Vegan or Omnivore open debate please join in?!
sickly skinny vegans..and there pretty under weight and weak... and dont have to work out to burn the calories of there exclusive diet.. is the diet really the only reason vegans live longer? or the fact that omnivores are just stronger and do the more rigorous back breaking work in there life time that deteriorates there body more then, maybe a vegan librarian with low stress.. and less strenuous work? personally i just think a balanced diet and excersize is the best way to go about it.. but yeah.. give me your opinions
Best Answer - Chosen by Voters
vegans have PLENTY of sources of fat and calories, look at this list:…
Where did you hear that all vegans are weak? I actulley felt stronger after I went vegetarian. There are many vegan body builders and athletes. Vegans don't usualley do "back breaking" work because the people who roof houses and move furniture are most likly uneducated and don't know about veganism. A vegan or vegetarian diet reduces your risk of cancer by 40% and heart disease by 50%. Both of theese are the leading causes of death in America and kill many people in other places as well how ever you never hear about someone who died of malnutrition or a protein defincey as a result of anything including veganism. I agree with your last bit. A balanced diet omnivorus or vegan is a balanced diet and excerdize is very important.
We are obligate herbivores capable of omnivorism.
There is not a single nutrient that can only be obtained through consumption of animal products-
there is great variation among the diets of vegans and omnivores,
so the implication that vegans are by definition skinny and weak (I'm an obese vegan of five years)
and omnivores are by definition big and strong is laughable at best.
A "balanced" diet means adequately meeting all your nutritional needs without verging on excess.
A vegan diet can do that, often far more adequately than an omnivorous one.
I think you are on the right track with the balanced diet and exercise.
Health/longevity has to do with more than just what a person eats. It also includes things like genetics, mental outlook, how healthy one eats--whether vegan or omnivore both can have very healthy or unhealthy diets, exercise, medical availability, etc.
Most people who are vegan are health conscious. Possibly because they are health conscious they make better discussions regarding diet and exercise and live longer? Also, our bodies have a very difficult time digesting meats. Meats cause cancer. I think vegans live longer because they are not putting a bunch of garbage in their bodies.
Yahoo Answers is not a debate board. But I'll ask those who say there's NOTHING missing in a vegan diet: Where do you get your vitamin B12? It is ONLY available naturally in animal foods, eggs, milk, meat.
Unless you eat animal products, to get B12 you must get shots, take pills or eat highly processed foods that have manufactured b12 added to them. Hardly a natural diet, huh? Who says so? VEGAN Dr. Jack Norris, a registered dietitian, and the vegan RD, Ginny Messina.……
It seems there is some data suggesting being underweight contributes to longevity - google the name Kurzweil - weird dude I saw on TV, I remember his name because he used to make synthesizers
But I think it is true, the less sugar from processed foods the body has to process, the longer it will stay healthy
Well, I am going to have to say that even if I do not live longer than a meat eater, at least I can spell exercise and underweight and they're instead of there. There is an indicator of distance, they're means they are. What are they teaching in schools now? I only graduated 7 years ago, but good lord.
Just got off the can and I left a heaping steaming pile in the toilet, flushed it and it stopped up. I eat good, take good dumps and I am not skinny or weak and I am a vegan.
Just turn a Vegan and shut up, but also make sure you only eat organic/homemade foods !
We live longer me Vegan
I feel that since vegans pay more attention to what they eat, they are more likely to make better choices.
Do you REALLY believe those stereotypes?
This a Q&A site not a debate site. You're in the wrong place
You have your facts a little wrong... Vegans actually haven't been SCIENTIFICALLY proven to live longer, we all just assume due to the fact (the china study research) shows that the way vegans eat is MUCH healthier. And healthier= wider longvity, yet I do believe the oldest woman in the world (recently died, was age 115) was not vegan, unless I am wrong.
You've seen sickly thin vegans, I've seen fat ones. What size they are is how they eat, and how much. I've seen sickly thin meat eaters, too.
You know the "Raw Vegan" life style, the people who live off of fruit, veggies, nuts? Nothing else?
Heres a few raw vegan body builders:…
Scroll down that page a bit to see Shannon Oliver.
He's 100% raw vegan.
Regular vegan:
Whole website of vegan body builders. They even have a gallery of some buff people! ALL vegan.
I'm a raw vegan, my self. ;) I'm defiantly not a stick.
If you like being omnivore good for you. This is not a place for debate. IMHO This forum is for support of those who like to follow a vegetarian or vegan diet by their own personal choice (not as a result of a debate).
That said, Personally I am almost vegan, and I never get sick even if people sneeze on my face even though I have traveled in public transport a lot. When you skip meat and milk products, you don't produce as excess mucus, and so are less susceptible to pick up cold or flu. Veganism doenn't guarantee health; some people can make unhealthy choices about food inspite of being vegan (eating a lot of processed food and wheat). So its all about eating natural food like fruits and veggies. Good luck with what you are looking for! peace.
There is no proof what so ever that vegans live longer than omnivores.