Is becoming a Vegetarian hard?!

Question: Is becoming a Vegetarian hard?
I really want to become a Vegetarian cause it would be so much healthier for and would help me lose wate if I cut out meat and junk food and cokes but idk if I will be able help please


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No not really, because there are only about four types of meat (fish, pork, beef and chicken) yet hundreds of types of vegetables, fruits and grains.
The thing is the junk food and coke you talk of, a lot of it is vegetarian and or vegan. Another thing is there are rare but few fat vegans and vegetarians because they are simply eating more than they were as omnivores. If you become vegetarian or vegan you may start feeling better and the things you eat will be cleaner and better for your body/more variety but if you're trying to lose weight, cardio is always good. A veggie lifestyle is for compassionate folks, those allergic to dairy or meat, and the select few that can actually lose weight that way because dairy makes them fat.
Bottom line: It depends on your chemical makeup whether or not veganism or vegetarianism is going to contribute to weight loss.


No it is not difficult at all. I am a vegan and was vegetarian for 3 years prior to my vegan transition. But as someone that does not eat any meat, dairy or eggs i have to tell you it doesn't mean you will be healthier. There are people called "junk food vegetarians" or "junk food vegans". Just eliminating animal products does not mean you eliminate sugar and calories... Coke, Twizzler's, Cocoa Puffs, French Fries, etc are all vegan. To be a responsible healthy vegetarian you need to learn the differences between healthy foods and junk food. Tofu Pineapple Curry with rice and a cup of green tea= Health. But a super sized Big Mac combo sans beef patties with fries and a large Coke with a McFlurry for dessert is all vegetarian, but it is in no way healthy. If you are prone to eating junk food in your current diet more than likely you will still eat junk food just of the vegetarian variety.

You need to make sure you make healthy food decisions for eliminating meat products and junk from your diet. A good book to help might be Alicia Silverstone's The Kind Diet. It shows a progressive transition into eliminating animal products from your diet and using healthy foods to do so. It also has some good recipes to try.

On a weight loss note.. When i became vegetarian it wasn't for health reasons, it was for animal welfare reasons. I was about 20 pounds over weight at the time, not fat, just a little chubby. But when i eliminated meat i lost zero pounds. none. BUT a few months later i removed diet soda from my diet (a step in eating a whole food healthy diet) and suddenly within a month i lost 15 pounds. The only lifestyle change i made near that time was eliminating diet soda. So try eliminating meat, junk food, and artificial sweeteners (like in diet coke) and I'm sure you will see amazing weight lose results.

For me personally, it was really easy. It was like I had a switch in my brain, and when I decided to be vegetarian, I didn't crave any meat from then on. I had no struggles with my decision when I was vegetarian, and I am now vegan.
Its probably different depending on your reasons. If you were doing it because you were not happy with how animals were treated (my reason), it is probably easier than if you were doing it for your own health.
Just because diets often take a lot of willpower. But, if every time you think of meat you can't help but think of the animal it used to be and what it went through, you don't really need willpower.

Just what I think, and my own experience.

Yes, and no.
It's not hard if it's really what you want to do. If meat truly repulses you and you don't like it or something it will be easy. If you truly want to give up meat, it's not going to be that hard.
I used to be a pescatarian, which means I continued eating fish,dairy&eggs. Then I switched to being a lacto-ovo vegetarian which means I ate dairy&eggs. Now I'm a vegan and I no longer even get cravings for ice cream, hamburgers, or anything of that type. I guess it also helped I hadn't eaten fast food for two years before,, but since I've been on a diet like this my cravings are down so low and I've been very healthy, because I have protien sources.

I had to read your question a couple the future, you might want to pay attention to your spelling.

Vegetarianism in and of itself is not healthier and won't make you lose weight. Simply cutting out meat won't do these things. You need to eat a healthy, well-rounded diet and exercise regularly. Don't want to? Then you won't be healthy.

Is it hard? Not at all...but only if you aren't lazy.

vegan bodybuilder and personal trainer

I have been a vegetarian for 5 years and yes it was VERY hard at first but after a month or so it became a Habit and i didn't even miss meat. TIP- make sure you read the ingredients in EVERYTHING some stuff contains meat that you wouldn't expect.

I have lived all my life of 54 years being a vegan. I eat 5 classes of food - Grains, Nuts, Fruits, Vegetables and Yoghurt. Friends say that I look about 15 years younger than I am.

Flesh has no taste and it is the other ingredients which give it the taste. Use them on vegetables and you get the same taste.

Not really. It helps if you have a reason that you feel strongly about.

Just incase you weren't aware, vegetarians cannot eat meat, gelatin(e) or rennet. Many cheeses contain rennet and many lollies contain gelatin(e).

Good luck (:

It is only difficult in that you need to pay attention to what you eat. You also should pay attention to the nutrients and ensure your diet is well suited for you. But then again that is true about any diet, if you eat meat or not.

for years I have been telling my wife that apart from an occasional bacon sandwich I could be a vegetarian.

Yes, and idiotic.

its only hard if you have low impulse control or don't care about animals.

It wasn't for me:D Good luck!


no its easier than you think - do do too much in one go - give up meat slowly over several days and you will achieve it


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