Why do people put chicken and beef stock in vegetarian dishes?!
This really baffles me, I thought it would just be common sense to not give chicken and beef anything to a vegetarian, why is this?
The same reason that some people think that fish is "vegetarian." They don't understand. I always identify myself as a vegetarian and offer to bring something (or come over early to help get everything ready if it is a big party). In this area, many people will ask about what I eat and don't eat. If they ask me detailed questions "Do you eat fish or shellfish?" or "There's some bacon in the salad dressing, do you mind?" I will answer them. "No, I don't eat fish or shellfish. Thanks for checking!" or "No, I avoid all meat, even as a flavoring. Thanks for letting me know about the dressing. I can either have my salad with plain oil and vinegar or just skip the salad, it's no problem."
Once there, I can often tell by sight or smell if the food contains meat stock. It can be harder in tomato dishes, so I will ask how it is made.
The best way to avoid the situation is to be really clear about what you do and don't eat when you accept the invitation. "I'm a pretty strict vegetarian, so I don't eat anything made out of meat, even as a flavoring or broth. I don't want to create extra work for you, can I bring a dish to share? What would go well with the menu?"
If you don't like it don't eat it.
people arent informed about vegetarianism/veganism. im vegan, and its happened on quite a few occasions that someone will suggest going to ie Baskin Robbins for some ice cream---and when i remind them that im vegan they proceed to assure me that Baskin Robbins doesnt put meat in their ice cream..............lol heres a link on how to be a good vegan guest http://wayfaringvegans.weebly.com/being-…
They think it's okay as long as there's no meat. Like mcdonalds fries. Many people would assume it's okay for vegetarians to eat it but it's actually fried in beef fat
i have never come across this
most use vegetable stock, some use an onion only stock
maybe they think it will make it mor epallatable to non vegetarians
They're morons who've been misinformed.
Because people are idiots.
There un-educated, that's why.
Ya got me. Maybe they don't see animal-based stock as meat.
I was wondering the same thing