Would a Vegan stomp a Cockroach if it were it their house?!
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Depends on the Vegan of course. Ordinarily a vegan wouldn't since they cherish animal/living creature rights.
Being a vegan means you do what you can and all you can to minimise your contribution to animal suffering and exploitation; it doesn't mean you sacrifice your own health or safety. Allowing creatures to endanger your health and safety and that of your family, particularly your children, is not vegan; it is irresponsible and stupid
Roaches carry and spread diseases like dysentery, typhoid, poliomyelitis and gastroenteritis. They don't travel singly so stomping on them one at a time won't help, and they can't be persuaded to leave.
The exterminator is your only option.
And yes, I'm a vegan. I would defend myself against any creature - animal or human - that was threatening my health, safety or life or that of my family
Nope. Sure, there's thousands of them, but you could say the same thing about humans if we didn't value ourselves like we do. I would just take it outside. It poses no threat to me, and I value all life so there is no reason I would kill it :)
Also the person above me who said she would put it in a ziplock bag and throw it out the window, thats even worse. Leaving it trapped in the bag to die slowly is just disgusting.
Vegan :)
Lmao. Really? A couple vegan's say they wouldn't stomp a bug and get its guts all over their floor or counter and you people think it means they'd live with the damn things? And what throw it table scraps or something? Come on people use some common sense. Just because someone won't kill it doesn't mean they'd live with it! Me personally, I wouldn't kill it. I wouldn't go within ten feet of it. I'd get my Hubby to come throw it out side or kill it, if my cats don't kill it first.
Vegan for over five years. And I still don't live with bugs =O I did have pet rats once though!
i had no idea such ignorant people existed...gay=vegan. really? wow. well done for making me believe in the stupid that exists in society.
i'm vegetarian - and i'd probably kill the roach ye. or sometimes put it in a ziploc bag and throw it out the window.
Yes I would. Stomping on a roach and slitting a cows neck are on completly different levels. It's much less emotionally traumitizing.
I would absolutely kill it. And then go to a hotel until an exterminator has come to the house and eliminated all of its bretheren.
Roaches terrify me.
Nope. Never.
Myself, a Vegan.
Depends on the person. I know I would. To me, you can't compare cow slaughter to stomping a roach.
I know plenty of vegans that would do that but I, myself, wouldn't even do that, not even contemplate it.
No, most likely not. I've even caught a fly between two cups and then let it outside :)
no way
im sorry, if someone wants to be vegan thats all fine and good. but theres something wrong with someone who would live with roaches just because they didnt want to kill them. roaches carry disease. your house doesnt have to be dirty for them to come in, if you have close neighbors with them, they will be in your home as well.and yes, there may well be thousands more, but do you really want there to end up being millions more because you dont want to swat them? come on, thats disgusting....if rats decided to move in would you not kill those either? theres a difference in respecting animals and just going over the edge with it.
i really dont care, td all you want....anyone that would live with roaches or rats is disgusting and asking to be hit by every disease passing by. its sickening. VERMIN should not be house mates.
ew, its kind of scary to see how many people are willing to live with roaches in their home just because they wont kill them....sickening......i bet you would change your mind if you ever got a good batch of them...when they are crawling over you in bed at night and getting in your mouth in your sleep..let me know if you feel the same way then. i saw a home so infested once that even in the daytime they were EVERYWHERE....i can only imagine what they were like at night.... thank god i dont have neighbors living close enough to string them in here, because even the cleanest house can get them if the one next door has them.
Vegans are already unhealthy by not getting the right amount of nutrients they need. If they allow cockroaches to run rampant in their homes, they will catch something eventually. It's disgusting and ridiculous really. I am so glad my life isn't ran by disease spreading cockroaches.
no point, there's definitely 1000's more, I'd just waft it away and clen my counters realy well.
Roaches like food particles, so I'd clean like a monk.