When becoming a vegaterian, are you likely to loose weight?!
Is it a rapid change or what? i dont want to loose any im just right
Depends on what weight you are, the diet you consume based off your lifestyle (ie playing sports etc).
I was roughly 80kg of fat/muscle from where i hadn't dropped down to a normal weight after i stopped playing rugby (when playing i was up around 85+).
When i went vegetarian i dropped down to my weight now of 74kg ie average male weight, though i notice that i became alot more defined from where it was fat & partial muscle that dropped off (that was due to me having to study for national exams & i still am)
Providing your diet is healthy & mixed as a vegetarian there is no reason why you should lose weight, unless you are one of these women on these stupid ''no carbs'' diets. Thats just asking for weight loss but not in any positive way to your body
you're definitely going to lose weight if you're over weight.
but your general health is guaranteed. (the cholesterol, blood pressure, blood sugar would be stable)
you shouldn't loose any but you definently wont gain any.:)
10 years vegetarian