!.!. i just can't bring myself to actually eat it anymore!. Knowing that it is a dead animal!. There are alternatives that are actually healthier!.!. so why not!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Some people think meat is sickening!.
in my opinion,
it's considered cruelty, i guess you could call it!.
Killing an animal to eat,
if you watched some PETA videos,
you'd understand how much more cruel it is then just killing and cooking!.
in my opinion,
it's considered cruelty, i guess you could call it!.
Killing an animal to eat,
if you watched some PETA videos,
you'd understand how much more cruel it is then just killing and cooking!.
For me it was a confluence of reasons!. Compassion: I could not stand the way we treat our fellow creatures!. Health: Why should I stuff poisons into my body!. Ecology: The strain on the environment of the meat industry is destroying the planet!. When it goes we go!. Www@FoodAQ@Com
Both of my big brothers were vegetarians when i was a kid and I wanted to be like them!. Now I guess I'm so used to not eating meat that I hate the taste of it!.Www@FoodAQ@Com