What are Some Benefits of Being a Meatitarean?!
Everything fears you.
*You'll be dead within a couple of months due to malnutrition so that will significantly reduce the environmental destruction you would be responsible for if you lived a full life
*You could keep a diary to indicate how long you lasted without plant foods before you died as I don't think this has ever been recorded, will benefit science
*If you mainly eat humans you'll be helping to reduce the global overpopulation problem (try and eat six children per day for those few weeks you are alive to really make a difference)
*If you only eat people from your local area and you kidnap them by bike you'll drastically reduce your dietary carbon footprint
vegan biologist
Heart disease.
High cholesterol.
Animal torture and killing.
Environmental destruction.
hey, im a meatitarean, just having me is a benefit
You get to check out all the cool new medical equipment while they treat your heart disease and colon cancer!
You never have to get old!
Think of all the time and water you'll save by not pooping!
Go Meat!
The only benefit is that the meat eating trolls will die a lot younger vs the healthy vegetarians/vegans on here.
You'd die. Thus saving all the lifes of the animals you'd have murdered. That would be the only benefit.
You get to be a lion or a shark...you know, carnivores? Humans aren't carnivores so there would be no benefit to speak of.
you get a lot of protein so you have energy, also you always get to eat good food :) not leaves day after day :) Oh and the protein helps you stay warm