Any envirotarians here?!

Question: Any envirotarians here!?
I invented this word!.

It is not exactly vegetarian, but it is eating for the environment!. It is a diet that excludes the meat from farmed animals, and fish that are overfished!.

You can't eat conventional meat - NO beef, pork, chicken, lamb, and so on!. But you CAN eat kangaroo or game (so long as it is hunted sustainably)!. You can eat fish and some seafood, so long as their stocks are not running out and have been fished sustainably!.

Basically, it all comes down to sustainability!. Farmed meat is not allowed because farming involves land clearing whereas game hunting does not!. also, cows and sheep produce lots of methane while kangaroos produce none!.

I was an envirotarian for ages, but now I am attempting an ovo-vegetarian diet!. Before, the only red meat I'd eat would be kangaroo!. And only occasionally, anyway!.

BTW, has anybody here become vegetarian only for the environment!? Because that's my main reason!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Here in the states we have a similar idea, called being a "locavore" Trying to eating food that is farmed sustainably, including meats that are humanely farmed!. The main idea is to eat from your "foodshed" the area within say, 100-200 miles of you!. The focus is saving the energy of transporting food half way around the world, (the average food item has traveled 1500 miles to get to your plate)

In fact, most foods comsume more calories of energy of our planet's resources than they contribute to our diets!. It is all about knowing your local growing season, and local farmers!.

Most of us allow ourselves one or two non local items (often coffee or tea, or sometimes rice and once in a while a chocolate indulgence)

So for you, kangaroo would be ok, for us, never! For me, local pheasant, heirloom pork, venison, chickens!.

A fascinating book abotu a family doing this is Animal, Vegetable, Miracle by Barbara Kingsolver!.


I'm sorry but this is going too far!. I'm not going to call you names for your beliefe but I really think thisis a little over board and if you will excuse me!.!.!.!.!.!.!.over "kill"!.

You should be tring to support local farmers, for crops and so on eat game that you or a friend soots and is processed in a local butchershop!. I believe this because you need to support your local people and there for your local economy!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

I like that idea =)

The animal gets to live like it was intended (a deer living as a wild deer, for example) then it's quickly killed with little or no suffering (depending on how good of a shot you are)!.

Plus no phosphate and pesticide run-off from farming/ranching!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

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