Vegetarians: Do you ever become "flexatarians"?!

Question: Vegetarians: Do you ever become "flexatarians"?
OK so do all you vegetarians out there do you ever become "flexatarians"? BTW a flexatarian is someone who is a vegetarian who sometimes eats meat for various reasons like for a source of protein or cos they miss/like eating meat. So basically your a vegetarian but like eating meat and like hot dogs etc. Is anyone a flexatarian???


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I'm not a flexatarian (I'm a pescetarian) but I do think this would be one of the best choices for a person to make. My reason being because they are still saving lots of animals, do not have to have a specialized diet because they are still consuming protein, and you won't have problems eating out or large meals with other people. It's a nice mix of things between being saving animals but not having the complications that a vegetarian might have. However, if someone does this, you need to make sure not to call yourself a vegetarian. You'd be a flexitarian, and that is that.

A so called (vegetarian) that sometimes eats meat is not a vegetarian. They just call themselves that. If you must label yourself you are an omnivore. Even if you (sometimes) eat meat you are not a vegetarian because vegetarians never eat meat.

I personally believe people should just eat what they are comfortable with and not worry about what a label says you can or cannot eat.


I think some people do, but they do not dare admit it because of the backlash they would receive from other vegetarians/vegans. There are probably quite a few here on yahoo answering questions even though they may have stopped being vegetarian or vegan. Its bad enough when you see people who classify themselves as vegetarian getting bashed for eating fish. People need to realise that these people are doing a good job of helping animals, as opposed to others constantly eating copious amount of blood and flesh etc.

Lots of Love
Misscpb xxx

I went veggie 27 years ago and have never eaten meat since. My daughters (11 and 14) are committed veggies. If you do 'flex' like this, then call yourself something but NOT A VEGETARIAN - because you're not. It's like people who call themselves vegetarian but eat fish. Fine if that's what you want to do, but call yourself the proper term (ie a pescatarian) because it fuels the myth that tuna bake etc is an acceptable item on the 'vegetarian option' menu - and it ain't!

Absolutely not. And I don't agree with your description. You are describing an omnivore who isn't eating meat on a regular basis. A vegetarian does not eat animal. Full Stop. Never. Ever.
There is also no such thing as a Semi-vegetarian. What is that supposed to mean?. Either you are a veggie or you are not.

No, I don't. I see nothing wrong with doing so, but I would advise you not to call yourself a "flexitarian" if that's the diet you choose. I personally have no problem with the term, but you'll catch a lot of flack from vegetarians and omnivores alike. It's just not worth it; it would probably be easier on you to say you try not to eat a lot of meat.

Weird. And no, I'm not.

The only strange thing I do as a vegetarian is work in a steakhouse as wine sommelier. In order to understand what our food tastes like, I try it and then spit it out. (and then wash my mouth out).

As a vegetarian, one of the main reasons I don't go back to meat is because it no longer tastes likes it used to. It's gross.

No, definitely not! My friend told me to have one day a year when I just ate whatever I want, including meat which I thought was a ridiculous idea :L
My parents thought I would give up being a vegetarian but I'm still going strong months later :D
I even gave up my rabbit and guinea pig as I didn't feel right being a vegetarian with caged animals :(

A flexitarian isn't a vegetarian who sometimes eats meat.
"Flexitarian" is a name someone made up for an omnivore who doesn't eat much meat.
Vegetarians don't eat meat.

That would defeat the purpose of being vegetarian. I don't think you can call yourself vegetarian if you eat the occasional hot dog or hamburger.

Personally no, but i would consider it possibly if i decided to go back to eating meat.

Apparently Michael Pollen's a flexatarian. (i once heard him speak.)

There really is no such thing as a flexatarian... one who eats meat say once a week. They would just be an omnivore who rarely eats meat.
Vegetarians don't eat any meat at all.

A flexatarian is a common or garden omnivore. It just sounds better to a weak-willed wannabe vegetarian than hypocrite


Vegetarian since birth

Absolutely not! Vvegetarians don't eat meat. Ever. i agree with all the other people who say just call yourself what you are if you really care about labels.

Flexatarian? I might become that

why on earth would i become a vegetarian?

never done it no, as you said, its flexitarian not vegetarian, im vege ;-)

Ew, no.


Nope, strict vegetarian! And been so for 6 - 7 months now. I'm not even going to eat meat at Christmas!

well once in a while, I would eat some meat.... It is for source of protein

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