If we weren't supposed to eat me, then why do we have canine teeth. ?!

Question: If we weren't supposed to eat me, then why do we have canine teeth!. !?
The only point of the k9 is to tear flesh!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

perhaps the point of canine teeth is to tear apart twizzlers, too!.

seriously though, the canine teeth that we sport in our mouths are NOTHING compared to the canine teeth of carnivores!. compare your teeth to that of a lion, a wolf, or a crocodile!. our teeth look nothing like theirs!.

now compare your teeth to that of a horse, a cow, or a pig!.!.!.you'll find that they are MUCH more similar!.

you don't need a PhD in evolutionary biology to figure that one out!.

(btw, I wrote this assuming that you intended to write "meat" instead of "me", as i certainly have no desire to eat YOU)Www@FoodAQ@Com

People forget that "canine teeth" is only a label prescribed to implements used for biting by dentists!. They may be quite sharp, but they are far, far away from the true incisors used by cats, dogs and the like!.

I'd say what we have are quite appropriate for tearing the flesh of fruits and vegetables quite happily, but are pretty useless for raw meat!. Cats and dogs' teeth aren't useless for this purpose though: they have the teeth for this!. We don't!.

If you don't believe me, try eating raw meat the way that the cats and dogs do!. You'll soon find that your "canine" teeth aren't quite up to the job!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

We don't have the incisors for any reason!. That would imply intention!. Because we have the incisors, it is easier for us to bite and tear meat, if we so choose!.

People are going to argue that human incisors are much smaller than those of carnivores, and this is true!. What is also true is that we aren't carnivores, we're omnivores, and that's why we have such a variety of teeth, for a variety of foods!.

"but are pretty useless for raw meat"--this is inaccurate!. I eat raw beef, fish, shrimp, oysters etc!.!.!.!.!.The only thing that stops humans from eating raw meat safely is bacterial growth, certainly not our teeth!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Actually that isn't the only point of canine teeth!. Google an animal called the Chinese water deer and you'll find that the males have huge canine teeth which serve as tusks for fights over females not for killing prey as they are plant eaters like all deer!. The tusks of hippos are also overgrown canines and are again used for fights with others of their own kind rather than killing as again they are plant eaters (though it must be said hippo teeth are occasionally used for killing-more than one lion and crocodile has died due to them after being dumb enough to attack a hippo!.)

As for our canine teeth-look in the mouth of a cat or dog or ferret sometime and you'll notice that their canines are quite long and very sharp and so very useful for killing!. Whereas human's canine teeth are short and blunt and not much good for anything!.

Gorilla's are very close relatives of us and actually have slightly longer and sharper canine teeth than us relative to body size and they are vegetarians-again their teeth are used in the odd fight they have with other gorillas so maybe our canines were once used by our distant ancestors in fights!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Our so-called “canine” teeth are minuscule compared to those of carnivores and even compared to vegetarian primates like gorillas and orangutans!. Our tiny canine teeth are better suited to biting into fruits than tearing through tough hides!. We have flat molars and long digestive tracts that are suited to diets of vegetables, fruits, and grains!. Www@FoodAQ@Com

We don't have them because we were meant to eat meat, we have them to help us rip apart vegetation!.
Even lions and the like when they attack other animals for food, will always go to the gut area first and eat the contents of the gut!. The gut area of any animal, digests vegetation and therefore gives us the energy we need!. This is why lions et al, go for the gut area first!. They would rather not eat the meat but will do so if hungry enough!.
Humans also are not natural meat eaters, nor are our stomachs accustomed to dairy foods such as milk and cheese!.
Hope this helps!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Pandas have canines and needless to say, they are famous for there vegetarianism!. A panda has these teeth because although 99% of what they eat is bamboo, when times get rough and humans have taken all there bamboo to make vases with, they are forced to eat small mammals!.

Besides, humans kill with there hands!. Could you kill a wild boar or bull with your teeth!?!?!?Www@FoodAQ@Com

We're omnivores!. We're not supposed to eat meat, we can eat meat!. We, as vegetarians, simply chose not to!.

Maybe someday k-9 teeth will go the way of the apendix and tonsils!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

We aren't SUPPOSED to do anything!. Yes, canines are an evolutionary adaptation for ripping apart meat!. That's their sole purpose!. That doesn't mean you have to use them, though!. Make your own decisions about your diet!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

I don't!. Do you!?
My teeth don't look at all close to a lions teeth!.
Sure I got a couple pointy ones but they are not at all sharp enough to tear flesh, nor look like a lions!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Because we eat meat!. If we stopped eating meat we would eventually lose them!. It's just how we have been for so long that our teeth have stayed that way!.

By 'we' I mean humans!.!.!. because I'm vegan ha!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

You do not have "real" canine teeth!. Just look in your dog or cats mouth!. Or better yet get a nice raw steak & try to tear into & actually eat it!.

Eat me!?
Perhaps they are to tear the tough roots apart, the odd raw swede, yumWww@FoodAQ@Com

lol humans yummy! lol just kiddin, i think its from evalution!.!.!.maybe lol x xWww@FoodAQ@Com

ok well then go find a live cow and bite into its back and then tell me that your "k9" teeth can really honestly tear its flesh
( = Www@FoodAQ@Com

Eat you, strange question on this forum or any other!!Www@FoodAQ@Com

Well if you have canine teeth then why don't you go hunt and kill your own foods with them!?Www@FoodAQ@Com

K9 are dogs right!? And I don't want to eat you anyways!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

I've heard that if we eat you, we will begin to smell funny!. Www@FoodAQ@Com

You're not as tasty as you think missy!.!.!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

People have evolved eating meat!. It doesn't mean you have to!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

You're right, I guess we are supposed to eat you!Www@FoodAQ@Com

I don't think my canines are to eat you! I don't even know you, and isn't K9 a mountain!?Www@FoodAQ@Com

i hope we're not supposed to eat you, yuk!Www@FoodAQ@Com

The human body is designed to eat meat, we need the iron and other nutrients from it!. Some people substitute it with other stuff (tofu yuck), but we really are supposed to be omnivores!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

we are supposed to eat meat!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

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