If chickens lay eggs without a rooster . . .?!
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Yes, thats the kind of eggs you buy at the supermarket. They are not fertilized and will never have a little chick. They think that they shouldn't be used to those kinds of things.
1. Vegetarians are those who abstain from meat. Meat is the body of an animal. Eggs are not animals.
2. Vegetarians and vegans CAN eat whatever they choose- they choose to not eat either meat or animal products.
3. What the hell does the addition of a rooster have to do with something being either meat or an animal product???
Mark, "vegetarian" means one eats only VEGETATION. Someone who ate only vegetables would become very ill.
I have had up to 10 chickens rescued from a battery farm. Yes, they still lay eggs and no, the eggs won't hatch. There's absolutely nothing unethical about consuming those eggs in that situation and vegetarians can eat eggs anyway. It's vegans who won't.
Eating eggs from a farm on the other hand, can be considered unethical due to both the poor treatment and enslavement of animals.
vegetarians eat eggs, vegans dont. and your right, the eggs people eat have not been fertilized by a rooster (so no they wouldnt ever hatch into chicks). however, eating eggs is still cruel because it requires animals (chickens) to be bred in confinement and is therefore animal exploitation.
for more info on veganism: http://wayfaringvegans.weebly.com/
There are half a dozen kinds of "vegetarians." Over all vegetarians don't eat meat. So they can eat eggs and dairy products if they wish. World wide, the majority of vegetarians are ovo-lacto vegetarians. That means they continue to eat eggs (ovo) and dairy (lacto) products.
All eggs sold in stores come from hens that have not mated with a rooster.
If people are vegetarian on moral grounds, such as how the animals are treated, then the same argument applies to the hens, because they are also kept in poor conditions while laying eggs.
Lacto vegetarians, lacto-ovo vegetarians, and vegans don't eat eggs because they come from animal products, not because something is being killed. Vegetarians do eat eggs and other animal products, just not the animal itself.
I like your reasoning skills though! Good brain!
Its true chickens can lay eggs without a rooster, they wont hatch into chickens though as they havent been fertilised by the rooster. Vegetarians can eat eggs, its vegan's that can't, your friend must be confused. Vegetarians dont eat meat. Vegans dont eat animal or dairy products at all
Have you seen how chickens are kept. It's abominable. And if a fertilized egg is a chicken embryo then an unfertilized egg is a chickens period, do you find that appetizing
Ye chickens can lay unfertilized eggs, and most vegetarians CAN eat eggs.
However, vegans will not eat anything that comes from an animal, including eggs, meat or milk
Chickens will lay eggs without being fertilized by a rooster. Without the rooster fertilizing the eggs, they will never hatch. (It would be like a girl becoming pregnant without ..... well... you know)
If I remember correctly, vegetarians can eat eggs because it's not animal meat. But vegans cannot consume animal by-products (such as eggs).
VEGETARIANS usually eat eggs, but vegans only eat products made from vegetables...