Why do some vegetarians eat fish?!
Because for 1000's of years before there were even definitions of what a vegetarian was Christians didn't eat meat during Lent. However they did eat fish. Thus by an earlier definition, before any current definition was in a dictionary, fish was not considered meat.
And many people still don't consider it meat. It is subjective. Some may tell you different, but then again who the F are they. Eat what you like, eat what makes you happy. And if that means you are a vegetarian that occasionally eats fish, so be it. That is what you are. You are more than a persons interpretation of a definition.
Peace! ?
Truly vegetarian means no meat, hence the vege. Some people feel it's justified to eat fish because it's not slaughtered like red meat. It's still an animal that had to die to get on your plate so true vegetarians don't eat fish. I have a "vegetarian" friend who eats KFC every now and then. I think we'd all be better off just eating less meat.
Common sense.
Fish has many health benefits, so they may eat it for that reason. Maybe it's somebody that's transitioning into being a vegetarian, and keeping fish makes it easier to give up all the other meats. Maybe they just like eating fish.
No vegetarian eats fish.
If you eat fish, you are not a vegetarian.
Anyone who calls themself that, who also eats fish, is misguided, uninformed or just plain too hopeful.
If they are eating fish then they are not a vegetarian. Vegetarians don't eat any animals, they do consume fluids from animals but that's it.
Either they didn't know they are not vegetarians or they do not know there is this pescetarian definition for them.
No vegetarians eat meat of any kinds.
Vegetarians don't eat fish. Pescetarians eat fish.
They don't. A person who calls themselves a vegetarian and eats fish is mistaken. Vegetarians do not eat any animals.
If u eat any sort of animal then ur not a vegarterian but i guess some do because they arnt bred for there meat like cows and chickens and arnt kept in such horrible conditions..
They don't. No vegetarian eats seafood.
cause they don't consider it as a meat and/or because of the protein
because fish dont suffer
i dont