Are you very disappointed in PETA?!…
I had no idea about any of this until I read it and I was VERY upset. I actually sent a sponsor of PETA the link demanding an explanation. I will paste that e-mail into this section with her responses (Which seemed reasonable.) when I can get to my e-mail. I'm currently at a computer that I can't access it. But she basically said that this website is founded by places like Outback Steakhouse, KFC, etc. to bring discredit to PETA. I found this reliable, plus she responded to all seven claims on the site, so I disregarded it.
Now today I've come across this:…
I'm just devastated. I don't know what to believe. This is really crushing me. I've been vegan for so long, and I've put SO much faith into PETA for even longer. I just don't know what to do. I want to e-mail THIS link to a staff member again but I feel like they'll somehow twist words around to make me believe it's not them, it's all just something else.
How can you find REAL proof? I don't want to keep supporting an organization that hurts animals, but at the same time what if they really don't and they're really good people? I really need some hard evidence!
I love that PeTA is against cruelty to animals and promotes vegetarian. I HATE how PeTA goes about doing so. They are militant, sexist and use the dumbest tactics to prove a point that no one wants to listen to when they act the way they do.
PETA will do anything for publicity. They spread half-truths, exaggerations, and lies about the meat and dairy industries, and yes they are hypocrites and do euthanize many animals that they "save" as you have found.
No I am not disappointed.
Deer hunter is right.
It's hard to be disappointed when you had no expectations to begin with.
Disgusted is more like it, having seen the numerous lies spewed forth by PETA.
I'm not disappointed with PETA, because I never expect much from them. They are who they are, extremist liars.
PETA only kills animals they cant find homes for, just like some Animal Welfare groups do.
Mercyforanimals > PETA
Go 2 PETA.ORG & enter "euthanize" in their search window, then click on "Why we euthanize"... As for that petakillsanimals website, that was created by the meat industry to distract ppl from the cruelty as exposed by PETA undercover agents... go 2 for more info... PETA assists kill-shelters with their euthanizations when asked, so that's where the large numbers come from... U should B angry at all the ppl who dump their unwanted pets rather than those who have to deal with the problem... according to the ASPCA, nearly 5-mil animals have to be euthanized every year because there are no homes for them.
PETA is a cult with a strong following. Please dont stop being vegan because PETA is unethical. They are not the definition of animal advocacy. Please continue to support animals. I'm glad you have come to realize that they are actually horrible.
Virginia has ordered them to register as a slaughter house. They dont just kill sick animals. They kill adoptable animals because they dont have the time to find them homes.
the FBI has listed PETA as a domestic terrorist group. They paid a freshly released arsonist 70,000 dollars to burn down a michigan state cancer research lab because medical research was done on lab animals. Wether a person believes in medical research on animals or not, this is not the way to handle it. What about the firemans lives that were put at risk?
The problem is that people are so brainwashed that most PETA supporters are not willing to see the truth behind the lies. I used to support PETA until I found out they are a bunch of whackos!!!!
I remember not too long ago that one of the big Peta people was quoted as saying that they didn't hide the fact they're not an animal shelter, that they don't support animal shelters, etc, etc.
Like the HSUS, Peta doesn't own/run and aren't associated with one single animal shelter. The closet they have is their HQ in Norfolk VA.
Peta kills has links to official docs, and even to official sites that can show you official docs.…
I used to be able to find it on the actual VA website, but they've changed it around or something and now I can't.
Honestly, as a rule of thumb, I don't support big organizations like Peta or HSUS. I send it to shelters that I can check out, that way I absolutely know what I'm supporting and I agree with what I'm supporting.
I've never had high expectations with PETA anyway so no disappointments.
that website highlights PETA's fake animal shelter/adoption campaign where no effort was made to house healthy animals. In fact often killing them even before the previous owners was out the door after promising to find good homes for their pets. PETA apologists tried to claim that the animals were horribly abused and disfigured beyond help until pictures of the healthy animals including a newly killed mother and her new born puppies dumped inside a garbage bag were posted.
Anti-PETA websites will put up anything without the full story. Ingrid Newkirk herself has admitted that they EUTHANIZE (gently put to sleep) animals that they cannot find homes for. PETA is not an animal shelter, and if they started keeping all the animals long-term, waiting for someone to take them home, all their money and resources would have to go to those animals instead of to helping other animals who are still suffering worldwide. Yes, I wish PETA didn't have to euthanize animals, but putting to sleep those animals who have already suffered enough (and are usually too ill to ever fully recover) is a better option than letting the rest of animals in the world suffer.
