I'm vegetarian and people ask...?!
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"same reason he gave us our brain that has the ability to choose what it does and doesnt want, and thats what i use it for, to choose what i will and wont eat"
seems likea good response to that q to me
"then why did god put animals on earth?"
that's a stupid argument because not everyone believes in him and ok so animals were put on earth to eat what about poisinous frogs or snakes? Are we meant to eat those? And don't animals also provide other things than food. If animals were put on earth to eat would you eat your dog? God wouldn't pick and choose like that. "why do we have sharp teeth?" herbivores can also have sharp teeth and it doesn't matter if we're omnivores we have a choice and we don't have to eat meat.
I know, it's kinda annoying. I haven't really got those questions as such but "Do you eat fish?" and "How can you not like meat?" I have received.
The thing is, I feel that God intended us to only eat plants and fruit etc., as we have so much choice of this. We could easily get protein from nuts etc too. There is plenty to go around. But evolution caused man to kill animals for food, as it's easy access, or whatever.
Also we may have sharp teeth but it is not compulsory for us to eat meat - many survive (including myself) w/o doing so. Anyway, I found meat too chewy for my liking.
Veggie for 4 years
Many believe that animals before the Flood of Noah's time (including dinosaurs) were vegetarians (not becoming meat eaters until afterward), yet they had canine teeth (sharp, pointed).
Fibrous and tough items are found in vegetation, sharp teeth aren't strictly for meat.
Animals are for us, our use, yes. We're not commanded to eat them, we have the option to treat them with the utmost peaceful measures. Simple as that. My choice, my way.
I don't believe in god, but I don't really care about arguments on what we are SUPPOSED to have done. Whether based on religion or evolution.
The fact is that right now, if you live in America, we don't HAVE to. We can get everything we need from plants (and b12 from breakfast cereal LOL), so eating animals is purely a choice.
I don't have to eat animals, so I don't.
Yeah, I have been asked these questions A LOT. There is one girl in one of my classes who always asks me why I am vegetarian (now I am a vegan though :P ) These are some of the normal answers I say in situations like this:
"Then why did God put animals on Earth?" - To look at and admire their beauty, to be friends with us so humans are not lonely, well, they are not supposed to be here to be mistreated and hurt by stupid humans.
"Why do we have sharp teeth?" - we have the ability to eat animals but now humans know it is so much better not to, evolution our ancestors ate meat and needed them but I do not.
Just answer them with another question: Are some animals smart? Is eating them healthy? and keep the argument moving. I have never been asked that, but still, tell them that. Those animals are smart. It's like a pig and a dog. People will eat a pig and don't even bother thinking what it is. If they see how burgers are made,they will vomit and get shocked, yet a day later they will eat it. A dog, if it dies everyone cries, no one will eat it. Many people have pet pigs. Why is that? That is a good argument.
we don't have sharp teeth like fangs, no.
We have the same teeth as horses and gorillas- check them out.
Why did "god" put animals there?
Nature is a wonderful thing, we are all animals. The Why Did God Put animals there questions makes me laugh.
Uhm...for us, a human being and the most intelligent of all species, to practise our "god" given compassion and free choice to not do the one thing we know causes pain- it's a test of our humanity actually.
Of all the thousands of things you can put in your mouth, why choose the one thing that causes so much pain?
Just pull out the Defensive Omnivore Bingo card and say "oh wow, that's 99 times I've been asked that question! One more and I win dinner at [insert the name of your favourite vego restaurant here].
If you don't want to be so passive aggressive, you could ask them if they have ever seen gorillas teeth (they are vegetarian but their teeth are brutal). And the god thing, well that's my favourite! Ask them if their god put animals on earth for us to eat, why do they feel pain? Why must they suffer? Does he want them to suffer? Does your god hate the furry little animals? WELL DOES HE???
Sorry, got carried away.
*sits back down
vegan biologist, heard it all before...
Yes, in the past 3 years I've received a variety of stupid and defenseless questions. God put the animals on earth to live their own life, not to be raised, killed, and consumed by animals. If they were meant to be eaten, I guarantee they wouldn't feel/show pain.
We have sharp teeth? I can barley bite into an apple without having to apply some serious pressure. Look at a bear's teeth. Those are sharp.
When I was younger I got that quite a lot. Now I don't tell anybody. Its my business and its nothing to do with other people, so just don't tell people about it. Nobody needs to know about what somebody eats anyway, what has it got to do with them? They aren't buying your food so its nothing to do with them at all.
Well on the god subject the bible says animals were put on earth to be admired not eaten.
We can get as much nutrients from plants that we can from animals.
I respond when people ask me that "animals weren't put on this earth to be tortured." then walk away.
too many food places GLUTTONY and gluttony causes too much animals living in nasty conditions of captivity.
there is more than one god in heaven, heaven is the mind not the religion they are from..
It's none of their business. Just politely tell them you don't like to eat meat, and you don't care what they do. :)
Yes I do. often.
The questions I get most is "If you like animals so much, why do you eat their food?"
Get gets annoying..