What would Happen ? If we would all become vegetarians ?!

Question: What would Happen !? If we would all become vegetarians !?
I've been listening to many people talk about not eating meats!. I am a meat eater and thought many times to cut out the meat I eat!. What would happen if everyone in the world would not eat meat anymore !? What would happen to the animals !? We could not be cruel to kill them, because of over population , would we !? Then we would be killing for our own selfish purposes!. Just a thought!. I would like to hear other thoughts on this subject!. Outside of my four walls of thinking!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

I've answered this question once before, discussed with with some of my Agronomy professors and got similar responces to what I said!. I'll post what I said in previous questions!.

Well, this would be very interesting!. Here is my hypothesis of what would happen!.

1) Fewer farm animals, most of the types we know now would not exist!. (This is due that we breed them with more desirable traits!.)

2) We would likely have a surplus in other animals, hunting would still be prevalent to prevent the animals from eating anothers crops!. Animals would still be killed, because likely people would kill the predators as they are percieved as a threat to humans, thus their prey would flourish, eat the crops!.!. humans then hunt the animals and let them go to waste!. (For example, see deer in Iowa and other midwest states!.)

3) More deforestation (Debatable among agronomists), the nutrient composition in the soil would likely be overworked due to the increased need for food diversification!. (increased production in foods to balance nutritional needs) Thus natural habitats would likely be destroyed to make room for farmland and increase the overall yield for the farmer, thus increasing profits!.

Theory for less deforestation: Less land would be used that has been used for animal grazing, more food produced on a smaller amount of land!. Animals would not be given a large proportion of the crops grown resulting in more for the consumer!.

4) More/less energy needed to sustain more crops, depending on the climate (location, ex: herders would have issues/nomads, ect) and the weather conditions, more irrigation would be needed to sustain all the plants and prevent the spread of possible diseases among the crop!.

5) More GM foods would be developed, the enhance the plants, make more resistant to various conditions, greater yield, ect!. (would be greater research done than it is now!.!. as everything would be concentrated around the plants!.)

6) Decreased production in certain products (gelatin for example might be produced less depending on method of extraction or lab creation)

7) Lower world population (Same reason as today, greed and transport costs to send supplys to other countries): Depending on location!.!.!.destruction/compromised quality of the crops can cause mass wide famine, chemical contamination, undesirable growing conditions/limited areas, loss due to microbes/spoilage/other animals/waste, ect!.

It would be very interesting!.!. these are just a few things I believe would happen!. The world would probally be about the same though!.

With topics like this, there is no clear answer from either side, you must remember that it will never be a exactly a black/white answer, but merely a different shade of gray!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

It is unlikely that the whole world would suddenly become vegetarian, so the breeding and keeping of animals for meat could be phased out over a long period of time!. There are real environmental arguments for being veggie; animals produce methane and CO2 in huge quantities, and take up large areas of land that could be used to grow crops!. Ultimately, if we all became vegetarians, it would be easier to feed the world and the environment would improve as global warming slowed down!. The impact on animals would probably be minimal; thousands fewer animals would be born, but they are simply bred to be slaughtered anyway, not to have long and enjoyable lives!. I am a committed meat-eater, but this is my take on your question!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Well, if everyone stopped eating meat, we would also stop breeding the mass ammount of animals for food!. Most would go to random farms, I bet a cow/chicken/pig adoption agency would be set up, I would love to hae a pig as a pet!!
If everyoe was to go veg, there would not really be an overpopulation because we would stop breeding them by the thosands!.

Edut:b12 can be found in organic produce, iron is all over the place in leafy greens, what up with all the generalizing and lack of research with the trolls today, normally they are better!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

i think wild animals would increase in population, but farm animals like pigs, sheep and cows would reduce rapidly in population because farmers wouldnt bother farming them anymore because no-one would buy them so slowly but surely they wouldnt be breeded, and would have any life at all!.
Sooo!.!. If we eat meat farm animals will have a life!.!.!. if they dont they wont live at all but wild animals will increase!.!.!.

The world would starve because there is no way we could feed ourselves on vegetation, plantlife and artificial products alone!. In some African countries they have to eat meat or fish, that is all there is!. The rest of us would have to support them, and in this day and age we don't do that now!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Maybe they will start eating us as pay back!?!? I have also thought about cutting meat out of my diet!. It would be hard because you would have to eat more vegetables, fruit and vitamins to substitute for iron and stuff!. Interesting question though!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

We'd be stampeded by the overpopulation of animals!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

There would still be hunters killing for sport so the animals would die anyway!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

OK this is simple!.




Well, we wouldn't be able to drive anywhere cuz there would be deer all over the roads!. Www@FoodAQ@Com

For starters, I'd start investing in companies that make B12 pills!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

We would be over run with cows and they would start eating us!. Uh oh D:Www@FoodAQ@Com

I am also a meat eater!. So my question is not influenced by some vegan way of thinking, since I am not vegan!.

Almost all the meat we eat is produced my the meat industry worldwide!. There are some people who still hunt for food!. But their percentage, in the total of meat eating individuals, is very low!.

So, there would be no environmental catastrophe, if all mankind stopped eating meat!. No overpopulation of some species, because we would stop hunting them!. We already hunt very few animals!. The fact that we stopped producing meat would allow us to focus on the planet resources!. We already study the ecosystems and the animal species population!. But we could investigate further, and learn more (by using money and resources not on the meat industries but on environment study) about our planet!.

But it is hard to predict the changes!.I think that there would be some reasons for concern!. Right now we have millions of live stock!. They have a huge impact on the environment (some of it very negative)!. It would take many decades to find some balance!. The decrease of live stock population would have an impact!. But I think that the ecosystems would adapt!.

As for cruelty!. Animals are not that concerned about cruelty or suffering!. Some predators eat their prey while it is still living!. Animals cause a lot of suffering to other animals!. An (non-human) animal killing another animal cannot be guilty of cruelty!. We humans, are different!. We can think about suffering - which is our concept!. We can create ethical values and live according to them!. The fact that we control populations, in an attempt to restore balance to nature is the contrary of cruelty!. Cruelty is to cause meaningless suffering!.

added: Anyway, I don't think we all have to be vegetarians!. At least, not overnight!. But we must reduce the consumption of meat, for sure!. We overeat!. And the fact that some people, that did not have a diet centered around meat (like Chinese or Indian) are changing their habits and in those countries the demand for meat is increasing exponecially!.!.!. well that should make us concern about our resources and our meat consumption!. With an ever increasing population, mankind must be very serious about food!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

We would all be walking around as weak anemic wimpsWww@FoodAQ@Com

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