Vegan v. Vegetarian v. Carnivore?!
that they don't represent all vegans and vegetarians but I was wondering is this normal? And what type of diet is the best? I'm just trying to educate myself, so no rude comments. Thanks!!!! :)
I'm currently a vegetarian (STRICT vegetarian). Carnivore is not good for humans (at least not for me and my morals and body). I could become a vegan (and probably will in the future) but I still like dairy (ice cream, cheese, butter for baking), even though I eat less and less of dairy, because it makes me stink.
I must say, that while I've always been healthy, the quality of my skin and hair has improved since I no longer eat animals. My system is more regular, my hormones are more stable. I've learned to cook and prepare things more, and save money. Giving up meat was one of the best things I ever did for myself.
Okay, who are the morons who gave me thumbs down for sharing MY opinion and MY experience?
There are no nutrients found only in meat.
There are no nutrients found only in animal products.
"It is the position of the American Dietetic Association that appropriately planned vegetarian diets, including total vegetarian or vegan diets, are healthful, nutritionally adequate, and may provide health benefits in the prevention and treatment of certain diseases. Well-planned vegetarian diets are appropriate for individuals during all stages of the life cycle, including pregnancy, lactation, infancy, childhood, and adolescence, and for athletes. An evidence-based review showed that vegetarian diets can be nutritionally adequate in pregnancy and result in positive maternal and infant health outcomes. The results of an evidence-based review showed that a vegetarian diet is associated with a lower risk of death from ischemic heart disease. Vegetarians also appear to have lower low-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels, lower blood pressure, and lower rates of hypertension and type 2 diabetes than nonvegetarians. Furthermore, vegetarians tend to have a lower body mass index and lower overall cancer rates. Features of a vegetarian diet that may reduce risk of chronic disease include lower intakes of saturated fat and cholesterol and higher intakes of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, soy products, fiber, and phytochemicals."
you canNOT be a carnivore. eating meat, and ONLY meat is bad for you. im going to assume you exaggerated. i dont think you could be alive if you ONLY ate meat. I think your vegitarian friend might not be getting enough protein. that can cause sickness. Omnivorism is fine, and Vegitarianism is fine as long as you get enough protein. Veganism is ok except you can miss out on some really important nutrients and the diet can cause your skin to dull and/or sag. most dietary experts reccomend taking supplements to make sure that the body gets the nutrients it needs (for vegans).
if you want my personal diet, im a pescaterian, meaning i eat vegetebles and fish. i'm not too strict, as the only reason i gave up meat is because i didn't really like it. a lot of people don't think think that its a good enough reason, but whatever. Just make sure whichever diet you choose keeps you HEALTHY.
vegan info:…
Humans are Herbivores, whether people like it or not. It's proven. Humans do not have carnivorous teeth, can not run fast enough to catch their prey, and our intestines are so long(like one of a herbivores) the meat ferments. The reason your friend is pale and sick is most likely because she does not eat healthy, and I don't mean healthy as in fish, meat, eggs, milk. I mean fruit, veg, nuts ect..
You are born vegan, no human baby would choose to eat a baby rabbit over an apple.
Well first of all, lets start with this fact: THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A HUMAN CARNIVORE!
Second, vegetarian diets are healthier than omnivore diets and vegan diets are healthier than vegetarian diets. That is, IF the person is eating a balanced diet. If your friends are eating crap and not getting proper nutrition, then obviously they are pale and weak. But those people who do eat healthy, thrive. People have been living healthy lives without animal products for thousands of years.
Human beings evolved as omnivores. Our primitive ancestors ate whatever they could get our hands on, plants or meat.
Most medical professionals will recommend a balanced diet: some meat, some veggies, some fruits, cut back on sugar and processed carbs (pasta & breads). If you eat that way, chances are you'll be fine.
Every one can be equally healthy if done correctly. For the most part, vegetarians aren't healthier because they don't eat meat but because they eat fresher foods and watch their diet more.
I'm assuming you meant omni, not carni.
L/O vegetarian. I rarely get sick. :3
On average vegetarian/vegan diets, properly followed, are the healthiest. Of course you can be vegetarian and only eat cheetos! Some people do eat meat, even a lot of meat, and do not suffer health problems from it. Just like some people smoke for 50 years without developing lung cancer. Meat consumption does tend to contribute to a whole number of health problems, though, and lot of the heart disease and obesity that is prevalent today could be reduced by eating less or no meat.
As for me, I am vegetarian. I chose it not because of health benefits but because I was appalled by the treatment of animals and the behavior of the meat industry. Later on I began to learn about the environmental harms that factory farms cause. If you want to find out more you can check out the sections at… I know a lot of omnivores dismiss PETA because they do not like what PETA has to say, but I have found them to be very well researched, and you are free to check elsewhere as well. That is just a good central starting location.
