Becoming a vegan, 10 points to best answer!?!

Question: Becoming a vegan, 10 points to best answer!?
I've been a vegetarian since july 27 2010 and I want to be vegan. What are some things I need, like certain vitamins and good soy milks and any other facts :) I know the basics because my best friend is vegan. I think I have the will power but I want any fact possible! Please help :) I want to be vegan :)


Best Answer - Chosen by Voters

First you must understand the real definition:
"The word 'veganism' denotes a philosophy and way of living which seeks to exclude — as far as is possible and practical — all forms of exploitation of, and cruelty to, animals for food, clothing or any other purpose; and by extension, promotes the development and use of animal-free alternatives for the benefit of animals, including humans and the environment.


For clothing:
Flax linen
Recycled goods (bicycle innertubes, old plastic bottles...or check out the local thrift store for good deals on perfectly good stuff)
It is best to avoid unnatural materials especially PVC and pleathers as they take a huge toll on the planet. However do not replace unnatural materials with animal products (such as leather, fur, silk and down).

For body care look for products with the leaping bunny logo and ones that specifically say no animal ingredients/testing

For entertainment avoid circuses, zoos, animal fights, and basically anything that uses animals aside from a companion or rescued sense.

For medicines do your best to avoid most commercial drugs and animal tested drugs and stick with natural methods when possible and practical. Many health food and natural type stores will have vegan medicines and natural remedies and some will be able to help find what you need. However if you eat healthy, exercise and don't become germphobic you should keep pretty healthy.

Other little notes: Silk is owned by dean foods one of the largest dairy producers in the U.S. if not the world basically becoming a monopoly, if you can avoid Silk that is preferable.

Always always always read ingredient labels on all products and know what those ingredients are and if they are animal derived or non natural.… (this is a decent list but might be missing stuff)

Try and avoid Hain Celestial when possible they are basically trying to monopolize the natural and organic market and have worked with GMO producer and animal killer Cargill. They are also part owned by Heinz corporation which uses animals as food plus they might have been involved with slavery in Africa.

Hopefully your friend is vegan (not strict veg) and can help you. If you need additional help feel free to PM me and I can help you too the best of my ability

Good luck

Vegan because animals are not property

The best advice would be to consult with your vegan friend about their diet.

As a general rule… with every meal try to consume at least two different colors of vegetables and sneak in some protein somehow- whether is be through beans, nuts or a soy product.
As for supplements (key thing to remember they are just that ‘supplements’), most supply vital vitamins and minerals, since you will be eating such a well-rounded diet either buy one that requires multiply tablet serving suggestion and take half the recommended amount or ? a one-a-day variety (cheaper route).

Visit Vegetarian Times ( for some good advice.

I take a DHA supplement every day made from algae, which I technically wouldn't need if I were much, much more attentive to how many omega-3's I eat. I also either take a B12 supplement each day, eat a fortified food with 100% of my daily B12, or eat some nutritional yeast every day. I sometimes kick off my day with a fortified cereal that is basically equivalent to taking a multivitamin.

I think the best thing to do is talk to your friend, find some yummy vegan recipes to start you off, and read labels. You will make a lot of stumbles and it could take you a few years to really know what's OK to eat/buy and what's not, etc. (I've been vegan since March and I have no idea where I'm going to get my next pair of shoes, and I still haven't found a vegan shampoo I like.) Just go easy on yourself when you mess up, and learn from your mistakes.

Good luck!

im a vegetarian but im only 12 and my dad wont let me become a vegan but i want to when im older
personally i would ease into it like: if drink tea still drink it but without milk, and basically do the same as you did when you became a vegetarian but don't eat any animal products
so stop eating : meat, fish, dairy, eggs but do it slowly as your body wont be able to adjust


Give yourself time to adjust.
Don't stress.
Try go natural as much as possible.

There are many places you can get your vitamins from fruits and vegetables, like iron:…

Go macrobiotic; Maymi Nishimura is a great chef and she has this amazing vegan (macrobiotic) cookbook filled with amazing recipes. It's called Mayumi's Kitchen Macrobiotic Cooking for Body and Soul. I hope this helps. I'm vegan as well and loving it!

Here is a very informative site about the vegan lifestyle that can help you.

didnt u say ur friend was vegan? idk ASK HER!!!!!

Oh ok well a Vegan doesn't eat anything animal related for eg:
Eggs, Milk, Meat, Red meat, Fish etc. Anything that comes from animals basically so if you become one try and have alot of fruit and vegetables. You sure you want to become a Vegan like Gillian McKeith?

The hell is wrong with you. Vegan is terrible for your body.

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