Im Thinking about becoming a Vegetarian , i love animals and want to help and make a difference?!

Question: Im Thinking about becoming a Vegetarian , i love animals and want to help and make a difference!?
I do like veggies so why not i mean ive done my research and There's a lot of good reasons to become a vegetarian i have been thinking about it for months!.!.and now i think im ready to fully take it on , i was wondering !. does anyone have any advice!?Www@FoodAQ@Com

Don't bother reading the morons reponses on here!.

I became a veggie for 3 reasons!.

1!.) I felt it was hypocritical to claim to be an animal lover then eat one for my dinner!. These animals are battery farmed in conditions!. I don't want to contribute to that so if there is less demand there will be less animals kept like this!.!.!.simple business sense!.

2!.) My health - All the junk food I liked was meat based!. Since I've given up meat I have a lot more energy and colour in my cheeks apparently!.

3!.) The environment!. The amount of land and water used to maintain the meat industry makes it a major contributor to climate change!.

So go veggie! I haven't missed meat at all!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Do it!
It's not even remotely hard if you are strong in your beliefs and reasons for doing it!.
Just make sure you eat a variety of foods so that you do get protein and iron, however it isn't hard but most people have this belief that you can not get the same nutrition w/o meat!.

I recommend eating veggie burgers b/c they provide a bulk of protein in one patty!.
And also about a month or so into being a vegetarian get a blood test to check for protein and iron just so you can be sure and that way you can reassure those who say you don't have enough of them!

Maybe down the line go vegan!. :) B/c dairy cows are tortured terribly to provide us with milk!. & life as hen isn't that great either!.

But being a vegetarian is better than nothing! :) Good luck!!Www@FoodAQ@Com

My daughter and I became vegetarians for one whole year!. Its harder than some people think!. You really need to learn how to cook in a vegetarian manner!. I could not figure out how to cook tofu good at all!. I tried it in some recipes and it always tasted like cardboard!. Find a group somewhere that will give you a lot of advice and help on cooking good for your foods and not just veggies!. We ate a lot of eggs and cheese, but that got so old!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

I think commitment is the key!. Without a commitment, it's too easy, when you have a bad day, to bail out!. Sign the 30 day pledge at goveg!.com!. I would also suggest ordering the starter guides from the following links!. also, I would suggest looking at this as an ongoing process, and educate yourself by reading a couple of books on the subject!. Good luck, and enjoy!. I speak from experience when I say it is easier than you might think, as long as you are committed!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Yeah, don't do it!.

You're not saving any animals, if anything, you're just ensuring that more animals that get slaughtered don't get used, so their deaths are meaningless!.

also, to vegetarians, for every animal you don't eat, I'll eat three!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

i love animals too and i wanted to make a difference too!. SO I BOUGHT A PET AT THE POUND!. my advice to you, is think this through a lot moreWww@FoodAQ@Com

Go ahead, sounds great!. You can help save a cow or pig!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Yes, go for it!! I went Veggie Jan 1997!. (I'm 26 now!) So it's been a while for me :) It's been a lot of fun too!. I feel so much better then I used to, there's no doubt about that!. You will love trying all the new foods once you go "veg"!. Do you have a health food store near you!?
You can really find some cool foods there! i!.e!. soy jerky, veggie corn dogs, chikn' nuggets, pot pies, burritos, ice cream, pizza, soups, cereals etc etc!. also, your grocery store has that stuff too! (most of them) here in Florida stores like Publix, WinDixie, Super Target and Super Walmart ALL carry "healthy' foods on certain aisles!. Esp!. in the freezer section!. (Boca, Morning star farm, soy dream, all great brands to look for!) My advice to you, take it slow!. Don't get overwhelmed! It's so easy to!. When you're first starting out it's easy to see all these new foods (even the prices of some of them!) and want to just quit!. - But don't! You don't have to spend $$$ a lot of money to be a vegetarian!.
Veggie burgers don't cost very much from stores like Super Walmart / Target (maybe $2!.50-$3!.00 a box!?) Peanut butter isn't very much, soy milk is around $3!.00 (or less) for 1/2 galon (silk brand is great!) frozen veggies are a great in expensive way to get your veggies!. They are infact sometimes 'healthier' then even the so called "fresh" stuff you get from your grocery store!. Canned soup, (from the healthy aisle) is only about $2 or less a can!. Cereal doesn't cost much, oat meal doesn't either!. So there are a few ideas for you!. When you're out traveling, it's VERY easy to stick to your veg diet!. Fastfood: baked potatoes (like wendy's) side salads, veggie burger (from burger king) even Denny's has a veggie burger (so good w/honey mustard dressing on it!) Olive garden has a great minestone soup, salad, pasta!. You get the idea!. If you look and read ANY menu, you will be able to find something for your new "veggie" lifestyle!. (I even eat @ Red Lobster haha)!. There's no restaurant I can't find SOMETHING at!. So far =)

Good luck to you!.!.
Vegsource!.com is a great place for recipes/info too!. :)Www@FoodAQ@Com

Make a difference in what exactly!? Because if you have done your research as you've said, you would know that vegetarians do not save a single animal's life!. the most you can say is that you do not contribute to an animal's death!. But that animal, whatever it is, is killed anyway!. If you check meat eating statistics in the US for example, the fugues have actually the last 5 years despite the claim that the number of vegetarians have increased over the same period!.

Any other "difference" such as the " I save 100 animals a year" are propaganda myths promoted by the vegetarian societies!. And the vegetarian food companies (some of who are owned by companies that process/serve meat) , who have a stake in a multimillion dollar industry!.

Be a vegetarian of you want to!. It can be a healthy diet if you do it right!. But don't delude yourself into believing it means anything else!. If you really want to actually help animals, join or contribute to a conservation society or volunteer at an animal shelter etc!. Www@FoodAQ@Com

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