Why do people get so offended when you tell them you are vegetarian?!

Question: Why do people get so offended when you tell them you are vegetarian!?
I really don't understand!.!.people make a choice so why do people go off by saying- The animals were put here we are SUPPOSED to eat them!. I don't believe that, why do people get all upset!?Www@FoodAQ@Com

This question is a good question, but it's almost unanswerable!. I recently became a vegan, and I've found that you can't reason with someone who argues using a phrase like, "Because we're supposed to!" That's just absurd!. There are a lot of reasons that people will be offended upon the mention of vegetarianism!. This is my theory as to why:

When I was an omnivore, (no humans are carnivores to my knowledge,) I often felt guilty when eating meat!. I enjoyed it yes, but it always felt as if I was eating a live creature!. Why did I enjoy it!? Because I was bred to!. My parents ate meat!. They still do!. Their parents ate meat!. So did their parents' parents!. Meat has become a staple of our diet because they ate it and we were raised on it!.

When a meat-eater offers you something decidedly non-vegan, like a hamburger, and you deny it, they may ask, "Why not!?" When you explain, they'll answer, "Well, that's stupid!." What do you say here!? I would ask, "Why do you think that!?" You'll be surprised at their creativity here!. Some will answer: "It just is!" or "Because meat is good!" or even the dreaded "You HAVE to eat meat!."

I believe that THE MAIN REASON people dislike, or are offended by, vegans/vegetarians is because they know deep inside of themselves that they shouldn't eat meat!. Because it isn't natural! This alert of self-failure stirs a few different feelings inside of them!. Confusion!. The confusion makes them sad!. The sadness was connected to you, so they become angry at you!.


This usually launches into a debate, like it did with my girlfriend's mother!. This debate is physically impossible for them to win, because regardless of the argument they use, you're still going to shun meat!. If this particular situation includes a Christian meat-eater, they will almost certainly take the non-Christian route!.

Now, as a Christian, they should react in a calm manner, stating that, while they don't agree with your diet, they can certainly understand why you choose to deny to fund people that promote cruelty to God's creatures!.

This is never the case!. They will respond thusly: "But God put those animals on earth for us to eat!" EVERY!. FREAKIN!. TIME!.

Okay, so let's pretend that we're in this world where everyone is a Christian and everyone believes that God put animals --the multitudes and varieties and hundreds of thousands of delicious, juicy, edible animals -- on Earth for mankind to consume!.

If this is the case, why would God put venomous and dangerous creatures on the planet!? And did God put mankind on the planet to breed hundreds of thousands of chickens, use man-developed growth horomones to maximize profits and efficiency so that man could sell diseased animal meat to other men!?

I guess God did just that!.

The last time I checked, it says in the bible that God loves every creature that he ever made!. Why would he want his little piglets to have their teeth cut off, hung upside down and gutted while still alive!?

Perhaps I've taken too controversial a route by introducing religion, but it's a common "save" that omnivores will use in an argument!. Trust me!. I was once an omnivore and I did argue with my friend that was vegan!. I never once pulled the religion card, but I see now that I was wrong the whole time and she was right!.

Those are a few arguments that I use!. Man, I type really long answers!.!.!.0_0

Well, when are they getting offended and how offended are they getting!? If you started telling people you think eating meat is wrong, and they tell you that it's right, that's a conversation--no one should be offended over that!.

The only way I can see someone getting offended is if you go to their house for an event, they have no idea you are a vegetarian before you get there, and you whine the whole time that there is nothing you can eat!. I'd be pretty offended if you did that!. If I go to the trouble to have food for a gathering and you don't like it, order some take out or show up already fed!. Or tell the host before you come so that we won't have this problem--a vegetarian dish could be prepared, or the host could warn you that there won't be much for you to eat and that you should bring something or show up with a full stomach!. If you aren't pulling that kind of crap, I can't see why anyone should take offense!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

I've been a vegetarian my entire life and haven't really run into anyone too upset by it!. I was raised vegetarian and made the decision to stay that way after I reached adulthood!. It is just normal for me, so I think I tell people in a matter-of-fact way, just as you would if you were allergic to nuts or something!. I never have tried to defend my lifestyle or convince anyone that they should convert!. As a result, the information has often been met with interest and curiosity, but nothing negative!.

People do sometimes seem unsure as to what the "rules" are - the first time my boyfriend took me to dinner he ordered a vegetarian meal because he thought eating meat in front of me would be offensive! However, I am aware that most people do not choose to be vegetarian, and I respect their decision as much as I expect them to respect mine!.

I do warn hostesses if invited over to dinner (at the time of the invite, not the day of the dinner!), and offer to bring a vegetarian dish!. I also don't complain if there is not a lot I can eat - I have spent more than one Thanksgiving eating dry mashed potatoes and green salad!. By not forcing my lifestyle on anyone, I have found that friends and family gradually come to respect it, and even start to be more and more accommodating (without being asked!) - such as making separate stuffing at Thanksgiving or separating some of the pasta before the meat goes in!. I really appreciate the extra effort, and am sure to let them know!.

