do carbs or protein give you more energy?!

Question: Do carbs or protein give you more energy?
It seems even complex carbs make me tired
and protein gives me more energy
or maybe its the combo of complex carbs
and protein that are giving me the energy.

Which do you think is the best for steady energy levels?


I feel the same way---> that protein gives me more energy.

If I eat too many carbs...... it's just a total "carb dump" that makes me feel tired.

Steady energy is a meal with a balance of fat, protein and carbs. Like 20% fat, 40% protein, 40% carbs.

I find the whole complex carb myth a complete joke.

Pita bread,
potatoes- they're all just starch, even if they ARE complex.
The alternative is refined sugar- white sugar, which hardly helps. Carbs are just sugar, even if it DOES come in wholegrain form. All that stuff means, is the state of processed foods in USA got so bad, and so full of refined sugar and high fructose corn syrup that saying "hey, it's got white sugar in it" made it more 'healthy' than something with HFCS. That's a pile of cr@p.

ALl the bread, potatoes, rice and bagels in the world ARE STILL STARCH, and will still turn to glucose and weigh you down.

So, protein will give you more energy without taking SO MUCH from your body to digest it.

Your body has to work so hard to digest that carbohydrate. Eating mulitgrain wholemeal bread with seeds and stuff is about as unrefined as you can get, and it's still just STARCH.

Eat them very sparingly.
If you want carbohydrate with REAL energy, you have to eat bananas not wheat and grains.
Nuts and seeds and legumes, not rice and starch.

Carbs should give you more energy thats odd, but if protien does then you should eat more of that. Check with your doctor and get a could eating plan. Check to see if your eating right 2

Technically speaking they both give you the same amount of energy: 4 kilocalories per gram.

I personally find protein more fulfilling energy-wise in the long run.

energy is measured in kcal
1g of carbs is the same of 1 g of protein 4 kcal ;
however 1 g of fat 9 kcal

so carbs and protein are the same , fat gives more energy

A mix of complex carbs, protein and vegetables.

amino acids give you ready energy.

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