I believe that no matter what diet you choose, it should be well-planned, varied, and should largely consist of whole unprocessed foods.
Of course I have my personal bias, and that is that the vegan diet, when practiced in the right way (what I mentioned above) is the healthiest diet. Meat, dairy, and eggs are not essential in the diet, and they pose risks. Increased dietary cholesterol, increased saturated fat, increased toxins/carcinogens in your body. Why bother with these when you can get all you need from plants?
I applaud you for the desire to educate yourself. Keep researching from reliable sources, and find what's best for you. I recommend the book The China Study, by T. Colin Campbell. It will change your mind about health.
Edit: Deer Hunter, if there have been studies claiming that the China Study is false, please provide references. I am never opposed to obtaining new reliable information. I sincerely hope you don't mean "The Vegetarian Myth" (the only thing I've seen that refutes it). That book's references include wikipedia and other .com websites. I'd be happy to see something from a scholarly source.
when i first became a vegetarian i hardly ate anything because i didn't know quite what to eat... all i knew was the eating meat disturbed me. 3 months later with my active lifestyle and army pt i was healthy in ways i had never been before... but on the other hand i discovered i was borderline anemic. i researched like crazy and started making sure i got all the protein i need daily along with vitamins and such. it wasn't hard but it required a LOT of cooking :) i went to the doctor a month after eating like this and i was no longer anemic. 5 moths later i decided to go vegan. when i was a big meat eater i was prone to pneumonia, constipated, overweight, and depressed. i havn't had pneumonia in 2 years. im nolonger constipated (sorry if its tmi :P ) i'm not AS overweight, i still could loose a few pounds ( you can be overweight no matter if your a herbivore, omnivore, vegetarian or a carnivore. ) and being vegan makes me happy :) i love animals!
a few facts:
carnivores intestines are very short. omnivores intestines are a little longer. herbivores intestines are very long. can you tell me which of these categories fits the human species? thats right! the herbivores intestines are most similar to our own!
aside from all the crap that factory farms put into meat and that fish in the ocean come into contact with our bodies have trouble digesting all of the meat we eat. then on top of that just think of this: we are the only species that drinks another species milk.
your friends are not eating correctly. thats why they are so pale and sick all the time.
if you do it right you can be at the top of your game and live a much longer life! :)
I have vegan friends as well. They're older women in their late 40s who have been vegetarian or vegan for at least the past 15-20 years. They do not look healthy, and one gets severe migraines among other chronic health problems. The other one is very active, but she eats a lot of junk food. She runs off of caffeine rather than whole foods :(
I'm 28, 5'4" and weigh less than 115lbs. I'm an omnivore, and eat meat with every meal, and had actually LOST weight (I was 135lbs one year ago!) once I cut out all processed foods, grains, beans, dairy and started eating more fatty meats. My skin has cleared up and my energy levels are double that of what they had been.
The stereotype that all omnivores are fatties with high levels of bad cholesterol, diabetes and heart disease, is a load of crap. Just like the vegetarian stereotype that they're all sickly & scrawny.
A new diet classification should be made: Junkfoodtarians. They can exist both as omnivores and vegetarians. THOSE kinds of people are the ones with all the health problems. Meat has nothing to do with it. If you think a steak is somehow worse for your health than a deep-fried Twinkie on a stick, you've got issues. At least the steak wasn't developed in a laboratory!
@JamaicanQT: Formal response to The China Study in pdf--…
It would take AGES to paste all the links of scientific studies that support my statement, but let me tell you here and now, the reality is that meat protein is of an infinitely higher quality than veg protein. Fact.
Meat is more nutritious and eaten in moderate amounts (like anything) it is way better than an all veg diet.
Our teeth profile confirms also that we have teeth meant for tearing i.e meat.
Eating meat results in a higher quality diet and nutrition.
I believe you mean omnivore, not carnivore.
Meat itself is not bad for you if its fresh lean meat eaten in moderation. Fatty processed meats with added salt and fillers Is bad for you. Processed food in general is bad for you.
There have been studies on the china study stating that it is false.
Ima go with the fourth option Omnivore, you know the way we're supposed to eat. Eating no meat is a personal choice but its not a healthy one... you need protein and things you cant get from veggies. You can get protein from beans but. Its your choice.
You forgot one, Omnivore. Humans evolved as omnivores. We need meat proteins as well as veggies to maintain our bodies.
Carnivore Forever !!!
Omnivore is best for me, so that's what I have chosen.