Which is the best animal cruelty and abuse charity?!
which one? why is it the best? what is the valid website giving more credits on this ceratin charity?
If you really want to help animals, find a local shelter that you like. Ask questions, see if you agree with them, and then after making sure everything is to your liking you can donate to them.
Peta is crap, I don't think I need to say more.
HSUS doesn't actually own a single shelter either.
ASPCA is the best of the group, but even with them there's no telling how much of your money is helping animals and how much is just lining pockets.
The ASPCA. They actually help animals. Both HSUS and PETA take your donations and advertise for more donations. They do very little to actually help animals.
Even better, I think, is to donate your money and time to a local humane society. One that you can visit and see what they're actually doing with it.
It's true that PETA kills more animals than several states combined and some no-kill shelters are not happy with them.
I would say the Humane Society, or the ASPCA. Those two actually come in and save animals, and give them care. I've applied to volunteer at my local Humane Society in March and I'm really excited to start. =D Even if you don't have any money, you can always volunteer your time (which is my situation).
I heard PETA kills more animals than they save.
Really not sure about the other two though
Someone even made a website about it: http://www.petakillsanimals.com/
More: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/c/a/2005/06/23/EDG11DC9BK1.DTL
Taraji Henson the one that played in baby boy would say pita she just did a big spread for them she hates animal cruelty ...so i guess pita is not as bad as people say alot of famous people belong to it !!!!