Could too many stir fries & spices cause rashes?!
Theres no reasoning i can think of seeing as the foods individually never cause an allergy, but it seems to be irritated after eating dinner
some spices can aggravate skin conditions so yes it could do if it has things your skin doesnt particularly handle well
ginger is a circulation booster, so yip, that could be causing you to have a bit of a problem if you have to omuch all the time
chili i dotn know much about, but it is likely to be heating you up to the point that with ginger , and being eaten all teh time, causes some issues
It's hard to say what is causing your flare up since you don't describe what is in your stir fries and how you've been making it.
The food may just be a false lead... it all could be stress related which includes food, weather and emotional stress.
You could be allergic to the stuff that's in the stir fries, even the spices. Also, eating spicy foods can cause rashes if they are overeaten. Each person's body handles it differently.
ask this ques to a skin specialist will be better for you
you might be allergic to the spices that you are adding