Vegetarian food advice? ?!
noodles, baked potato, pizza, pasta alfredo.\burritoes, french fries, ice cream,
spaghetti, lasagna, rice salad, egg salad sanwiches,
tamales, enchiladas, chinese food with sticky rice, wraps with hummous and guacamole.
Peanut butter an banan pita for breakfast,
Noodles with peanuts, stir fried tofu and sweetcorn for lunch
Vegetable lasagna with loads of cheese for dinner
Try eating more (good) fats and oils. Peanut-butter, hummus, seeds, nuts, avocado, olive oil, canola oil, coconut oil, etc. Carbs might help too: cereal, pasta, potatoes and other root veggies, dried fruits, etc.…
there are a few on this website as well as links to other vegan recipe websites and lists of vegan sources of protein and etc…
Here are a few ideas