Ok so i want to be a vegetarian but....?!
I live with my parents who are not vegetarians!. my dad loves to eat meat and I am the person who loves to cook dinner and (sadly) my best dish is meatloaf!. I have no clue what to eat or what not to eat!. what are some websites that could help me!? i need easy recipes and my parents and i go out to eat with family and i dont know what to order now!. also what about thanksgiving!? i normally like to eat turkey, so what should i do!?Www@FoodAQ@Com
My mom went through a phase for about 4 years where she was hellbent on being a vegetarian, and since she was the one cooking the meals when I was little, I was vegetarian as well!. There are plenty of recipes and products out there that are for vegetarians, all you have to do is search!. I've included a link in the sources for recipes and such!. One tip I will give you (and I believe non-vegetarians should do this too) is go to your local grocery store/pharmacy/Wal*Mart and pick up some multivitamins!. I take One A Day women's formula and after taking them for a while, you'll feel a lot better!. But be sure to follow what it says on the bottle about eating and then taking the vitamin, because if not, you may feel a bit sick to your stomach for a little while!. That happened to me when I was in high school, so I'm speaking from experience!.
Good luck on becoming vegetarian!
If I can think of anymore websites to help you, I'll get them to you!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Good luck on becoming vegetarian!
If I can think of anymore websites to help you, I'll get them to you!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
You know, being a vegetarian isn't the same what you think it's like!.
1!. You don't get all the nutrients you need in a healthy diet!. IT's like if you only ate meat!. It is not as good for you as you think!.
2!. You know, the farmers won't stop raising animals for meat because you stop eating meat!. It isn't murder!. It's "The Circle of Life"!. Animals eat animals!. It is what's supposed to happen!
3!. Eating meat at a healthy non-excessive rate, and it's healthier, and totally natural!.
4!. No human is meant to be a vegetarian!. Humans are mean tot be omnivores!. That means we are supposed to eat vegetables, and meats!
5!. If you must be a vegetarian, than your family will just have to deal with vegetarian cooking!. Or you can cook meat, and not eat it!. Or, you could not cook!. It isn't your responsibility to have a lifestyle you don't want so you can feed your family what they want!.
6!.I advise you just to be a regular, healthy, omnivore!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
1!. You don't get all the nutrients you need in a healthy diet!. IT's like if you only ate meat!. It is not as good for you as you think!.
2!. You know, the farmers won't stop raising animals for meat because you stop eating meat!. It isn't murder!. It's "The Circle of Life"!. Animals eat animals!. It is what's supposed to happen!
3!. Eating meat at a healthy non-excessive rate, and it's healthier, and totally natural!.
4!. No human is meant to be a vegetarian!. Humans are mean tot be omnivores!. That means we are supposed to eat vegetables, and meats!
5!. If you must be a vegetarian, than your family will just have to deal with vegetarian cooking!. Or you can cook meat, and not eat it!. Or, you could not cook!. It isn't your responsibility to have a lifestyle you don't want so you can feed your family what they want!.
6!.I advise you just to be a regular, healthy, omnivore!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Well I Am A vegitarian With My parents but it is because I don't like meat!. Everyone In My Family Eats Meat!. BUt Since You Love To Cook Dinner Try Some Vegitarian Recipies, Or Fix Something normal and just don't eat the meat!. What to order: A salad, Baked Patatos Etc!. Anything without meat!. But Compared To what your saying it sounds like you really like meat!. So If you really like it, Eat It!. Or Since Your Worried About Thanksgiving, Do Some Reserch on some websites then make being a vegatarin you New years resolution And By thanksgiving then you will be used to not eating meat!Www@FoodAQ@Com
Check on google!.
Type in vegetarian meal recipes!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Type in vegetarian meal recipes!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
eat meatWww@FoodAQ@Com
BEFORE YOU GO VEGETARIAN!. !. Find out more!. I thought would try it because Im a health nut!.!.one month in, and I didnt notice in the mirror as much as when I looked at pictures, I looked super old, and tired!. I LOOKED LIKE A BALL OF STRESS!. I lost a little bit of weight, but my conplexion was terrible!. I knew vegetarian was working for some peopl, but not me!.!. So I bought this book!.!. "Eat right for your blood type" And come to find out o blood types bodies thrive off meat!.!. It works like this, Our blood types originate from Africa!.!.!.!. EVERYONES,, Peoples blood types changed when they migrated out of Africa, and started eating foods from their new environment!. People who ate primarily berries, and vegtables!. their bodies got used to that, and adapated to the food(changeing their blood type to ab b and all that)!.!.!. meaning learned out to get maximum nutrition, and best digestion from it!. because over thousands of years of eating those types of food, the bodies found natural body weight and more!.!.!. O blood types are what they call hunter gatherers!.!. we wer in a hunting environment, and our bodies had high meat, high protein diet for thousands of years!. there for making meat a primary means of homostasis, hence the high acidic levels in O blood types!. A blood types and B and all thay come from other places and do not need meat as much as we do!.!. AS SOON AS I STARTED eating meat again, my lips were fuller, my skin was texured and smooth again, i felt like a million bucks! So do your research before you depribe a body that has had this product in your blood line from the begginning of time, and your just going to stop putting it into the system in which it is genetically coded in, and essential for optimum function!.!.
FYI, 24 year old male,
Run 4 miles everyday
6 pack
OH YEA, O blood types according to this book, can eat as much red meat as we want, as long as they are in portions of 7 ounces or less!.per sitting!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
FYI, 24 year old male,
Run 4 miles everyday
6 pack
OH YEA, O blood types according to this book, can eat as much red meat as we want, as long as they are in portions of 7 ounces or less!.per sitting!.Www@FoodAQ@Com