Any good diets for vegetarians?!
I really want to lose fat on my hips and my back (so that means losing weight, too) and I already have the exercises planned out, but I need the diet.
Any suggestions of what to eat? I need to eat healthier and lose weight! Thanks!
1st whatever u do don't overeat even from the healthiest food. 2nd remember to loose inches cut on carbs no carb no suger or fruit or juice or soda you don't want to cut on chicken or meat once in awile u must have meat and fish fish chicken and meat is still the best source of the goot fat like HDL and omega 3 and it have a ton of good vitameen minerals and nutriant
there are a few low-cal/fat recipes on this site in the Recipes section, also check out the recipe links (ie fatfreevegan) remember fruit has a lot of natural sugars---which is still sugar and will make you gain weight (so dont avoid fruit, but dont OD on it either). also portion control is a big deal, even if youre eating healthy foods, make sure youre not eating too much of them. as with most things: quantity AND quality are important :-)