I'm temporarily going vegetarian in order to lose weight, but why do I feel so weak?!

Question: I'm temporarily going vegetarian in order to lose weight, but why do I feel so weak?
Will my body eventually get used to it?


If you started just today, I doubt your weakness comes from lack of dead flesh in your body. You might be tired for other reasons, or your mind might play a trick on you thinking going veg makes you weak and tired. When I first became a vegetarian one of the first things I noticed was how much energy I had all of the sudden.

Hi. This isn't a case of "getting used to it." A vegetarian diet can be so very good for you when done right; it is not supposed to make you feel weak!

What have you replaced the meat with? A healthy vegetarian diet is not just about cutting out meat, you have to put something in its place.

Make sure you have a source of protein at each meal. This can be things like beans, nuts or soya products like tofu.
Base each meal around complex carbs such as grains, potatoes, cereal, bread etc.

Snacking throughout the day on nuts, wholegrain toast or cereal is a good way to keep your energy up.

Also make sure you're getting a good amount of fruit and veg tables as these are obviously important for keeping your body in good condition.

If it's done properly a vegetarian diet will not make you feel weak.
Good luck with it.

Eating vegetarian doesn't make you weak. I'm a vegan and into bodybuilding, trust me.

You're going vegetarian "in order to lose weight," and that's your problem. You're probably cutting out on a lot of nutrients and calories to lose weight, too, right? THAT'S why you feel weak.

Vegetarianism is NOT for weight loss. You're chubby because you eat like sh*t and you're lazy. You can eat like sh*t and be lazy on a vegetarian diet, too. You need to actually care about what you eat and exercise regularly in order to get in shape. Just ditching meat isn't some magical answer.

vegan bodybuilder and personal trainer

Seeing as you are trying to lose weight, I would guess you are eating less than normal, which is why you feel weak.
Being a vegetarian itself does not make you weak, but, if you stop eating something (meat), and don't replace it with something else, you're bound to feel weak at first, while you're body adjusts. You need to make sure you're still eating enough calories to keep your body going.

How long have you been vegetarian? You can't replace the nutrients in beef with a salad and expect to stay healthy. Are you eating eggs and dairy products? If not, you could be suffering from several deficiencies: iron, calcium, B12.

But most likely, you're not getting enough calories. Eat those veggies; they're good for you.

You can't just "go vegetarian to lose weight" without doing any research. And if you did the research you would realize that going vegetarian doesn't automatically mean you'll lose weight.

That happened to me.Your body only feels weak because your not used to it.Eat more fruit and peanut butter until your body starts to feel better.I did that and it worked for me.Hope I helped.

A vegetarian diet is not a weight loss plan. You just started this morning and you feel weak? That must be because you are not eating enough. Deficiencies don't happen in 1 day.

Yes you will get used to it, but don't eat meat after you have been a vegetarian for so long you will get sick.

my mom

*ahem* troll *ahem*

Eating vegetarian doesn't mean you eat two small meals a day.

You're clearly not eating enough if that's happening.

haha you just started this morning. that's pretty funny. i suggest you take a nap.

You need more protein. Nuts,eggs or Tofu are a good source

Your body isn't used to not getting the protein it needs from meat. Find other things to eat that contain protein in them such as: nuts, seeds, dairy products, and eggs.


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