I have never been a fan of PETA.
What do you mean by supporting an organization that hurts animals? PETA admits they euthanize animals. They claim there are no other options. I am not opposed to humane euthanasie for animals that have little chance of being adopted out. Life in a cage is not a life.
Are you aware of other things PETA does in order to "raise awareness"? I suggest reading news articles and court documents instead of any site that has an agenda.
PETA will have their own answers.
Are you also aware that PETA supports killing Pitbulls? That their objective is to end ownership of domestic animals, ie pets like cats and dogs?
All you have to do is google the names mentioned in the charges.…
Oh and PETA "fans" need not email me, you will be blocked. I am not interested in propaganda
I do not support PETA for a number of reasons.
1. I don't support any organization that promotes and/or participates in Eco-Terrorism, such as splashing paint on fur coats or threatening to bomb a captive coyote research station (true story, I was a volunteer there at the time, and no, the coyotes were not being experimented upon, it was a predator breeding research project).
2. I do not support an organization that would rather have dead animals than captive animals.
3. I do not support anyone who wants me to get rid of my pets. It is not inhumane for me to own a beagle, a gecko, and a conure.
4. I do not support any organization that disapproves of zoos, even though non-profit zoos and other captive breeding organizations are responsible for keeping many endangered animals off the extinct list. Oh, and by the way, 99% of the animals you see in a zoo are captive bred, not wild-caught.
Stop supporting PETA. Instead, support organizations like the World Wildlife Fund and the Association of Zoos and Aquariums.
No, since I recognize PETA for what they are- a publicity machine. There's nothing wrong with that, but it isn't something I'm going to put a lot of faith in.
However, you should know who is behind that website before you believe any of their propaganda either.
All are projects of the ultra-right wing Center for Consumer Freedom, which is anti-vegetarian and pro-chemical.
Although they claim to be funded by restaurants and food companies, they were founded by people from Phillip Morris, and originally campaigned against smoking bans.
They have branched out to support lowering the legal blood alcohol limit, pesticide use, genetic engineering of crops and antibiotic use in beef and poultry.
They hate the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, The Humane Society, Mothers Against Drunk Drivers, and Greenpeace.
Most of the Anti-PETA propaganda can be traced right to them- "PETA kills" is their website. Before anyone believes ANY of it, they should ask themselves who profits from the discrediting of PETA. They have made many unwitting allies within the animal rights community. Why anyone would give their information any weight is beyond me- is this a group who cares if animals are killed?
You shouldn't be surprised at PETA. Their business is $$$$. They spend almost none of the $millions they raise every year on animals. They don't deny it. HSUS is the same. They're business is making $$$ off animals, just like the meat industry. Quite funny, really.
Your first link is indeed a meat industry website. That doesn't make what they say untrue. This link is on that page. It has actual financial info.…
IMO, you'd be better off to donate your money and time to your local humane society.
I'm not a fan of PETA, but even less of a fan of those who criticize them for euthaniztion.
5-7 million pets are euthanized due to overbreeding every year. (1) If PETA only has euthanized 19,200 dogs, cats, puppies, and kittens ***since 1998***, I'd say they're doing a pretty decent job. I don't understand why people are upset at PETA for euthanizing when the ASPCA and the Humane Society euthanize the vast majority of these animals. This is why the humane society condones euthanization over "no-kill" shelters:…
As for the rest of the points in the article you listed, they appear to be relatively valid.
-It's true that Newkirk does not approve of animals for companions or as handicapped assistance.
- They give a lot of money to controversial animal rights groups, like ALF.
- They most definitely target children.
- They do not support medical research involving animals.
That being said, why do you feel the need to support a company or corporate entity? I'm vegan, I support compassion towards animals, yet I don't feel the need to join a conglomeration of other people just due to this simple fact. When you choose to support a company like this, you support everything they do, regardless of whether you personally disagree with it. If you want to help animals, go vegan, volunteer time at an animal sanctuary or shelter, and support only companies who have animals in mind first. (Rather than money, press and controversy, like PETA)
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