I want to be a vegetarian but...?!
Website: http://www.articlesbase.com/nutrition-ar…
Well you can dedicate days to be "meatless" you can start transitioning like that. Have one day a week, then two, then three. Meatless mondays, or everyday have a meal be meatless.
and try to buy meat replacments like veggie burgers, meatless meatballs, tofu, chickenless nuggets.
Products like: Morningstar, amy's kitchen, bocca, lightlife, yves.
Here are some good recipes:
Stir fry- You need cut up tofu, soy sauce, olive oil, steamed veggies, and cooked rice
Get a frying pan and coat it with olive oil. The put the tofu in the pan and brown each side of it. Next, add the veggies. Add a little soy sauce and put in the rice. Mix everything up and then let it sit on the stove, occasionally stirring it to make sure it doesn't burn. After about a minute and a half of that put it in a bowl and enjoy!
Hummus- chick peas, lemon juice, paprika, cumin, black pepper, and any other spices/seasonings you like
Puree the chick peas. Then add a little lemon juice, paprika, pepper, and other spices. Then stir. Serve with a pita, with cucumbers, or on a veggie wrap.
Here are some snack and dinner suggestions:
Celery with peanut butter
Apples with peanut butter
Pita with hummus
Amy's Apple Toaster Pops
All natural popsicles
Natural Valley bars
Fruit Leather
Silk Chocolate Soy Milk
Naked Juice
Apple chips
Tofu Stir Fry
Amy's Pizzas
Amy's entrees
Sandwiches made with Yves meatless deli slices
Tofu Scramble
Natural Oven's bagels
Dr. McDougall's Soups and Noodle Soups
Soy Cheese Quesedillas
Veggie Wraps
Whole foods is a great store for vegetarians/vegans, so I recommend grocery shopping there. You also can get a lot of the things I listed above there
If you really enjoy eating meat you may not be ready to make the change. Also, you need to be independent to purchase your food (sounds like you live with the family). I was vegetarian for years and remained in good health. Some people have strong opinions about it, so I usually would not tell anyone. Just say "I don't care for fried chicken" and no one needs to know you never eat chicken or other types of meat. It can be inconvenient sometimes. I prefer vegetarian food, but if I am at a dinner, there may not be a meatless choice.
personal experience
Don't give up meat, it's not like becoming a vegetarian is going to have any impact. Let the other vegetarians/vegans think that their sacrifice is actually doing something, but know that the demand for meat is only going up in the world.
Meat is delicious and an important protein source. Also vegetarians have considerably more bowel movements than omnivores, just another thing to think about.
First problem - Don't worry about your family, if they are doubting you, thats all the more reason to become one. Prove to them you can be one!!!
Number 2 - This isn't a big deal. There are tons of meat replacements out there for basically everything that taste even better that the real thing and are much healthier for you!
Good Luck! :]
no offense but how can you be in Love with meat if your a vegetarian anyway watch earthlings (btw if you look at a pig a cow or a chicken what do you see a cuddly cute animal of bacon beef or roast chicken) sign up to peta and theyll give you a vegan starter kit and youll save about 90 animals a year for being vegan donno about being vegetarian anyway good luck
A while after I became a vegetarian, I lost my taste for meat. Maybe you could start small... try avoiding pork for a while and see how that goes. If you're okay with that, then maybe avoid beef, etc. You don't necessarily have to go cold turkey (no pun intended) -- anything you choose to do for the benefit of animal life and for the environment is awesome.
BE VEGETARIAN... Its much healthier! start now! just stop eating meat, Theres tons of garbage in meat, Animals have feelings too.. Would you wanna be eaten if you were a Living Animal?
Whoever makes fun of you is just a failure at life and is a know it all brat. if they wanna get sick and die let them. Vegetarian Puts your life span above those meat eating fools.
God Bless you and good luck!
Vegetarian myself, even my Cats and Dogs.
Don't make the transition. Buy only locally organic meat and products if you want to help out the environment because the only reason why I'm not eating meat is because of all the growth hormones pumped into commercial meat, and the fact that I'm not compelled to eat it out of disgust.
doing the right thing can be a hard thing to do, very few of us have supportive families :-) heres a link on dealing with your unsupportive family
you need to be in it 100% and it doesn't sound like you are.