Kind of a weird question...?!
Even if fruits and veggies had feelings, Peta wouldn't care. Unless they can find a way to get on people's emotional side and convince them that sending Peta money will help them help the fruit.
First they'd have to make a few 'undercover' videos after hiring some people to abuse the fruit. They might even take the cheap way out and find a video from the late eighties or early nineties that most people have forgotten about.
Then they'd have to make a few more videos of the fruit and veggies they've rescued and returned to the wild. Of course there will be no follow up videos as most of those fruits will have been eaten if they didn't simply rot.
Of course if the fruit or veggies were man created, you won't see them ever again. They'll vanish inside of Peta HQ and no doubt spend a few months in a large freezer before being used in Peta's garden of food that they find acceptable. (Don't know what that would be. Science lab grown things I suppose.)
If fruits & veggies had feelings they'd be animals, not plants.