How can I keep sprouts from getting slimy when I am sprouting in a jar?!
I have had my sprout seeds for over a year, so this may be the problem. I use the sprouting method where I soak the seeds overnight in three times as much water (1 tablespoon alfalfa sprouts to 3 tablespoons water,) then drain them and keep them rinsed for a few days. I am having a problem with them getting slimy and lumping together before I can use them. I use a cheesecloth top over a mason jar, with the ring screwed on. That way I can add tap water and drain them easily. Add suggestions for getting them to grow better?
Could be many reasons, but it sounds like you are using too much water. Also the temperature may be too warm, or maybe the jar or cheese cloth needs a good wash. But it depends on whether the sliminess is from the sprouts decaying or another organism getting in there with them.
One other thing, do you turn the jar after you add water so the seeds stick to the sides? This enables them to get more light... I was told that helps and that worked for me.