How can I tell her??!

Question: How can I tell her!?!?
how can I tell my mom I want to be a vegetarian!? Today she told me to eat some chicken burgers that she cooked, but I don't want to eat them, but I can't seem to tell her for some reason >!.<Www@FoodAQ@Com

its not a big deal!. tell her no thanks and grab a bk veggie from burger king instead!. boca has a soy chicken burger in most supermarkets, add some soy mayo and black pepper and you've got mcchickens!.

have a few reasons ready!. most reasons to vegetarian fall under either animal cruelty, health, or environment

a few reasons are: animals suffer greatly in factory farms, meat raises the risk of cancer, meat causes more greenhouse gases than meat!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Just send her a link to a website with info about why you want to change your diet (see sources sections for an example)!. That way the facts will speak for themselves and you won't have to do any explaining!.

By the way, I find it quite worrying that other answerers who seem to be vegetarian are pandering to the worry of 'not enough protein' by saying take supplements etc!. The only way to not get anough protein (unless you eat celery all day) is not to get enough calories - eat enough food and you will get enough protein!. Most Westerners actually eat too much protein for good health according to leading health organisations (and it's usually from animal sources) - see the second link for an incredibly clear book (free to read online) including this subject!. It's written by a doctor!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

I was kinda scared to tell my parents at first, but my mom was really understanding although my dad was not so at first!. After almost three months my entire family is going to adopt a semi-vegetarian diet!.
Just tell them!. They'll prolly be understanding and aid you in it lik buying you things you can eat!. Lik my mom buys me vegan cream cheese, vegan meat, and beans and such!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

sounds like you are afraid she's gonna freak out and tell you you are starving yourself or in a new cult or something!. ask her to get you protein suppliments at gnc and tell her you will substitute what ever nutrients you will be missing from meat!. ask yourself why you want to be a vegetarian and look up facts on the internet that support your case (ex!. animal cruelty, hormones in meat, health benefits of a vegetarian!. you have to have a good enough reason if you want her to support you!. Www@FoodAQ@Com

be prepared to tell your Mom why it is you want to be a vegetarian!. Then she'll understand and possibly aid you in eating a well balanced vegan menu!. It not as easy being vegetarian than just not eating meat!. you need to find alternative sources of protein to keep yourself well nourished!. Talk to your Mom about it!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Just tell her that you'd rather lay off the chicken for now and that you're experimenting with vegetarianism!. Just be reasonable about it and hope that she'll be reasonable in return!. If she isn't, too bad- I still wouldn't eat the meat she cooks!. Www@FoodAQ@Com

don't ever feel like you have to hide the fact that you are a vegetarian, it's o!.k just tell her!!!Www@FoodAQ@Com

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