As a vegan what can I use as an egg replacer?!
I've been looking up vegan desserts online because sometimes I get the sugar craving, LoL!
Often times it will call for an egg replacer, I shop at raleys or safeway and I Cant find any vegan egg replacers, where can I buy one and what kind is there??
thank you!!
You can use a TBSP of applesauce for every egg that the recipe calls for.
There is a product called "Egg-white Replacer" that you can find at most health food stores. Check with your local natural-foods co-op, if you have one. I know Whole foods also carries it. It works pretty well as an egg substitute for baked-goods recipes.
I've heard that you can try mixing flax meal with water and use it as an egg replacer. I've never actually tried this yet, so I don't know if it works.
Applesauce is a great egg replacer.
Energ-G Egg Replacer works best. It comes in a box. You can find it at Whole Foods.