Vegan/Vegetarian Healthy eating? How do u do?!
How do you stick with it?
I'd? love to know. How do you think i could save myself from being stupid??
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Daisy is 100% correct on taking a B12 supplement. The only way B12 is found in nature is in meat and animal by-products (eggs and milk). Your body needs B12 so you should be taking a supplement of it daily.
For me, if I have the junk food around the house, I'm going to eat it. That's what it's there for. So I have to force myself not to even pick it up when I'm at the grocery store. That's actually easier said than done because as you're walking through the aisles and you see Oreos, you can't help but think, "Man, those sound good," (they're actually vegan, too). Make a list of what you're going to buy and stick to it. Instead of unhealthy sweets, write down items that will satisfy your sweet tooth without being bad for you. Fruits (especially a lot of dried fruits) can really help curb sweet tooth cravings. If you're desperately wanting ice cream, buy just one pint of some vegan ice cream made with coconut or rice milk and when you're going to eat it, don't sit down with the whole container but instead portion some out into a bowl and only eat what you've served yourself. So Delicious has an amazing pomegranate chocolate chip ice cream made with coconut milk and even the chocolate flakes in it are vegan.
I'm not saying this method will work for everyone, but it's the method that really works for me because I know myself and I know that if there are Oreos in my cabinet, I'm going to put 5 or 6 of them in a bowl and pour some almond milk over them and eat it like cereal. Not healthy!
A lack of B12 can be connected to memory loss. Jack up your pill intake of B12. It might help you be less forgetful.
And, no, this is not a joke answer.
From the link: "Pernicious anemia is due to lack of vitamin B12, which causes progressive nerve damage, forgetfulness, loss of ability to concentrate and abnormal sensations such as burning, itching and loss of feeling. However, many people with pernicious anemia do not have abnormally low blood levels of vitamin B12."
From second link: "Low B12 Levels Tied to Brain Shrinkage, Memory Loss",-N……
when you're caving in to the sweet stuff- make sure you stuff as many raisins, dried figs, dried dates etc and bananas into your mouth before you start the sweets stuff.
Then at least it's nt junky
Yup, sweets are my downfall too!
First of all can I say how commendable it is that you're considering this, good for you!
Sweets are fine, just watch out for gelatin, and other hidden ones with strange named ingredients!
I'm 80% vegan and find in general it's healthy eating all the way! I use soya milk and cream in my coffee which tastes way better than milk. I have dark chocolate instead of milk, besides dark choc's a more healthy treat! I've yet to find a carob bar that tastes as good as a milk chocolate bar.
I get my eggs from my sister who keeps rescued battery hens, fed a vegi diet, and never to be culled when they've 'outlived their usefulness'. You'll have to do some research on that one in your area.
For convenience I make up meals and put them in the freezer so if I'm tempted by junk food I can just pull a healthy meal out and nibble on that.
Also, when buying alcohol, (hey, it's fairly healthy, makes you happy ;)) it's simple, just check the label. If it says it's vegetarian it's most likely vegan too.
As for how to avoid temptation..with sweets..hmm. that's a tough one, don't know. Just give in now and then to the healthy option (dark chocolate, there are many different flavours out there!)