Hope this helps!. :-)

A lot of people say Vegans and Vegetarians think they are better than people who eat meat and that is because!.!.!.!.we are better, ethically anyway!. I know that sounds stuck up, but it is the truth!. And most meat-eaters know that what they do is evil, which is why they get so pissed off at us!. Somewhere deep down they know eating-meat is tantamount to murder but they lie to themselves and their children to make us look like the crazy ones!. In other words, they get upset because they know we are right and they don't want to admit it!.


!.!.!.!.it was your choice to become a vegetarian
the people should respect that and not try to change your mind
if you wanted to eat meat you would, so why go and say how good it is and how you are supposed to eat it!?
just tell them that you aren't going to argue with them and drop the subject

because the same thing happens to me when people first find out that i am a vegetarian, it gets so annoying!Www@FoodAQ@Com

Because of the few (usually vegans) that follow it up by saying how bad meat is for you etc!.!.!.!. or how you are hurting defenseless animals by eating meat!. So they go on the defensive!.

Personally I think that it is a healthy lifestyle and if you choose to be a vegetarian then good for you!. I expect in return not to be chastised for not being a vegetarian!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

The answers of a few of the vegetarians on this question have answered for you!. It's attitudes like that that turn people off!. I eat very little meat and cook a lot of vegetarian meals for health purposes and because I don't like how farm animals are treated!. But I can't stand when some vegan or vegetarian gets all high and mighty on me!. I usually know way more about the nutrition of all of it, but you don't see me adding my 2 cents to everything!. Www@FoodAQ@Com

Well in some cases, I've had a lecture on how eating meat is morally wrong!.

It's not the most pleasant thing to listen to when its coming from a closed minded, uncultured perspective!. My parents escaped from a Communist regime so I could be born into a better life!. They had little to eat and had to raise their own farm stock in order to feed my family, yet they totally disagreed with this as they "should have explored other options!." Unfortunately this vegan doesn't understand science, culture and ecology!.

So why wouldn't I be offended!?


Some people just get too defensive where they think your choice to be a vegetarian implies that they are "bad" for eating meat!.!.!. also, some people just like to argue, especially when there is no definitive answer!.

also, some vegetarians give all vegetarians a bad reputations with their faux attitude of "superiorty"!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

I've never had someone offended with the fact I don't eat dead animals!. Everyone's always very curious about it and I get a lot of questions, but everyone's always very polite about it!.
I can understand how people get upset; so many people out there believe that their way is the right and only way to do things!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Because they are obviously offended by the fact that vegetarians don't rely on flesh for food!. Most people don't care and respect our decision, but some others just can't stand people who are different from them because their little brains are too stupid to accept a difference!.

Then again, if the vegetarians we're dealing with are preachy, annoying, and close-minded, then I see how that could cause discrepancies!.!.!. then maybe the person has the right to be offended or annoyed!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

How about the fact that vegartains are a nuisance at many social events!?

BBQ's, Thanksgiving, and other social events where people sit together and enjoy each other's company - yet when there is a vegatarian present, someone always has to go to extra effort to accomodate their choices!.

My last experience was backpacking with a group across Eastern Europe and the Middle-East, two of which were vegatarians!. For 6 weeks I had to endure restrictions on what they ate, constantly whining about the lack of vegatarian options, limiting our time and causing unnecessary stress!. In this particular instance, I think vegatarians should be considerate of other cultures and people, rather then impeding!.

If you want to be a granola muncher that's fine!. Just don't let it impede my enjoyment of life!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

I usually get told that vegetables scream when they are cut!. Just accept that meat eaters will never understand the logic of vegetarianism!. If I get flack from a meat eater I just inform them of the chemicals that go through the body of a stressed cow just before they are killed!. This usually shuts them up!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

People don't get offended when I tell them I'm a vegetarian!. Maybe it's the way you tell them!. Haveing your "meat is murder" tea shirt on when you tell them doesn't help :-p

When someone tells me "they were put here for us to eat!." I tell them "I bet the lions and tigers feel the same way about us!."Www@FoodAQ@Com

i agree with the first answer
and i think also because once you say that your a vegetarian people autimatically assume that were whiny protesting tree-hugger hippies who complain about everything and that we try to fource our beliefs on other people
( =Www@FoodAQ@Com


Because they are stupid and they can't understand why there are people differen't than them!.!.!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

they get offended because they cook for you but they think that you won't eat their food so they get offended!. Www@FoodAQ@Com

I guess its what they hear all their life, so they don't know what else to think!. It's annoying, I know!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

I know it's dumb!. It's like ok so YOU eat them and leave me alone!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Who gets offended!? I've never seen that happen!. Www@FoodAQ@Com


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