Were you vegetarian before you went vegan?!
I was vegetarian first due to my ignorance about the dairy and egg industries. I watched Food, Inc. and read Eating Animals and converted, but then I became pregnant and went back to eating those items out of social pressure that my diet was going to kill my baby. Yes, people actually said that. When she was born, she had dairy and egg allergies so I am a breastfeeding vegan and she's doing just fine!
Yes, I decided that being vegetarian for animal rights is hypocritical. Baby cows are being killed for veal because of the dairy industry, male chicks are slaughtered after birth because theyre worthless to the egg industry, dairy cows and hens are slaughtered when they are no longer profitable, and THEN i found out about the REAL reasons to be vegan lol
Yes, i was vegetarian fo 20 years before becoming vegan a few years ago. What changed it for me was when i saw a film about the horrific cruelty that went on in the dairy industry. I think most vegans started off as vegetarians.
Yes, for a few months. When I learned that the sons of dairy cows become veal, I stopped using dairy. And there were other things that made me realize that being vegan was the true ethical choice. In May/June it will be nine years since I went vegan.
Eighteen years of omnivorism + one night of watching Earthlings = a lifetime thereafter of veganism