can you change granulated sugar to caster sugar?!
Yes, it's possible.
Here's how:
1.Place granulated sugar in a food processor.
2.Process for about a minute
Et voilá! Caster sugar!
Yes, you just have to make the sugar crystals smaller. I do not own a food processor, but would think you had best be careful because you could maybe end up with icing sugar quite quickly! I think I would take a mortar and pestle to try that out method out first. Or crush with something like a rolling pin.
For cooking (in cakes, pastries, etc.) there is no need to use caster sugar. Granulated is just fine. You will just have to beat it a little longer to make sure it is completely dissolved. I notice a lot of recipes are calling for caster sugar, probably because it will save a little time, however it really is not necessary.
The School of Experience and Common Sense
I have heard that some people put granulated sugar in the blender.
I always use granulated sugar and not yet been able to tell the difference. I have won prizes for my cooking.
Hope this article helps:
i do. but i use less as castor sugar is denser (i bake by volume, eg cup, not weight)
yes a chemical reaction needs to occur