Vegans, do you feel bad for the animals that die to feed you?!
I don't mean to offend, but am genuinely curious. Thanks.
Considering that much of the crops harvested in the US go towards feeding factory farmed animals - no. (example: 60% of corn grown in the US goes to beef alone) A single cow is going to eat far more harvested crops that I am in its lifetime. If I were to go to the store and purchase beef, chicken, pork or any other factory farmed meat I would be contributed to the death of more animals both in the sense that the animal I'm purchasing must die as well as animals dying in combines that were used to harvest crops that went toward feeding that animal I purchased.
You can read about this here:…
Or here:…
It is not the intent of vegans to go out and kill animals for their use, or to do the things that are done to animals in intensive industrialized, factory farming. If you had a crystal ball, and it let you know that a several times in your life, you would injure or kill another person accidentally, does this mean that you should kill people by choice? Vegans make the best choices they can to cause the least harm wherever practical or possible. There is never a fantasy that no animals die, or that killing doesn't happen all over the globe.
Yes, it is tragic that animals are killed in the harvesting process, and there isn't much I can do about it. HOWEVER, 70 percent of grain harvested in this country goes to feed animals who are raised for food. A meat eater causes the death of far more animals than just the ones he eats and far more than a vegan.
Veganism strives to eliminate animal exploitation as much as possible.
lol I'm not a vegan myself, but according my common sense I would imagine that vegans do not eat meat as they are concerned with the animals which is killed to feed us directly, such as killing a pig for bacon. I think your argument might as well hace been asked 'Vegans, do you feel guilty when you smack a mosquito in your house?'. The mice and bugs referred to in your question don't die directly for a vegan person to have food.
Yes I do. But I know that it is the better option when it comes to animal cruelty and not supporting businesses that torture and abuse animals. Being vegan/vegetarian isn't about being perfect, its about trying to abstain from animal exploitation. Something has to die in order for us to live, eating plants is just the more sentient option.
im sorry but man eating animal has gone on as long as history can go, it may seem barbaric, but we use the animals to give us our every day food. but the animals know that they will die, and so they know what to expect. it has given our prehistoric ancestors food to SURVIVE!!! but im sorry if you take any offense to it.
Not exactly, I am vegan for health reasons.
I actually don't like cows, but I hate factories that torture them.
Yes, teh field mice and birds that might get killed are awful. I tend to not eat wheat or grains a whole lot- I eat fruit, veg and other things without the large grain crops.
Sure. Just like I feel bad for the bugs that die on my windscreen. But not bad enough to make me want to pay someone to go and intentionally kill animals for me so I can eat their corpses. I mean, how would that help?
EDIT: got a source farmgirl? Or did you make that statistic up??
vegan biologist
its impossible to cause zero harm unless you die, but vegetarians do less damage than omnivores and vegans do less than vegetarians. Its about doing the best you can.
1 animal dies for 55 lbs. of meat
55 animals die for 1 lb. of vegetables
It is not the same as slaughtering animals in order to eat them. Right?